Location: 8320 LITCHFORD RD 108 RALEIGH, NC 27615-3860 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 08/16/2024
Score: 97.5
5-202.12; Core; Hot water at handsink 80F. A handwashing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 38oC (100oF) through a mixing valve or combination faucet.
3-501.17; Priority; Pasta salad, lettuce and steak prepped previous day not date marked. TCS foods prepped 24 hrs shall be date marked. CDI: Items date marked.
Location: 8320 LITCHFORD RD 108 RALEIGH, NC 27615-3860 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 02/16/2024
Score: 96
5-202.12; Core; Observed hot water at hand sink 57F. A handwashing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 100F through a mixing valve or combination faucet. Adjust hot water temperature to meet requirement.
6-301.11; Priority Foundation;At the beginning of inspection, observed soap not dispensing at the hand sink. Each handwashing sink or group of 2 adjacent handwashing sinks shall be provided with a supply of hand cleaning liquid, powder, or bar soap.Soap obtained.
3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Observed pork and beef holding below 135F. TCS foods shall be held at 135F or greater. Items reheated.
3-501.18; Priority; Observed no date marking on open repackaged hot dogs and mozzarella cheese. ...Food specified in par. 3 501.17(A) or (B) shall be discarded if it:
(1) Exceeds the temperature and time combination specified in par. 3-501.17(A), except time that the product is frozen; P
(2) Is in a container or package that does not bear a date or day; P or
(3) Is appropriately marked with a date or day that exceeds a temperature and time combination as specified. Items dated.
3-302.15; Core;Observed PLU stickers on washed, RTE avocados held inside cold top stations. Raw fruits and vegetables that are intended for washing by the consumer before consumption, raw fruits and vegetables shall be thoroughly washed in water to remove soil and other contaminants before being cut, combined with other ingredients, cooked, served, or offered for human consumption in ready-to eat form. Remove stickers before washing all produce.
3-304.12; Core; Observed food debris inside a bus tub storing clean food equipment under the grill. Cleaned and sanitized equipment, utensils, linens, and single service articles or single use articles shall be stored:
(1) In a clean, dry location;
(2) Where they are not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; and
(3) At least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
Location: 8320 LITCHFORD RD 108 RALEIGH, NC 27615-3860 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 08/23/2023
Score: 95
3-301.12; Priority; Observed personal drink stored on prep sink drain board. An employee shall eat, drink, or use any form of tobacco only in designated areas where the contamination of exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; unwrapped single service and single use articles; or other items needing protection can not result- item removed.
2-301.14; Priority; Observed only one handwash during the inspection. Observed one team member washing gloves and another team member crack raw shell eggs with gloved hands then change tasks to handle RTE tacos. Hands shall be washed: After handling soiled equipment or utensils; During food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross contamination when changing tasks; When switching between working with raw food and working with ready to eat food ; Before donning gloves for working with food; P and After engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands.Manager interrupted activities and request hand wash-team member washed hands.
2-301.15; Priority Foundation; Observed team member rinse gloves inside food prep sink instead of washing hands with soap and water in the hand sink. Food employees shall clean their hands in handwashing sink or approved automatic handwashing facility and may not clean their hands in a sink used for food preparation or warewashing, or in a service sink or a curbed cleaning facility used for the disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste- item washed.Manager will provide training for handwashing.
3-302.11;Priority;Observed raw beef stored above cooked potatoes inside reach in cooler. Food shall be protected from cross contamination: Separate raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: raw ready-to-eat food including other raw animal food such as fish for sushi or, or other raw ready-to-eat food such as fruits and vegetables. EHS rearranged storage hierarchy.
3-304.11; Priority; Observed cooked rice stored directly inside of a grocery bag while in hot holding, this item is not designed for food storage and is not a multiuse item- item discarded. Food shall only contact surfaces of: Equipment and utensils that are cleaned. Keep food protected in food grade containers for storage.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Observed cole slaw and raw ground beef mixture prepared yesterday holding above 41F- items discarded.TCS foods shall be held at 41F or below.
3-501.17; Priority; Observed soft white cheese without date marking.Food specified in par. 3 501.17(A) or (B) shall be discarded if it:
(1) Exceeds the temperature and time combination specified in par. 3-501.17(A), except time that the product is frozen; P
(2) Is in a container or package that does not bear a date or day; P or
(3) Is appropriately marked with a date or day that exceeds a temperature and time combination as specified. Item dated.
Observed dead gnat inside cold top station under avocado. The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents, and other pests. The presence of insects, rodents, and other pests shall be controlled to eliminate their presence on the premises by:
(A) Routinely inspecting incoming shipments of food and supplies;
(B) Routinely inspecting the premises for evidence of pests;
(C) Using methods, if pests are found, such as trapping devices and
(D) Eliminating harborage conditions.- item removed If issue persists, Call pest control.
