Location: 3901 Capital BLVD Unit 169 RALEIGH, NC 27604 Facility Type: Tattoo Inspection Date: 12/13/2023
Score: 0
Vinyl on client recliner/table was torn in several areas and no longer easy to clean...Furniture shall be easily cleanable...Repair damaged vinyl on recliner so surfaces are smooth and easy to clean and disinfectant or replace recliner if needed.
Outside dumpster used to discard trash produced by tattoo artist had one missing top lid and one broken lid...Outdoor solid waste containers shall be watertight and with tight lids...Work with property owner to replace damaged dumpster.
General Comments
Discussion: Use Barbicide available in establishment to disinfect surfaces in tattoo room (furniture, sink areas, areas touched by client, etc.). Follow instructions on label and leave on surfaces for at least 10 minutes before wiping off or allow to air dry...New permit issued today.