Location: 1600 OLIVE CHAPEL RD Ste 728 APEX, NC 27502 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 06/01/2024
Score: 95.5
3-302.11; Priority; Observed a container of raw, unpasteurized eggs stored on top of water bottles in the refrigerator. Food shall be protected from cross contamination by separated raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from raw ready-to-eat foods and cooked ready-to-eat foods. CDI - Eggs were moved to prevent cross contamination.
3-501.16(A)(1); Priority; A couple TCS foods in the steam table were holding below 135F, see table. TCS (time/temp control for safety) foods in hot holding shall be maintained at 135F or above. CDI - Foods were prepared less than 4 hours ago, PIC reheated foods to be above 135F then replaced in steam table.
2-402.11; Core; At the start of the inspection, food employees were not wearing hair restraints while preparing food. Food employees shall wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles. CDI - Food employees donned hair nets.
4-205.10; Core; The chest freezer next to the refrigerator is not restaurant-grade or ANSI standard. Food equipment shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's intended use and certified or classified for sanitation by an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited certification program. Replace chest freezer.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Observed grease buildup on the hood vents. Nonfood contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Clean hood vents.
General Comments
15A NCAC 18A .2607; The pushcart/mobile food unit permit holder shall provide the regulatory authority in each county in which food service operations are proposed a list of locations where they will operate. Such lists must be kept current.
If there are food or sanitation questions, contact your Registered Environmental Health Specialist at Samantha.Sparano@wake.gov or 919-618-8964.
Location: 1600 OLIVE CHAPEL RD Ste 728 APEX, NC 27502 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 12/05/2023
Score: 99
4-205.10; Core; The chest free in the mobile unit is not a restaurant grade ANSI standard unit of equipment that is approved for use in a permitted food service facility.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Clean around the grill and cooking equipment. Clean the shelves under the grill. Equipment must be kept free of an accumulation of dirt, dust. food residue, and other debris.
4-204.11; Core; Clean the hoods to remove the grease build-up. Exhaust ventilation hood systems in Food preparation and warewashing areas including components such as hoods, fans, guards, and ducting must be designed to prevent grease or condensation from draining or dripping onto Food, Equipment, Utensils, and Single-Service.
Location: 1600 OLIVE CHAPEL RD Ste 728 APEX, NC 27502 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 03/02/2023
Score: 99.5
4-205.10; Core; Chest freezer in mobile food unit is not a restaurant grade/ANSI standard unit of equipment that is approved for use in permitted food service facilities.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources
Location: 1600 OLIVE CHAPEL RD Ste 728 APEX, NC 27502 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 12/07/2022
Score: 99
3-305.11; Core; Crock pot of rice was on the floor in mobile food unit. Food product for customers must be stored at least six inches above the floor. Manager moved crock pot to a location above the floor prior to the end of the inspection.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources
Location: 1600 OLIVE CHAPEL RD Ste 728 APEX, NC 27502 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 08/13/2022
Score: 98.5
3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; For potentially hazardous foods temperature controls for food safety shall be maintained. Hot foods on steam table including fried rice, chicken, and pork had hot holding temps between 120-126 degrees F. Hot foods must be kept at temps. at or above 135 degrees F. Manager pulled these items from the steam table and reheated all the food product to a temp of 165 degrees F. or greater to correct. The manager also increased the gas flow to the steam table to correct the hot holding issues.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources