Repair the first urinal in the row in boy`s bathroom #511. This urinal has poor water flow for flushing. Repair nonfunctional urinal in the modular building boy`s bathroom #M505-02A. Repair toilets in the first stall of the girl`s gym bathroom and in the women`s staff bathroom on the gym stage. Both toilets have poor water flow for flushing. Water pipes on the wall of the gym boy`s bathroom have torn coverings. Insulation is exposed on these wall pipes. These water pipes should be rewrapped or sealed in a encasement. Repair broken latch on toilet stall door in the gym boy`s bathroom. Reattach loose wall base tile in the office staff bathroom #108 and in the special needs class staff bathroom #512A. Repair ceiling leaks in the girl`s hallway bathroom #203. Repair water-stained ceiling surfaces in this bathroom after the sources of the leaks have been fixed.
Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the following school building locations: in the cafeteria dining room around the skylight, in the media center at the air conditioning ceiling vents, in the #500 hallway at room #502, in the #400 hallway at room #405, in classroom #404, and in classroom #405. Replace water-stained ceiling tiles in these locations after the sources of the leaks have been identified and repaired. Repair and replace the rear exit deck floorboards, railings, and steps on classroom trailers #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5. The wooden floorboards on these decks and steps are deteriorated, rotting, loose, and have exposed nails. The handrails on the decks are loose and splintered. Repairs for safety are needed to prevent potential injuries, including trip and fall hazards, from these loose floorboards, steps, and handrails. There is also a concern that the deck and step floorboards could collapse underfoot due to the level of deterioration. The splintered wooden deck and step handrails and the exposed rusted nails are also a concern as a potential for injuries. Priority repairs are needed. The entry ramp and deck for trailer #3 also has deteriorated floorboards and is also in need of priority repairs for safety. Repair or replace loose rear ramp stair steps hand railing on the modular class building #05-M618. Priority repairs for safety are required.
Repair nonfunctional air conditioning system in modular building classroom #M-618-02A. Priority repairs are necessary for the health and comfort of both students and staff using this classroom. Replace missing ceiling vent covering in the modular building boy`s bathroom #M618-02A. Repair three nonfunctional ceiling lamps in the gym. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light at the entry for the special need`s class bathroom #512B.
Repair loosing spiral climbing pole on the small play structure on the main playground. Priority repairs for safety are needed due to the possibility of injuries. Administration may want to consider not allowing students to use the spiral climbing pole on this play structure as a precaution until repairs have been completed.
General Comments
Seal over cracks at the sides of the rear gym cement entry ramp along the base of the handrails. Pests including snakes have been located in these cracks.
Repair nonfunctional toilet in special needs class bathroom #512B. Repair toilet that has poor water flow in the media center women`s bathroom #300C.
Replace rotted, warped, and chipped floor boards on walkway ramps for modular class buildings #1, #4, #5 and on the back door ramp of the third grade pod. Replace rotted and warped floor boards and step boards on the exit decks and steps on modular buildings #1, #4, and #5. (Priority repairs needed due to possible trip hazards and safety hazards.) Repair ceiling leaks in the cafeteria dining room and in boys bathroom #M618-02A in the third grade pod. Replace water stained ceiling tiles after the sources of these leaks are repaired. Reattach loose wall base tiles in the office women`s staff bathroom #111 and in class bathroom #411A. Replace permanently stained carpets in classrooms #411 and #417.
Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains in classrooms # 413, and # 417.
Repair ceiling leak in classroom bathroom # 411A. Repair chipped wall paint in class bathroom # 405A and in special needs class bathroom # 512 B. Repair wall plumbing leak and replace water damaged wall areas behind toilets in boys hall bathroom # 515. Replace missing wall base tile covering in Girls modular building hall bathroom # M505-03A. Repair nonfunctional toilets in girls hall bathroom #203, girls hall bathroom # 513, boys modular building hall bathroom # M-505-02A. girls modular building hall bathroom # M505-03A, and in girls modular building hall bathroom # M-618-03A. (Repair of toilets in girls modular building hall bathroom # M-618-03A is especially a priority due to three toilets in this restroom being nonfunctional. Only one toilet in this student bathroom is functional.)
Repair damaged hand wash sink vanity counter covering in classroom # 405. Repair broken hand wash sink cabinet door in classroom # 417.
Repair ceiling leaks in cafeteria dining room, media center, and in classrooms #404 and #405. Replace water damaged ceiling tiles after all ceiling leaks have been repaired.
Repair of urinals in 5th grade pod and in room 204
Cleaning needed of badly stained carpets in media center and rooms 411, 527, 518, 508, 606, 607 and 612, of the rooms visited. Replacement needed of cracked and broken tiles in room 505 and in 500 hallway. Replace wet ceiling tile in room 300F. Cleaning needed of wall and light switch in room M618-05 and cleaning of wall needed in gymnasium lobby Repeat
Storage on floor in modular classrooms and storage room 529. Keep all storage off of floor at least 15 inches. Repeat
Improper chemical storage in modular classroom 3 - chemicals stored on floor of closet. Keep disinfecting wipes, lotions, hand sanitizer and any chemical sprays out of reach of children. Cleaning chemicals and aerosolized sprays must be kept locked away.
A.) Cleaning needed of Media Center restroom walls around light switches; Cleaning needed of walls in Boy`s restroom nearest Dining Room as well as the 5th and Third and Second and First grade hall boy`s restrooms; Cleaning needed of Girl`s Second and First Grade restroom walls; Cleaning needed of wall behind toilet in room 414; Replace water damaged ceiling tiles in Boy`s Third Grade restroom.
