Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains in the following school locations: cafeteria dining room #1002, girls bathroom entrance #3201, boys bathroom entrance #3203, girls bathroom entrance #2201, and at boys bathroom entrance #2203.
Repair leaks on the flush valves of toilets in the end stalls of boys and girls bathrooms #1007 and #1009. Remove lids on toilets in the special needs class bathrooms #1203A and #1203B. The lids on these toilets make it impossible to use the attached toilet bowl sprayers that are necessary for clean up. Repair toilet in the end stall of the girls bathroom #1401. This toilet has poor water flow for flushing. Repair toilet that has a water pipe leak in girls bathroom #3201. Repair toilet that has poor water flow for flushing in the third stall from the rows end in girls bathroom #2201. Repair toilet that has poor water flow for flushing in classroom bathroom #1813A.
Replace damaged hand wash sink in classroom #1901B. This hand wash sink has a chipped and broken interior basin. The damaged hand wash sink should be replaced due to the potential of injury hazards caused by cuts received from sharp broken edges in the sink.
Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the following school locations: over the ramp walkway in room #1010 from gym floor to stage, in the media center work room #1011B, in the custodial loading dock room #1014 at the roof access ladder, in room #3210, in room #1105, in custodial closet #2110, and in classroom #1506 around support beam in front of window. Replace water damaged and stained ceiling tiles in all leak locations after the sources of these leaks have been fixed. Replace broken ceiling tile in classroom #1508. Complete the installation of missing exterior windows in the following school locations: on both the third and second floor hallways adjacent to the entrances of stairway #S-2, and in the exterior entry/exit door in stairway #S-3. Repair entry door into staff bathroom #2111. This door does not fit the frame and will not shut. Raised cement floor pads where student lockers will be located on the third floor hallway should be blocked off until locker installation is completed. These currently uncovered raised cement floor pads could create potential trip and fall hazards for students and staff. The pads should not be left exposed.
Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in the following school locations: in hallway room/open space #2105, in the music room #1107, in room #2108C, and through out the length of the #1800 and #1900 hallway. Completion of the installation of the canned ceiling lights in the #1800 and #1900 hallway is a priority item due to lack of illumination.
General Comments
Initial sanitation inspection of new school building and premises.