Location: 8320 LITCHFORD RD 108 RALEIGH, NC 27615-3860 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 10/07/2022
Score: 100
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources PIC could not sign due to technical difficulties
Location: 8320 LITCHFORD RD 108 RALEIGH, NC 27615-3860 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 03/05/2022
Score: 97.5
3-302.11; Priority; Raw shell eggs stored above cooked beans and cheese in small cold-hold unit. FOOD shall be protected from cross contamination by: Arranging each type of FOOD in EQUIPMENT so that cross contamination of one type with another is prevented, and in order of final cook temperature. CDI- Eggs moved during inspection and educational material provided.
3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Rice at 103F and chicken at 129F not holding hot enough in hot-hold unit. Maintain hot Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods at 135F and above. CDI- Foods reheated to at least 165F corrective.
7-102.11; Priority Foundation; Sour cream container being reused as a Sanitizer bucket, not relabeled. Working containers used for storing POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS such as cleaners and SANITIZERS taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common NAME of the material. CDI- Container relabeled during inspection. Obtain a different container for this purpose.
4-502.13; Core; Sour cream container being reused as sanitizer bucket. SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES may not be reused. Obtain reuse container for storing the sanitizer.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources No PIC signature today due to COVID-19 precautions. Inspection report is emailed to PIC.
Location: 8320 LITCHFORD RD 108 RALEIGH, NC 27615-3860 Facility Type: Mobile Food Units Inspection Date: 11/04/2021
Score: 95
2-102.11 (A), (B) and (C) (1), (4) - (16); Priority Foundation; PIC/Knowledge/Duties: PIC does not currently have full knowledge of food allergens. CDI- Food Allergens educational material provided.
2-501.11; Priority Foundation; PIC does not have written procedures available to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the food establishment. CDI- Written procedures and educational material provided to PIC.
5-205.11; Priority Foundation; Handwashing sink filled with dishes. A handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use. A handwashing sink may not be used for purposes other than handwashing. CDI- Dishes moved from handwashing sink during inspection.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Cut tomatoes in thick plastic container stacked on top of another container of cheese in top section of prep unit cold-holding at 43F. Maintain cold Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods at 41F and less. Do not stack TCS foods on top of other foods in top section of prep unit. CDI- Tomatoes moved to colder storage during inspection.
3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Date mark no longer legible on container of cooked beef at front prep unit cooked previous days, and no date mark on pork frozen and thawed on previous days. Refrigerated, READY-TO-EAT, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) prepared and held in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT for more than 24 hours shall be date-marked. The day of preparation shall be counted as Day 1 (ex.- Date the meat cooked, date the tomatoes cut). For products that are cooked, then frozen, then thawed, note the cook/freeze date and thaw date on the package. CDI- Known dates added during inspection.
3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Cooling Methods: Container of rice sitting out on counter cooling for about an hour, now measured at 98F. Start ACTIVE cooling of cooked product before it cools lower than 135F. Active cooling methods include moving product to a cold-holding unit or placing product on ice to facilitate cooling. CDI- Rice moved to cold-hold during inspection.
4-204-112; Priority Foundation; PIC unable to locate food temperature thermometer designed for full range of use (~32F-210F). TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES shall be designed to be easily readable. FOOD TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES shall have a numerical scale, printed record, or digital readout in increments no greater than 1C of 2F in the intended range of use. VR-VERIFICATION REQUIRED. Obtain a digital food probe thermometer within 10 days to keep at the food truck and text picture of the thermometer to show correction to your REHS Joanne Rutkofske at 919-623-0459.
3-302.12; Core; Labeling missing on squeeze bottles of liquid food ingredients. Working containers holding FOOD or FOOD ingredients that are removed from their original packages for use in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, such as cooking oils, flour, herbs, potato flakes, salt, spices, and sugar shall be identified with the common name of the FOOD. Add labeling to these items.
3-305.11; Core; Bag of onions stored on the floor in the front cabin area. FOOD shall be protected from contamination by storing the FOOD: In a clean, dry location; Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; and At least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor. CDI- Onions moved up off floor during inspection.
4-903.11(A) and (C); Core; Unwrapped uncovered Single-service food containers stored food-side up. SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES shall be kept in the original protective PACKAGE or stored by using other means that afford protection from contamination until used. Store unwrapped uncovered single-service items food-side down. CDI- Containers inverted food-side down during inspection.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources No PIC signature today due to COVID-19 precautions. Inspection report is emailed to PIC. VR-VERIFICATION REQUIRED. Obtain a digital food probe thermometer by November 12, 2021 to keep at the food truck, and text a picture of the thermometer to show correction to your REHS Joanne Rutkofske at 919-623-0459.