B.) Cleaning needed under boy`s urinals in all restrooms; Cleaning needed of custodial closet assembly in Fifth Grade Modular; Repair leak under Fifth Grade Modular Custodial closet mop sink; Replacement needed to damaged toilet seat in Girl`s Gym restroom;
Cleaning needed of carpets and floor base throughout school building; Replace water damaged ceiling tiles in Art closet, Dining room, and room 404 as well as in hallways; Cleaning needed of Dining Room door leading into hallway; Resecure peeling wall paper in room 520 and paint back wall; Replace cracked floor tiles in Modular buildings.
B.) Storage on floor in Art storage, Modular closets, and room 602. Keep all storage in closets at least 15 inches off floor.
Cleaning needed of wall air returns in rooms 520, 521, 517, Art and Music classrooms. Very dusty; Remove light shields in restrooms and clean-dead insects.
C.) Improper chemical storage observed in almost every classroom visited including; Art, 402, 404,414, Modular building classrooms, 520, 521, and 517. Keep hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, lotions, and body sprays and any chemical labeled `Keep out of Reach of Children at least 5 feet off of floor. Cleaning chemicals, anything in an aerosolized containers, and chemicals such as acetone must be kept locked.
A.) Cleaning needed of Pod 618 water fountain; Replace non functional water fountain in 500 hall restroom area.
C.) Cleaning needed of floors and floor base in 618 modular building restrooms; Replace cracked floor tiles in modular building restrooms.
Spot cleaning needed of carpet in Media center and 402; Replace carpet in room 526; Replace leaking ceiling tiles in Kindergarten hallway, ESL classroom, Maintenance main storage room; Cleaning needed of GYM walls.
B.) Keep all storage off floor. Today storage on floor observed in individual modular building closets and Art classroom storage areas; Do not use restrooms as storage areas. Today storage observed in room 408 restroom; Do not store boxes of paper towels on floor. Today on floor of custodial closet.
Today numerous chemicals observed improperly stored including Lysol cleaner, hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, disinfectants in aerosolized containers and nail polish remover. Keep hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, lotions, and body sprays and any chemical labeled 'Keep out of Reach of Children at least 5 feet off of floor. Cleaning chemicals, anything in an aerosolized containers, an chemicals such as acetone must be kept locked.
A.) Cleaning needed of water fountains in Pod 618 and in Gym.
B.) Cleaning needed of boy urinal undersides and bases of toilets throughout school; Secure Girl's toilet seat in 618 pod girl's restroom; Repair paper towel holder in men's gym restroom.
Cleaning needed of carpet in rooms 417 and 402; Reattach detached base coving in Pod 505 girl's restroom; Repair water damaged ceiling tiles throughout school including in Pods 1 and 3, ALP room, 200 hall and costodial office. Costodial office also needs ceiling tiles replaced.
B.) Storage in restrooms observed in Women's restroom in Gym and in room 417. Restrooms are not to be used as storage areas; Keep all storage off of floor. Today storage on floor observed in Gym storage areas and in Music Room.
B.) Replacement needed of leaking dumpster. Unit has crack in bottom of unit with garbage leaking onto ground.
C.) Goo Gone stored unlocked inside cabinetry under sink. Cleanser unlocked in room 601. Keep cleaning chemicals locked at all times; Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes found unlocked in many classrooms. Keep these chemicals and any chemical labeled "Keep out of Reach of Children" at least 5 feet off of floor.
General Comments
Clean vent's of classroom restrooms in rooms 402 and 417. Increase water pressure at water fountain in room 407
Cleaning and repair needed in kindergarten hall restrooms walls. Urine odor in boys rooms gym, needs cleaning. Boy's restroom in 500 hall needs wall cleaning/painting. Restrooms in pod M618 need cleaning. Repair molding in pod 505 boy's and girl's restrooms.
Repair damaged wall in cafeteria dining area. Carpets need cleaning/better cleaning. Rugs need cleaning. Repair baseboard molding in room 514. Rooms 517,521,523 and 527 need wallpaper repair (high humidity and moisture in these rooms are causing it to peel off).
Storage closet in pod M618 needs to be organized with storage above the floor and for easy cleaning. Staff restroom in pod 505 is not to be used as a teacher workroom. This restroom has a printer and general classroom supplies stored in it. May remove fixtures and convert it into a staff workroom. Stage women's restroom is being used for general storage, it is not typically being used as a restroom (teachers are just using the men's room), but it still has functioning fixtures and cannot be used for general storage. Restrooms should only be used for the storage of toileting items.
Trailer 3 A/C system needs cleaning, all ceiling vents have mildew or mold. Dehumidifier in the room is very loud, would be better to be replaced with something that could run during instruction time. Dehumidifier also has mildew starting. Clean A/C vents as needed throughout campus. A/C is not working properly in rooms 517, 521, 523, and 527, leading to humidity and moisture problems. This should be addressed before mildew/mold becomes an issue. EHS recommends having an industrial hygienist check these rooms. Replace burned out bulb in hallway at restrooms in pod 505.
Custodial closets on central hall are not self-closing and latching properly, they must be pulled on aggressively to get them to latch. Chemicals storage in these closets requires that they be kept locked, repair doors. A couple of classrooms had disinfectant wipes out, these must be inaccessible to children (five feet up) and two classrooms had other cleaners in cabinets below sinks. Store and use all chemicals/cleaners/disinfectants according to label.