Location: 4928 Linksland DR HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 05/10/2024
Score: 97.5
2-102.12 (A); Core; There isn't a certified food protection manager present at the time of inspection. There must always be a CFPM onsite whenever there is food/equipment prep or handling. The CFPM should be certified through an ANSI-certified course and exam. See ANSI website for a list of approved courses and exams. Recommend having multiple people certified to ensure there is always a CFPM available. Per last inspection, owner is working to obtain his certification.
3-501.18; Priority; Temperature control for safety, ready to eat foods such as deli meats, meatballs, pizza sauce, southweat egg rolls, corn dogs, etc. observed without a date mark. These items shall be dated to indicate the day they were opened, prepared, or moved from freezer into walk in cooler in order to determine the 7 day shelf life. Corrected During Inspection - Discussed with PIC who will ensure these items are dated.
Location: 4928 Linksland DR HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 11/06/2023
Score: 97
2-102.12 (A); Core; There isn't a certified food protection manager present at the time of inspection. There must always be a CFPM onsite whenever there is food/equipment prep or handling. The CFPM should be certified through an ANSI-certified course and exam. See ANSI website for a list of approved courses and exams. Recommend having multiple people certified to ensure there is always a CFPM available. Per last inspection, owner is working to obtain his certification.
4-703.11; Priority; The utensil/plate temperature of the hot water dish machine is only reaching 134 F. After being cleaned, equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be sanitized in a hot water mechanical operation by being cycled through equipment that is set up as specified by the data plate to achieve a utensil surface temperature of 160 F as measured by an irreversible registering thermometer or heat strips. Corrected During Inspection - Facility will only wash dishes in the three compartment sink until dish machine repairs can be made. Inspector advised PIC to put "out of order, do not use" sign on machine and begin utilizing three compartment sink only. Facility has bleach sanitizer test strips on site as well as quaternary ammonia and test strips for this as well. PIC will email inspector once dish machine has been repaired.
4-501.112; Priority Foundation; The sanitization temperature gauge on the hot water dish machine does not work and remains at 0 during the entire cycle. In a mechanical operation, the temperature of the hot water sanitizing rinse shall be 180 F. Corrected During Inspection - Facility will only wash dishes in the three compartment sink until dish machine repairs can be made. Inspector advised PIC to put "out of order, do not use" sign on machine and begin utilizing three compartment sink only. Facility has bleach sanitizer test strips on site as well as quaternary ammonia and test strips for this as well. PIC will email inspector once dish machine has been repaired.
4-501.113; Core; Sanitizer pressure gauge is registering at 5 PSI. The flow pressure of the hot water sanitizing rinse in a warewashing machine shal lbe within the range as per the date plate, which states 20 PSI.
4-501.110; Priority Foundation; Wash solution temperature gauge is only reaching 134 F, though the data plate requires the machine to reach at least 150 F. The temperature of the wash solution shall be 150 F. Corrected During Inspection - Facility will only wash dishes in the three compartment sink until dish machine repairs can be made. Inspector advised PIC to put "out of order, do not use" sign on machine and begin utilizing three compartment sink only. Facility has bleach sanitizer test strips on site as well as quaternary ammonia and test strips for this as well. PIC will email inspector once dish machine has been repaired.
4-302.13; Priority Foundation; Facility was unable to locate their temperature measuring device for the hot water dish machine in order to verify the utensil temperature. In a hot water mechanical warewashing operation, an irreversible registering thermometer or heat strips shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the utensil surface temperature. Verification required - PIC will email a picture to inspector once found or purchased (chelsea.vincent@wake.gov).
5-501.115; Core; Old freezer observed in dumpster corral. A storage area and enclosure for refuse shall be maintained free of unnecessary items and kept clean.
5-501.114; Core; Dumpster on left side of corral is missing a drain plug. Drains in receptacles shall have drain plugs.
Location: 4928 Linksland DR HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 08/14/2023
Score: 99.5
2-102.12 (A); Core; 0 points; Facility has until the end of the transitional permit period to comply with this requirement. There must always be a CFPM onsite whenever there is food/equipment prep or handling. The CFPM should be certified through an ANSI-certified course and exam. See ANSI website for a list of approved courses and exams. Recommend having multiple people certified to ensure there is always a CFPM available. Owner is working to obtain his certification.
4-302.12; Priority Foundation; Priority Foundation; Facility has a thick stem dial top thermometer to use as a food thermometer. Because this facility serves thin foods (pizza), a thin stem thermometer is required. Please obtain a thin stem thermometer, recommend an inexpensive thin stem digital thermometer. Send image of new thermometer to meghan.scott@wake.gov by 8/24/23.
General Comments
The following repairs on the transitional permit must be completed by 9/9/23: 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Owner is working towards these repairs; has replacement shelving onsite for install and has contacted a repair company for other required repairs.
Location: 4928 Linksland DR HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 04/26/2023
Score: 98
5-202.12; Core; Hot water is not available at the handsink on the cookline. Owner is in contact with a plumber regarding repair of this sink and several other piping areas. Secondary sink is available beside reach-in freezer nearby.
7-201.11; Priority; A spray bottle of sanitizer was stored hanging on shelving above large floor mixer. Chemicals and cleanrs shall be stored separately from all food, equipment, and other areas that could be contaminated. CDI-Bottle was moved next to sanitizer bucket under a prep table.
4-501.11; Core; Multiple items throughout the kitchen are in need of repair (rusting shelves, torn gaskets, damaged cooler lids and hinges, unsealed FRP, etc). These items are detailed for repair on the transitional permit. Owner is in progress working towards these repairs.
General Comments
This facility is operating under a Transitional Permit. All repair items detailed on the Transitional Permit must be completed by the expiration date listed on the permit to prevent expiration of the permit and requirement for establishment to close until a new permit can be issued. Please contact Meghan Scott at meghan.scott@wakegov.com or 919-868-6416 with any questions regarding the Transitional Permit, for a new copy of the permit, or to schedule a visit when repair items are complete.