Location: 1814 Oberlin RD Suite 106 RALEIGH, NC 27608 Facility Type: Food Stand Inspection Date: 08/28/2024
Score: 97.5
2-102.12 (A); Core; No one present during inspection with an approved certification. The PERSON IN CHARGE shall be a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM. Discussed with PIC that the store is planning to do a group testing session soon to have at least one person on each shift certified. No points deducted within first 180 days of transitional permit. CDI
4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Food remaining in dicer on clean dish rack. All other items clean. EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES and UTENSILS shall be clean to sight and touch. Returned to dish area to be washed again. CDI
3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Open bag of chicken and beef in cabinet of makeline lacking date. Some foods labeled with the day of the week on the sticker but not with a numerical date. Food shall be dated then prepared or original packaging opened. PIC explained the container in the top of the makeline is replaced when a new bag is opened and held for up to 7 days and the container is reused until the bag is gone. Bag dated during inspection. Continue to use the number for the date on the stickers and replace the container in the makeline each time it is emptied. Date the bag and the container. CDI
3-304.14; Core; Spray bottle of sanitizer stored above prep table where dough is being portioned. Sanitizer shall be stored where not a source of contamination to equipment, food, linens and other food items. Relocated spray bottle. CDI
4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Small amount of crumbs in containers holding clean dishes. Store clean equipment in clean containers. Clean containers as necessary on clean dish rack.
4-903.11(A) and (C); Core; Open pizza box, not in original packaging has food contact surface touching the outside of plastic packaging of another set of boxes. Single service articles shall be stored in a clean, dry location and protected from contamination. Store boxes to protect food surface.