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Langston Ridge Swim Club

1202 Redwood Valley LN

Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools

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Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/11/2024
Score: 12

#  Comments Points
7. Clean the walls and floor of the pool to remove the floating debris. Pool walls and floor must remain clean. 4.0
8. There was some floating debris in the baskets. There were three missing weirs on the pool. The missing weirs were replaced. 4.0
16. There was a section of the fence that was missing some screws the fence was repaired during the inspection. The pool chairs near the back of the fence was on the fence and could be used as step stool into the pool. The chairs must be moved away from the fence. 4.0
17. GC. There were several cracks on the pool deck. The cracks can cause a trip hazard. 0.0
24. GC. The bond wire is attached at the visible point at the time of the inspection. There was no imminent hazard found in the pump room at the time of the inspection. If repairs are needed, obtain an electrical permit from the appropriate agency and have all done by an electrician and inspected. 0.0
General Comments
The doors leading from the club house to the parking lot must remain closed and locked during the operating hours of the pool. The door in both restrooms leading to the club house that lead to the parking lot must remain closed and locked during the operating hours of the pool.

No night swimming permitted.
New seasonal permit has been issued.
Miles Chalmers is the CPO Wake County number is 6180 and National number is CPO-qe-44rku

Wake County Plan Review and Recreational Sanitation Section recommends pools be hyper chlorinated at least twice a month. This activity should be accurately logged on the CPO check list form.

No night swimming.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/17/2023
Score: 18

#  Comments Points
7. Clean the pool walls and floors to remove the floating debris. Pool walls and floors must be kept clean. 4.0
8. Replace the missing weirs on the pools. All equipment must be in good repair and functioning properly. 4.0
15. The rope on the ring buoy were less than 50 feet. The rope on the rings were at 42 feet. The rope be at least 50 feet. CDI.. The rope was corrected to be 50 feet. 6.0
17. There were several cracks on the pool deck. The cracks can cause a trip hazard. 4.0
General Comments
No night swimming is permitted.
A seasonal permit has been issued.

Dominique Bingness is the CPO her national number is C-018659 and expires 3/28. Her Wake County number is 5216 and it expires on 3/28.

The club house doors are to remain closed and locked during of the pool. The guest are only to enter from and exit from the two side doors. The club house doors are to remain closed and locked during pool season and during pool hours.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/27/2022
Score: 16

#  Comments Points
7. Clean the pool walls and the floors of the pool to remove the floating debris. Pool walls and floors must be kept clean and free of debris.. 4.0
8. Clean the skimmers baskets to remove the floating debris. There must be no floating debris in the baskets. 4.0
17. There were several cracks and gaps on the pool deck. The cracks and gaps can cause a trip hazard. 4.0
24. The flow meter was not working at the start of the inspection . A new flow meter has been installed. The flow meter was working properly at the time of the inspection. There was no imminent hazards found at the time of the inspection. Have an electrician evaluate all of the components to determine if they are working properly. If repairs are needed obtain the correct permits. Have the corrections made and inspected. 4.0
29. GC. The hot water in the restroom got up to 125F. The hot water at the handwashing sinks must be no more than 110F. The hot water can cause a burn hazard. 0.0
General Comments
Wake County Plan Review and Recreational Sanitation Section recommends pools be hyper chlorinated at least twice a month. This activity should be accurately logged on the CPO check list form.

No night swimming.

Permit issued

Andrew Bell is the CPO
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/27/2021
Score: 6

#  Comments Points
17. There were several cracks and gaps on the pool deck. The cracks and gaps can cause ad trip hazard. 4.0
24. No imminent hazard found at the time of the inspection. Have an electrician evaluate all components to determine if in good repair. If electrician finds repairs are needed obtain an electrical permit from the appropriate agencies and have the corrections inspected. 0.0
29. The hot water at the handwashing sink got up to 130F. The hot water at the handwashing sink must be no more than 110F. The hot water at 130F can cause a burn hazard. 2.0
General Comments
Wake County Plan Review and Recreational Sanitation Section recommends pools be hyper chlorinated at least twice a month. This activity should be accurately logged on the CPO check list form.

No night swimming.

Keep the pool chairs from being on the fence to prevent a foothold situation.

The doors from the pool leading into the club house must stay locked during the time the pool is in operation. The doors do not have an alarm and there is no attendant at the pool. The two doors must stay locked.
No signature required due to COVID
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/30/2020
Score: 8

#  Comments Points
11. One ladder not tightened down, not tight agains wall. One ladder not tightened down. 2.0
24. Must have two baskets for each pump. 4.0
25. Equipment room not dry. 2.0
General Comments
Wake County Plan Review and Recreational Sanitation Section recommends pools be hyper chlorinated at least twice a month. This activity should be accurately logged on the CPO check list form.

This pool must remain closed until the local and state closure orders currently in effect as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic are terminated.

No night swimming.

Pool staff and patrons are strongly encouraged to comply with the most current CDC guidance concerning social distancing related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/10/2019
Score: 10

#  Comments Points
7. Clean the floor and walls of the pool. All pools must be clean. 4.0
8. Clean the baskets to remove the floating debris. Replace the weir that is missing on the 5 feet end. 4.0
11. Reattach the ladder to make it flush to the wall on the 5 ft end of the pool. 2.0
23. Operating with Erosion Feed. The Chemical Feed was not hooked up at the time of the inspection. This is a general comment. 0.0
General Comments
Wake County Plan Review and Recreational Sanitation Section recommends pools be hyper chlorinated at least twice a month. This activity should be accurately logged on the CPO check list form.

No night swimming permitted. The permit issued. The CPO is Christopher Gagliano his national number is CPO-229905 and expires on 4/6/2024. His Wake number is 5881 and expires on 4/11/24
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 05/04/2018
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
7. Vacuum pool floor. 4.0
21. No Night Swimming. 0.0
23. Operating on erosion feeded at this visit. Chem Feeder No Hooked Up At This Inspection. 0.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 04/20/2017
Score: 4

#  Comments Points
8. Keep baskets free of debris. 4.0
General Comments
No night swim.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Langston Ridge Swim Club
Location: 1202 Redwood Valley LN KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545
Facility Type: Seasonal Swimming Pools
Inspection Date: 09/24/2016
Score: 0

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Opening inspection for new pool.
No Night Swimming.
General Comments: 17-No furniture allowed along shallow end edge of pool to maintain clear walk space on pool deck. 29-No mirrors provided in restrooms. 16-Restroom doors must also be self-closing/self-latching in case clubhouse & pool is rented out.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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