Repair ceiling leaks in the boy`s bathroom #105 and in the girl`s bathroom #308. Replace water stained ceiling tiles in these restrooms after the leaks are fixed. Repair two nonfunctional toilets in the boy`s bathroom #310. Repair one nonfunctional toilet in the girl`s bathroom #210. Repair one nonfunctional toilet in the girl`s bathroom #308.
Possible pink slime mold build up is present in the counter top hand wash sink basin in classroom #300. This class sink interior requires cleaning and disinfection to remove this residue. Repair clogged countertop sink drain in classroom #205.
Repair active ceiling leaks present in the length of the 100 hallway. The leaks run from room #111 to the multipurpose room. This section of the hallway is scheduled to have all leaking plumbing lines above the dropped ceiling replaced during the summer of 2024 per WCPSS building maintenance director J.M. Cooper. Repair ceiling leaks also present in the hallway by electrical room #E2 and in mechanical room #M-4. Replace water stained ceiling tiles in all of these hallways after all leak repair work is finished. Replace loose and deteriorated floorboards on the rear entrance ramps and decks of modular class buildings #05-M613 and #04-M506. Replace deteriorated deck floorboards, stair steps, and broken handrails on the rear exit deck and steps for trailer #401. Priority repairs for safety are needed on these ramps, decks, and steps to prevent trip and fall hazards.
Clean dust buildup and residue from the ceiling vent fan cover in the girl`s bathroom #106.
Repair or replace elevated purple climbing bridge on the upper playground structure. The interior of this bridge is cracked. Priority repairs for safety are needed to prevent trip and fall hazards. This cracked section of the bridge could also possibly collapse under foot.
General Comments
The bathroom changing table pad in classroom bathroom #118B has a torn covering and requires replacement.
Repair two nonfunctional drinking fountains in modular building #409-414. (Maximo #34997)
Repair toilet that is very loose at the base in office staff bathroom #103B. Repair toilet that has a partially clogged drain pipe in the office staff bathroom #100J. The urinal and toilet in the boys bathroom #105 have poor water flow for flushing and require repair. Repair two nonfunctional urinals in boys bathroom #310. Repair toilet that has poor water flow for flushing in girls bathroom #308.Replace two missing door latches on toilet stall doors in girls hall bathrooms #210 and #308. Repair nonfunctional toilet in boys hall bathroom #209. Repair major leak on toilet pipe in classroom bathroom #202. (Priority repair item.) Repair toilet that has poor water flow for flushing in classroom bathroom #206.
Repair clogged hand sink drain in classroom #206.
Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the hallway at room #118, in the hallway at multi purpose room #114, in boys bathroom #109, in boys bathroom #310, and in girls bathroom #308. The roof drain pipe causing the leaks in the hallway at multi purpose room #114 should be cleared of interior clogs and blockage. Water stained ceiling tiles and rusted drop ceiling grids caused by leaks in boys and girls bathrooms #308 and #310 should be replaced after the leaks are fixed. Replace missing ceiling tiles in the hallway at multi purpose room #114. Holes are present in the entry ramp floor boards to cafeteria modular building #04-506. Entrance ramp floor boards are buckled and loose for modular building #409-414, (Maximo # 34997). The deteriorated, loose, and buckled ramp floor boards on both of these modular buildings require priority safety repairs to prevent possible injuries from trip and fall hazards. Please repair A.S.A.P.
Class supplies, toys, and a file cabinet were stored in the bathroom of special needs classroom #118. The file cabinet in this class bathroom is beneath the hand wash sink counter and has rusted onto the surrounding floor tiles. Class supplies were also stored in the coaches office bathroom #114A. Class bathrooms are unclean storage locations for classroom items and toys. The storage of these items in these bathrooms is an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these facilities. Please remove. Only items related to bathroom use and diapering should be kept in classroom bathrooms.
Repair eleven nonfunctional ceiling lights in the media center. Possible mold stains are present on the ceiling vent in the bathroom in the special needs class #314. This vent and the interior duct work for its air flow should be cleaned of all residue and build up before students return from summer break.
Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains in modular building #M613, (Two nonfunctional fountains), and in classroom #204.
Repair nonfunctional toilet in the boys hallway bathroom #308. Repair toilet that has poor water flow in the special needs class bathroom #118B. Replace missing ceiling tile in the boys hallway bathroom #109. Repair ceiling leaks and replace water and mold damaged ceiling tiles in the modular cafeteria building boys bathroom #M506-06. Repair loose wall panel in the modular cafeteria building boys bathroom #M506-06. Repair damaged wall covering in the special needs classroom bathroom #118B. Replace damaged and loose floor tile in boys modular building bathroom # M613-02B. Repair or replace damaged and missing bathroom wall base tiles in boys bathroom #308, boys bathroom M613-02B, Special needs class bathroom # 118B, boys bathroom #209, girls bathroom #210, and in classroom bathroom #201A. Repair loose sink vanity side covering in special needs class bathroom #118B.
Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink in classroom #204.
Repair ceiling leak in the 200 hallway by mechanical room #M-12. Repair loose and damaged wall paper in classrooms #206 and #207. Repair damaged wall base tiles in modular cafeteria building dining room at bathrooms # M-506-06 and # M-506-05. Replace missing floor tile in hallway outside of Modular building girls bathroom #M613-03C.
General Comments
Repair damaged ceiling vent fan in bathroom for classroom #202. Repair or replace changing pad that has a torn covering in special needs class bathroom #118B.
Several water fountain nozzle guards and water spouts were soiled (by Rooms 111, 208, etc.). Also, side piece on fountain was missing on fountain by Room #111...Drinking fountains shall be maintained clean and in good repair...Clean the soiled water nozzles/spouts and guards, and replace the missing side piece.
Observed peeling/damaged wall surfaces and stained ceiling tiles and rusty metal ceiling stripping between tiles in bathrooms #200, 205, 208, 105, 106, 110, 109, 308, 310, 118B. Also observed holes in walls in many bathrooms inspected. In bathroom #110, one stall door hinge was damaged. Also observed soiled bathroom wall surfaces and soiled side ceramic bases of toilets in classrooms...Toilet facility walls and ceilings shall be maintained clean and in good repair...Repair the damaged walls surfaces, seal holes, replace stained tiles, replace or paint rusty ceiling metal stripping, repair stall door, and clean soiled walls and toilet bases.
In bathroom #110, faucet knobs on right faucet were missing...Lavatory facilities shall be maintained in good repair...Replace missing knobs.
Observed several stains on carpeting in music room and soiled areas on floor in room #306. Observed stained ceiling tiles in some classrooms inspected and in hallway areas. Wall paper was peeling in Rm. #124. Base stripping was missing by closet in Rm. #118. Sink floor basins for mop sinks/can washes were soiled. Observed protruding nail head on wooden ramp leading to modular #208. Observed soiled sides and edges of doors to bathrooms and classrooms throughout entire school...Floors, walls and ceilings shall be kept clean and good repair...Clean soiled carpeting and flooring, repair damaged wall paper, replace base stripping, and clean mop sink floor basins. Pound in the protruding nail mentioned above. Clean the soiled doors throughout school.
In storage room off gymnasium and in book storage room, observed items stored on floor...All storage shall
be at least 15 inches (38.1 centimeters) above the floor or arranged to permit thorough cleaning...Store gym items and books above the floor at least 15 inches using storage shelving, cabinets or push carts.
Observed dusty ceiling vent grates in some janitorial closets with mop sinks. Ceiling vent fan cover was missing in Rm. #309. Window blind was broken in Rm. #217...Ventilation fixtures and window blinds shall be kept clean and in good repair...Clean soiled vent grates, replace vent fan cover, and replace damaged window blinds.
General Comments
OBSERVATIONS/REMINDER: In classrooms, observed hand sanitizers, Chlorox wipes, correction fluid (art room), and aerosol sprays...All chemicals are to be used according to label instructions and stored to avoid health hazards. Store hand sanitizers at least 5 feet above floor or keep under direct supervision of teachers. Aerosols cans and other chemicals have other health warnings, and therefore should be used under teachers' direct supervision and control OR stored in closed or locked cabinets when children are present. NOTE: School is out for the summer, but some children's activities will still take place this summer. Keep the above mentioned chemical storage guidance in mind whenever children are present.
Room 310 boys bathroom- Wall tiles are broken/missing around the toilet.
Room M613-02B boys bathroom- Baseboard is missing under the urinals and this wall is damaged. Please repair these areas. Walls must be maintained in good repair.
Room 121- Floor electrical outlet covers are broken and one missing, creating large holes in the floor. These covers may create a trip hazard. Please replace covers. Some of the wooden ramp floor boards, going to the outside trailers, are weak or broken. Trailer- 213, one outside floor board is broken. Please repair soon. Flooring must be in good repair.
Hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes were observed throughout school campus in child accessible areas. Chemicals and toxic materials must be stored properly based on manufacturer`s instructions. Hand sanitizer and wipes have 'keep out of reach of children' written on the label. Hand sanitizer, Lysol sprays, Glade spray, board cleaners and all chemicals with warnings must be stored out of reach, in a locked cabinet, or in an area of teacher control (such as the teacher's desk.) [Repeat]
Water fountains near the main office, on 200 hall, and near E-2 electrical closet need to be adjusted so water dispenses further from the mouthpiece or repaired to function properly (without smelling like smoke due to possible compressor issue).
Recaulk sink to wall in girls' restroom 308./Repair loose faucet in restroom M613-02A.
