4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; A scoop and various metal containers stored as clean soiled with food, debris, and old sticker residue. Stickers shall be removed entirely prior to the cleaning process. Equipment, food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. CDI - Items moved for thorough cleaning.
3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Numerous containers of recently prepared salads cooling in large portions in various prep coolers. Refer to temperature chart above for temperatures and specific locations. When cooling, use rapid cooling equipment such as the walk-in cooler/walk-in freezer, and spread into smaller portions. CDI - Salads moved to the walk-in cooler to chill rapidly.
4-901.11; Core; Cleaned and sanitized metal containers stacked wet. After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils shall be arranged to air dry completely prior to stacking.
4-302.13; Priority Foundation; Establishment does not have a method for verifying the final rinse temperature of the dish machine. A method for assuring the final rinse temperature is reached as displayed on the machine is required to be maintained on site. CDI - Discussed getting thermo labels, a waterproof thermometer or dish simulator thermometer.
4-302.14; Priority Foundation; No test strips available for sanitizer. A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in MG/L of SANITIZING solutions shall be provided. CDI - Test strips ordered prior to inspection. EHS shown receipt of order.