Repair and replace missing toilet in the culinary arts classroom bathroom #1210 C. Repair toilet in the end stall of girls bathroom #4221. The water pressure is too strong in this toilet causing it to overflow when flushed.
Sinks in science lab classrooms #4208, #4210, #4211 and #4303 are nonfunctional and have no water flow. These science lab class sinks should be repaired to function properly.
Ceiling access panel door in boys bathroom #503 is open and should be closed and locked. Replace broken floor/wall base tile in the second stall of girls bathroom #3114. Replace missing ceiling sprinkler cover in boys bathroom #2406. There is a hole in the bathroom ceiling at this location due to the missing sprinkler cover.
Drain flies are present in boys bathroom #3217. Pest control treatments are needed in this restroom.
General Comments
Repair leak on compressor in the walk in freezer in the culinary arts classroom #1210.
Repair broken door latch on the girls locker room #1323 entrance doorway. (Priority safety repair and concern. This door latch can not be unlocked or opened from the inside of the locker room if it is locked from the outside hall. Please repair A.S.A.P.)
Items including water dispensers for football team, an unused ice machine, and office furniture were stored in the bathroom area of locker room #315. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations. The storage of these items in this locker room bathroom are an impediment to the cleaning and repair of this restroom facility. Please remove.