Carpet needed to be shampooed in Media Center and Classroom 115./Entrance to 100 hall needs to be swept to remove leaves./Wallpaper is peeling in classroom 205. Repair/clean as needed.
Storage on the floor throughout school, especially in modular unit 404. All storage must be at least 15 inches off of the floor and ideally on shelves that facilitate cleaning underneath the bottom shelf.
Repair humidity adjuster knob in classroom M613-04 so that humidity can be controlled (and subsequently decreased as needed based on weather conditions).
Hand sanitizer was observed throughout school campus in child accessible areas. Chemicals and toxic materials must be stored properly based on manufacturer`s instructions. Hand sanitizer has 'keep out of reach of children' written on the label. Hand sanitizer, Lysol sprays, board cleaner, and all chemicals with warnings must be stored out of reach, in a locked cabinet, or in an area of teacher control (such as the teacher's desk.)
General Comments
Door in Stage Room Entrance (114) is blocked by chairs and cannot be open. Unblock door immediately.
Mechanical rooms M17 and M18 are not able to be opened because no one in the building has keys to the locks. Have locks replaced so that these areas can be accessed as needed.
One of the three drinking fountains at the main entrance of modular unit 3 need cleaning. The one that has a rubber guard with an air vent at the base has green slime or mildew growing in it.
Almost all of the fountains in this school are very clean and have good pressure. However, the lead custodian indicated they use the same disinfectant used for cleaning the toilets and sinks. This disinfectant is not approved for food contact surfaces. Drinking fountains should be cleaned with a food grade sanitizer.
Bathrooms are still equipped with ceiling tiles that are absorbent and non-washable. Some bathrooms still have minor paint peeling issues but men's room 109 is especially bad (right outside the cafeteria). Walls, floor and bathrooms must be maintained in good condition and bathroom ceiling tiles in NC schools are required to be constructed of non-absorbent, washable materials. (repeat)
1 urinal and 1 toilet are out of order in M613-02B. Fixtures must be maintained in good repair and operational.
The hot water at the low hand sink in women's bathroom 110 is at 139 degrees. There should be hot water available since this bathroom is right outside the cafeteria but the temperature should not exceed 120 degrees per NC plumbing code. If pre-K or children that are not school age access this restroom this is a serious issue as it presents a definite scold hazard. It's an issue for everyone but especially younger children. Bathrooms should provide at least 100 degree water but should not exceed 110 degrees if non-school age children have access and never 120 degrees under any circumstances.
There is some missing coving near the 3 drinking fountains at the entrance of modular unit 3.
There is a minor amount of storage on the floor in Art 116. NC schools are required to store everything at least 15 inches above the floor or otherwise arranged to permit thorough cleaning.
No major problems noted with storage of toxic materials. Keep in mind that it's best to keep all toxic products stored out of reach of children.
The grounds are in need of some brush removal and hedge trimming, especially around some of the modular units. There was a report that entrance/exit at the end of 300 hallway has a major bee problem in the spring when the overgrown bushes have flowers. Suggest these bushes be cut way back as they currently overhang into the walk way and entrance path.
General Comments
There is a broken window above the entrance at the end of 300 hall.
Room 204 has a major leak and standing water beneath the stainless steel activity sink.
Walls of toilet rooms that are located in classrooms 200,204, and 206 had peeling paint on surfaces. Ceiling tiles in toilet rooms are absorbent, non-washable [Toilet room ceilings must be non-absorbent and washable.]. The stall dividers in toilet rooms 209,110,109 were rusted, have peeling paint, and are difficult to clean. Repeated Violations. The diaper changing table in Special Needs classroom has a torn surfaces that is not smooth and easily cleanable.
Hand wash sink faucet handles are corroded and difficult to clean in rooms 204,207- Repeat Violation. Hand wash sink in room 126F does not have sufficient volume for proper hand washing.
Toilet room M613-02A is being used as an instructors` restroom and as a storage room. This restroom has absorbent shelving/furniture/floor rug and refrigerated food storage in it [Remove food, school supply storage, and absorbent furniture/rugs from this restroom] . Custodial supply closet 108G has storage on pallets, that prevent ease of floor cleaning and monitoring for pest presence [Storage must be at least 15 inches above floor on shelving or dunnage racks.] Repeat Violation.
Dust/mildew was on HVAC ceiling vents in mobile units 219, 208, 209. Dust build-up was on tops of HVAC ducts in gym.
Toxic cleaners, disinfectants, aerosol products, and air fresheners were stored in cabinets below sinks and in reach-in mobile storage cabinets, inside classrooms. These products had labels that require storage inaccessible to children. The cabinets they were stored in did not have locking mechanisms. [These products must be stored according to their labels.]. Violation observed in rooms M613-04, M613-07,306,305,311,119,203,204,214,212. Repeated violation.
