2-201.12; Priority; Employee observed engaging in food preparation with open cut on arm. The person in charge shall restrict a food employee who is infected with a skin lesion containing pus such as a boil or infected wound that is open or draining and not properly covered as specified under Subparagraph 2 201.11(A)(1)(e). Corrected During Inspection - PIC immediately gave employee bandage to cover the wound and was encouraged to also put wrapping around the area to act as a double barrier.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Make unit to left of flat top observed maintaining 42-45 F. Temperature control for safety foods such as ham, roast beef, pastrami, and turkey are all maintaining 45 F. Temperature control for safety foods shall be maintained at 41 F or less. Corrected During Inspection - Discussed utilizing Time as a Public Health Control for items frequently in use during busy hours of operation as well. Cooler was rearranged to have nonTCS foods on right hand side closest to flat top and TCS foods on left side to ensure products are maintaining 41 F or less. Full points not deducted as facility has made large improvement with cold temperatures that were failing to maintain 41 F during last inspection.
3-302.15; Core; Avocados being actively cut on front service area prep line still have stickers in tact. Raw fruits and vegetables shall be thoroughly washed in water to remove soil and other contaminants before being cut.
3-304.12; Core; Knives are being stored in between cracks of make unit at prep line. Utensil shall be stored on a clean portion of the food prep table.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; French toast batter (54 F),liquid eggs (45 F), marinara (48 F), cheese (60 F), and salami (57 F) observed sitting on counter top upon arrival for inspection. Make unit to left of flat top observed maintaining 45 F. Temperature control for safety foods such as ham, roast beef, pastrami, turkey, lettuce and tomatoes are all maintaining 45 F. Temperature control for safety foods shall be maintained at 41 F or less. Corrected During Inspection - PIC immediately removed items from counter top to chill down quickly. Discussed with PIC that TCS products cannot sit on counter tops as temperature will not maintain 41 F or less. Discussed utilizing Time as a Public Health Control for items frequently in use during busy hours of operation as well. Cooler temperatures will be adjusted to maintained lower temperature at 41 F or less.
7-204.11 ; Priority; Chlorine sanitizer buckets in front prep area observed above 200ppm. Chemical sanitiziers applied to food contact surfaces shall be at the appropriate concentration (50-200ppm). Corrected During Inspection - PIC immediately removed these buckets to remake them at the appropriate concentration.
3-305.11; Core; Food items in walk in freezer are stored directly on floor. Food shall be stored at least 6 inches off of floor.
3-307.11; Core; Facility's outdoor walk in cooler is in operation, but facility is not keep this unit locked when not in use, therefore anyone could go in and out of this unit at any given time. Corrected During Inspection - PIC locked unit during inspection. Inspector emphasized the importance of food security and ensuring only food employees are allowed to access this unit.
4-903.11(A) and (C); Core; Single use items, such as to go containers, observed being stored on floor in storage areas due to shelving not being 6 inches off of floor. Single use items shall be stored 6 inches off of floor.
6-501.12; Core; Dust build up observed on ceilings throughout facility. Grease build up on hood above cook line. Physical facilities shall be maintained clean.
6-403.11; Core; Upon arrival for inspection, there were several employee drinks sitting on prep surfaces. Employees must eat and drink only in designated areas were food, equipment, linens, etc. are protected from contamination. Corrected During Inspection - Drinks were immediately removed and discarded.
2-102.12 (A); Core; At the time of inspection, the PIC and other managers had a Food Handler Certification, but no one has the Food Protection Manager Certification. The person in charge shall be a certified food protection manager.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Temperature control for safety foods inside make unit (lettuce/tomato/ham/roast beef 45 F) and low boy (sausage/ham 43 F) at cook line as well as in front display cooler (cheesecakes 50 F) were not maintaining 41 F or less. Temperature control for safety foods shall be maintained at 41 F or less. Corrected During Inspection - Facility was able to lower the temperatures of the coolers at the time of inspection in order to achieve 41 F.
3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Potato salad observed cooling in walk in cooler with tight fitting lid on top and stored on lower shelving. Cooling shall be achieved by loosely covering or uncovering the product, if protected from overhead contamination, to facilitate heat transfer from the surface of the food. Corrected During Inspection - PIC uncovered the products and placed the food on the top shelf closest to the fan.
6-501.111; Core; Fruit flies observed throughout baking area at the time of inspection. The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents and other pests.
6-202.13; Core; Fly light that is used to electrocute/stun flies installed directly over prep surface in baking area. Sticky fly strips observed over food prep areas as well as storage areas. Insect control devices shall be designed to retain the insect within the device, so dead insect and insect fragments are prevented from being impelling onto or falling onto exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, etc. Insect control devices are not to be located over a food preparation area.
4-903.11(A) and (C); Core; Single use items, such as to go containers, observed being stored on floor in storage areas. Single use items shall be stored 6 inches off of floor.
6-501.12; Core; Dust build up observed on ceilings throughout facility. Grease build up on hood above cook line. Physical facilities shall be maintained clean.
6-202.11; Core; Protective shielding missing on light fixture above three compartment sink. Lights shall be shielded, coated, or otherwise shatter-resistant.
