Location: 1025 Division DR Raleigh, NC 27603 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 09/11/2024
Score: 99
4-501.11; Core - Some refrigerator shelves were cracked/rusty...Food service equipment shall be kept in good repair...Replace damaged shelves with similar approved shelving.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core - Some wire, solid metal shelves and refrigerator door undersides were soiled...Equipment nonfood contact surfaces shall be kept clean...Increase cleaning frequency of surfaces above.
6-501.12; Core - Flooring under cooking equipment was soiled with grease build-up and some ceiling tiles were starting to get dark soot build-up...Physical facilities shall be kept clean...Increase cleaning frequency of surfaces above.
Location: 1025 Division DR Raleigh, NC 27603 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 01/10/2023
Score: 100
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources (No demerit items at the time of inspection.)
Location: 1025 Division DR Raleigh, NC 27603 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 09/29/2022
Score: 100
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources No demerits at the time of inspection.
Location: 1025 Division DR Raleigh, NC 27603 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 03/15/2022
Score: 100
6-202.15; Core; Mesh curtain at open back door not sealed closed when arrived, and observed a few large holes. If the windows or doors of a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT are kept open for ventilation or other purposes, the openings shall be protected against the entry of insects and rodents by: 16 mesh to 25.4 mm (16 mesh to 1 inch) screens; Properly designed and installed air curtains to control flying insects; or Other effective means. Keep the curtain sealed closed and patch the holes.
3-304.12; Core; One pair of tongs stored on low oven handle where can brush up against cloths. During pauses in FOOD preparation or dispensing, FOOD preparation and dispensing UTENSILS shall be stored in the FOOD with their handles above the top of the FOOD, or In a clean, protected location. CDI- Tongs returned for cleaning during inspection.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources No PIC signature today due to COVID-19 precautions. Inspection report is emailed to PIC.
Location: 1025 Division DR Raleigh, NC 27603 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 12/10/2021
Score: 100
2-102.11 (A), (B) and (C) (1), (4) - (16); Priority Foundation; PIC/Knowledge/Duties: PIC does not currently have full Food Allergens awareness. CDI- Educational material provided.
2-501.11; Priority Foundation; PIC does not currently have written procedures available to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the food establishment. CDI- Written procedures and educational material provided to PIC.
3-302.12; Core; Labeling missing on container of spice and squeeze bottles of food ingredients. Working containers holding FOOD or FOOD ingredients that are removed from their original packages for use in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, such as cooking oils, flour, herbs, potato flakes, salt, spices, and sugar shall be identified with the common name of the FOOD. Add labeling to these items.
2-402.11; Core; Beard guards needed for food handlers with fluffy beards. FOOD EMPLOYEES shall wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed FOOD; clean EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, and LINENS; and unwrapped SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources No PIC signature today due to COVID-19 precautions. Inspection report is emailed to PIC.
Location: 1025 Division DR Raleigh, NC 27603 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 05/10/2019
Score: 98.5
General Comments
There is a small leak at the rear of the trailer. It is under the area where the hand sink is located. See if you can figure out what is causing that. I'm not sure if it is fresh water, waste water, condensation or splash from the hand sink.