General Comments
-Water fountain pressure was too low to clear mouth guard , on 3rd grade hallway and across from room 114. -There are missing or damaged ceiling tiles in rooms 118 closet, art kiln room, mobile 221, mobile 404.
Assist.Principal states that outside mobile unit restrooms and the attached water fountains will not be used this school year, or until repairs are made. As observed today, there are holes in ceilings of male and female outside mobile unit restrooms, and the drinking fountains are not properly covered/protected by roof.
repair the fountain outside the cafeteria; in the modular cafeteria, 2 out of 3 fountains need repair; cover the fountains on the outside of the trailer bathroom to avoid contamination of the fountain piece by run-off from the roof of the trailer ( extend the roof to reach over the fountains, for example ); one fountain in the 3rd grade modular needs to be leveled and adjusted
there is mold on the ceiling in the girls trailer bathroom ; the boys trailer bathroom ceiling has damage due to vandalism; the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable ( same type as in the kitchen ); several bathrooms need to be painted ( 310, 308; 209, 210 ); repair peeling paint behind commodes in men`s rooms; sand and repaint corroding dividers in mens rooms; cover rusty bolts; paint the Kindergarten bathrooms; in several bathrooms, paint on the insulation material around pipes is flaking off
replace the carpet in 220; the wall paper in 119 is curling along the edges; the walls need to be painted; scuff marks on walls and floors; resurface the wooden floor in the stage area; the carpet in the library and the office area is very worn; replace all fraying rugs
the duct work in the gym needs to be dusted; replace missing light shield in the boys trailer bathroom; the blinds in the cafeteria modular have some minor damage, and the windows need to be cleaned
in numerous classrooms, household chemicals ( cleaners, disinfectants, denatured alcohol ) can be found stored under the hand sinks; these chemicals must be stored out of reach of children at least 5 feet off the ground or in a locked cabinet
General Comments
GC # 7 : the receiving area needs dunnage racks instead of pallets ( pallets do not allow for proper floor cleaning ); one Kindergarten teacher is keeping storage in the bathroom ; GC # 5 : the hand sink faucets on the kindergarten classroom hand sinks are statring to corrode; one hand sink in the girls 3rd grade modular bathroom is rusty around the drain, and the cold water handle does not work ; GC # 3 : hand sink/fountain combination sinks in use ( fountain piece may become contaminated every time hands are washed )
there is mold on the ceiling in the girls trailer bathroom ; the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable ( same type as in the kitchen ); several bathrooms need to be painted ( 310, 308; 209, 210 ); repair peeling paint behind commodes in men`s rooms; sand and repaint corroding dividers in mens rooms; adjust faucet handle in 110; re-attach toilet seat in 106; clean commode bases thoroughly and cover rusty bolts
replace stained ceiling tiles; ceiling seam in T405 in breaking and there is an older water stain; office area needs to be painted; the carpet in the media center is torn at the edges of steps; the carpet in the computer room is stained; carpet in 220 is wrinkled and stained; minor wax buildup inside closets, at door frame bases, and in other hard to reach areas
the duct work in the gym needs to be dusted; replace broken light shield in modular dining room girls bathroom and T406; rooms T403, 407, and 408 need window replacement ( windows broken due to vandalizm ); the exit door near 200 also needs a new window; in several bathrooms, the insulation material around pipes is corroding and flaking off
in numerous classrooms, household chemicals ( cleaners, disinfectants, denatured alcohol ) can be found stored under the hand sinks; these chemicals must be stored out of reach of children at least 5 feet off the ground or in a locked cabinet
General Comments
GC # 7 : keep all storage off the floor ; GC # 3 : adjust fountains near 111 and in the annex building; fountain in 314 is loose; hand sink/fountain combination sinks in use ( fountain piece is contaminated every time hands are washed )
several bathrooms need to be painted ( especially 106 to 109 ); repair peeling paint behind commodes in men`s rooms; replace corroding divider in 109; replace corroding faucets in Kindergarten rooms and other bathrooms as needed; the ceiling tiles in all bathrooms need to be washable ( same type as in the kitchen )
replace all frayed rugs; clean the carpets and replace any carpets that cannot be cleaned ( some areas look worn and stained beyond repair ); replace stained ceiling tiles
replace damaged blinds and missing light shields in cafeteria modular; mold spots on vent covers in T-1 and T-218; vandalism damage to several modular windows; in several bathrooms, the insulation material around pipes is corroding and flaking off
General Comments
GC # 3 : adjust fountains in 3rd grade modular; hand sink/fountain combination sinks in use ( fountain piece is contaminated every time hands are washed ) ; GC # 7 : the janitors closet in the 3rd grade modular needs storage shelves; several janitor closets in the building are very dark