3-304.12; Core; Found scoop handle touching product in several dry goods containers. Store in product with handles up and extending out of foods.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Some soil-debris on wire shelving in kitchen and walk in cooler. Non-food contact surfaces shall be clean to sight and touch.
6-403.11; Core Drinks above single service items on wire shelf near restrooms. Employees’ beverages shall be stored covered and below and away from food, food preparation surfaces, single service items and clean food equipment/utensils.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Back walk in cooler not holding at 41F. Cold potentially hazardous food shall be kept at 41F or below. Delivery at time of inspection but center of butter is temping at 45F. Adjust or repair. Facility has sufficient coolers to handle if unit is down.
3-305.11; Core; Large open bag of flour on floor. Food shall be protected from contamination by storing at least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Some sticky wire shelving to right of oven. Non-food contact surfaces shall be clean to sight and touch. No points taken.
6-403.11; Core; Cell phones, drinks and food in various locations above single service items and food service areas. Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be used for the orderly storage of employee clothing and other possessions. Areas designated for employees to eat, drink, and use tobacco shall be located so that food equipment, linens and single-service are protected from contamination. You may keep items on a bottom shelf.
2-501.11; Priority Foundation; 0 points; Facility does not have a plan for the clean up of vomit and diarrheal events. Plan was emailed to PIC; please keep this plan onsite at all times for future reference and inspections.
4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Internal components of ice machine surrounding ice mold blocks have significant accumulation of black residue. Food-contact surfaces shall be maintained clean. Empty ice machine and provide a thorough wash, rinse, and sanitize to all components. Verification Required; Send image of clean internal ice machine to EHS by 11/10.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Foods in the display cooler in the front serving area were measured from 42-44F. Door was observe to be open before EHS took temperatures in this cooler. Keep door closed and set temperature to 38F or below. Foods in the back walk-in cooler were measured at 41-45F. Thermometer in cooler observed at 50F. PIC states that the door was help open during this morning's delivery; items from delivery observed in this cooler and attached freezer. CDI-Cooler later observed to be at 44F. Ensure temperature of this cooler continues to decrease. During deliveries, ensure door is not held open. Recommend plastic air curtains to retain temperature when door is opened. Recommend temperature in unit be set to 38F or below.
3-501.18; Priority; Pasta salad and macaroni salad in the walk-in cooler were marked with dates of 10/25, exceeding the 7 day hold limit. Note that items in the walk-in cooler marked with both prep and expiration dates allowed 8 days of hold time instead of 7. Ensure employees count the day of prep as day 1 out of 7. Example, an item prepared on 11/1 shall have a discard date of 11/7. Potentially hazardous food shall be held for a maximum of 7 days with the date of prep counting as day 1 out of 7. CDI-Foods were discarded by PIC.
3-603.11; Priority Foundation; Disclosure statement was missing from menu for items marked with asterisks and offered undercooked. All items offered undercooked shall be marked with an asterisk and a disclosure statement shall be included on the menu. Add the following language to the menu: "Items cooked to order.Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your rick of foodborne illness." This statement can be printed on paper and taped to the menu or the menu boards can be reprinted. Verification Required; Please send a picture of corrected menu to EHS by 11/10.
3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Marinara sauce in the walk-in cooler was measured to be cooling at 0.11F/min. For foods to cool from 135F to 70F within 2 hours, the food shall be cooling at a rate of at least 0.51F/min. Sauce was cooling in a deep container. Sliced roast beef in the prep cooler was measured to be cooling at 0.06F/min. For foods to cool from 70F to 41F within 4 hours, the food shall be cooling at a rate of at least 0.12F/min. The roast beef was wrapped in portions and stacked together in the prep cooler. Foods shall cool in thin layers, in shallow pans, using rapid cooling equipment, using ice wands, and any other effective means. CDI-Marinara sauce was portioned into several containers for more rapid cooling and roast beef was spread out in the walk-in cooler.
4-302.12; Priority Foundation; A food temperature measuring device was not available during the inspection. A thin probe food thermometer shall be available at all times in the kitchen. Highly recommend ordering several inexpensive digital food thermometers. Verification Required; Please send image of new thermometers to EHS by 11/10.
3-305.11; Core; 0 points; Observed multiple small insects in the rye flour stored in the back storage area. Food shall be protected from contamination. Ensure lids are always firmly sealed to prevent entry of insects and recommend pest control in this storage area (use restaurant-safe products only; see manufacturer instructions and EPA approbvals). CDI-Flour discarded.
3-304.12; Core; 0 points; In between use, knives were stored hung inside the top sections of a prep cooler with the blades stored between the interior side of the cooler and the food storage containers. This area of the prep cooler is not regularly washed, rinsed, and sanitized. In between use, utensils shall be stored on a clean, dry surface. Recommend holding knives in a tall food safe container when not in use. CDI-Knives removed for cleaning.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; 0 points; Shelving in the center of the kitchen (between cook line and bagel oven) has significant accumulation of dust. Equipment shall be maintained clean. Clean shelving frequently.
General Comments
TCS Foods: Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods, previously named Potentially Hazardous Foods.
If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to call 919-868-6416 or email meghan.scott@wakegov.com
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources Follow-Up: 11/10/2021