4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation - Cover electric slicer being stored as clean had some dried food debris on it...Food contact surfaces shall clean to sight and touch...CDI by cleaning slicer.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority- Several cold TCS* foods were above 41F (see temperature chart)...Unless actively preparing, properly cooling or using approved time as a public health control, cold TCS* foods shall be kept at 41F or less throughout entire product...CDI by properly refrigerating foods or putting in ice-water.
3-302.12; Core - Many squeeze bottles of sauces, dressings, and condiments were not labeled with the names of their contents...Unlabeled containers of foods not easily recognizable must be labeled with the common name of food inside...Properly label food containers to denote contents.
4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core - Some clean utensils were stored in containers with crumbs and debris at bottom...Clean utensils and equipment shall be stored in clean, dry location and protected from contamination...Remove debris, crumbs, etc. from bottoms of storage containers.
4-501.11; Core - Some wire shelves were peeling. Upright freezer had ice accumulation around door interior from warm air leaking inside...Food service equipment shall be maintained in good repair and equipment doors and seals shall be kept intact and tight...Replace damaged shelves with similar approved shelving. Remove ice from freezer interiors and ensure gaskets/doors are closing and sealing completely to prevent warm air from entering and condensing inside unit (creating ice accumulation).
4-502.11(A) and (C); Core - Some food containers, lids and dispensing tongs were damaged/cracked...Food service utensils shall be kept in good repair...Discard damaged items.
5-501.111; Core - Cardboard dumpster had several holes/cracks in it...Trash/recycling receptacles shall be kept in good repair...Replace cardboard dumpster.
5-501.115; Core - Old tables and other unused equipment/items were in dumpster enclosure...Enclosures of refuse/recycling receptacles shall be kept clean and free of unnecessary items...Remove old equipment from dumpster enclosure and properly dispose of it.
General Comments
TCS* foods: Time-temperature control for safety foods
3-307.11; Core; Cilantro being dried with a small fan observed with heavy dust accumulation. FOOD shall be protected from contamination that may result from a factor or source not specified under Subparts 3 301 - 3 306.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; The shelving in the walk-in cooler has some residue present. The small white fan being used to dry cilantro has dust accumulation. NonFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, FOOD residue, and other debris.
5-501.115; Core; Tables and other unused equipment observed in the dumpster area. A storage area and enclosure for REFUSE, recyclables, or returnables shall be maintained free of unnecessary items, as specified under sec. 6 501.114, and clean. Remove the items no longer in use.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Cooked octopus and Pico was observed holding between 43-45F in the reach-in cooler. TCS foods that are being held cold shall be maintained at 41F or less. CDI- food items were cooled down in the walk-in cooler.
4-501.11; Core; Ice buildup is present on the floor of the walk-in freezer outside. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair.