Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain adjacent to boys bathroom #1305.
Repair nonfunctional toilets in girls bathroom #1301, in boys bathroom #2102B, and in the teachers lounge staff bathroom #2308A. Repair nonfunctional urinal in boys bathroom #2102B. Replace permanently stained toilet seat in the gym girls bathroom.
Repair ceiling leaks in classrooms #2316 and #2318. Repair ceiling leak in hallway at room #2113. All ceiling leaks are adjacent to air conditioning vents. Replace water stained ceiling tiles after the sources of the leaks are fixed. Reattach loose wall base tile in the modular building #M805 boys bathroom. Replace damaged and loose floor tiles in the boys bathroom in the gym. (Priority repair needed. Large number of floor tiles are loose and are bubbling up in this bathroom.) Replace chipped and warped floor boards on the main entrance ramp and entrance steps into modular building #M805. (Priority repair due to potential trip hazards and safety concerns.) Repaint chipped wall behind toilet in class bathroom #2316A. Lower wall of class bathroom #2314A is stained. This wall should be cleaned of possible mold growth and repainted with a water proof and mold resistant paint.
File cabinets, chairs, bins, and class supplies were observed in classroom bathrooms #2311A, #2313A, #2314A, #2315A, #2316A, and #2209A. Class bathrooms are not clean storage locations. The storage of class supplies in class bathrooms is an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these facilities. Please remove.
Remove broken pallets by entrance ramp for modular building #M805. Splintered boards and exposed nails from these pallets could create a potential safety hazard. These pallets could also become a potential pest harborage area. Please remove A.S.A.P. Repair loose barricade on pre-k playground structure platform adjacent to climbing pole.
General Comments
Lysol aerosol spray cans and Clorox wipes were found in accessible locations to students in classrooms throughout the school building. Cleaning chemicals must be stored in areas not accessible to students like a closed or locked cabinet. Replace patient bed that has a torn covering in the office health room. School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Water fountain on first/fourth/ and fifth combined class hall has low water pressure. Repair nonfunctional water fountains in classrooms # 2209, #2314, and # 2318. Repair nonfunctional water fountains in cafeteria dining room.
Repair loose wall base tile in boys hallway modular building bathroom # 02A. Replace loose and missing floor tile in classroom bathroom # 2314 A. Repair nonfunctional toilets in boys hallway bathroom # 2202A and in girls hallway bathroom # 2102 A.
Repair ceiling leaks in classrooms # 2101, #2107, # 2108, #2109, # 2111, # 2113, #2114, modular classroom #8508, modular classroom # 8506, in the modular building girls bathroom # 03A, in the gym, and in the fifth grade hallway at room # 2113. Replace water and mold damaged ceiling tiles after these leaks are repaired. Replace missing floor tile in elevator.
Class supplies, books, sleep cots, toys, and paperwork were stored in classroom bathrooms Class bathrooms are not clean storage spaces. Storage in these bathrooms is an impediment to cleaning. Only items related to bathroom use or diapering should be stored in class bathrooms. Class bathrooms with storage: #2103 A, 2101 A, 2311 A, 2314 A, 2316 A 2315 A, 2318 A.
Repair damaged walkway cover at gym.
General Comments
Gym side entrance canopy cover is not level and rainwater is flowing back and down off of the canopy and into the gym entrance. The canopy should be made level to allow for proper drainage of rainwater. The 5-12 playground ground covering is not level at the adjacent retaining wall and should be fixed to prevent trip hazards. An active wasps nest is present outside of the health room office window. Professional pest control is needed in this area. A.S.A.P.
The water pressure is too high at the fountains in 2315 and 1211.
Replace a moldy ceiling tile in the girls bathroom in M805.
The carpet in 2318 is very stained. Clean the floor around the refrigerators in the teacher`s lounge. The paint on the structural beams in the staircase near 2200 hall is flaking, and the beams need to be cleaned. Repair the base coving in room 5 in M805.
The bathroom in 2207 is labeled "supply closet". Bathrooms cannot be used for storage. Remove the cots stored in the bathroom in . The afterschool storage closet needs to be organized and cleaned. There are some mouse droppings and lots of dust on the floor and the containers. Sweep the mechanical rooms. Clean and organize the PTA storage closet. The custodians need additional storage space in the modular building. Chemicals and other supplies are stored on the water heater and piping in the custodian closet.
The bathroom ceiling fan covers in both bathrooms in the modular building are missing. Room 2318 does not have AC and the room smells like urine. The bathroom fan may need to be repaired.
Several water fountains that are in classrooms did not have adequate pressure (either too strong or too weak).
Walls in classrooms and hallways throughout school need to be cleaned and repaired/repainted.
Floor tiles in various classrooms are chipped.
Storage room by cafeteria, in art room and teacher storage needs to be organized with storage kept off floor.
Floors in storage rooms need to be swept and mopped.
Clean vents in music and art room.
Modular building boys restroom, repair light.
General Comments
Repair leak from janitor's closet in girls restroom that has water in mechanical room below and out on floor next to elevator.
Found a few water fountains that needed cleaning of the mouthpieces in the modular unit and in the 2100 hallway. Found the water fountains to be too strong in rooms 2104, 2217, and 2219. Found water fountain pressure low in the 2100 hallway. Water fountains must have pressure so that kids' mounths do not come in contact with the spout and so that the water does not spill onto the floor.
C: Found the bathroom floors near the cafeteria to need cleaning along the walls where there is build-up. Found the bathrooms in the modular trailer to have damaged floor tiles and loose coving making them difficult to clean.
General Comment: Repair damaged floor tile in room 2108.
Repair loose wall coving in the modular trailer classroom.
A. Found storage closets and rooms to have dirty floors. Be sure to keep these floors clean.
B. Found storage on the floor in storage closets and rooms throughout the facility. All storage shall be at least 15 inches above the floor or otherwise arranged so as to permit thorough cleaning. Found storage on the floor in the classroom bathrooms. Storage should be at least 15 inches off the floor. Recommend removing all storage from the bathrooms.
Found vents to need cleaning in the cafeteria, the art room, the library, and the band room. Found windows in a few of the classrooms to need dusting. Be sure lighting and ventilation fixtures are kept clean and in good repair.
Found a whole swarm of hornets on the walkway where the sand pit is located. Be sure adequates measures are taken to eliminate these hornets.
General Comments
Be sure to store any toxic substances out of reach of children. "Out of reach" consists of above 5 feet or in locked storage cabinets.
B.Drinking fountains must be regulated with adequate water pressure so kids mouth`s do not come in contact with the spout. Adjust drinking fountains in the cafeteria, by the gymnasium and in the 3rd grade hall.
B. Handles are broken on the handsinks in rooms 2315, 2103 and 2102. Repair. C. Floor is worn in the girl`s and boy`s restroom 1301 and 1305. Repair. Repair the worn floor around the floor drain in the girl`s modular restroom. The coving is coming off the wall in the girl`s restroom in the modular unit.
Repair the worn walls around the mop sinks in the custodial closet 2102 and closet 2307. Water damaged ceiling tiles in the boy`s restroom in the modular building and in the art room. Replace or repair.
A. Storage (clothes,books and school supplies) in the 2105,2315, 2318A and the health room restroom. Keep all storage out of the restrooms or keep those items in a cabinent or in a plastic container with a lid. B. Many items stored on the floor in the main custodial storage room, the PTA closet, book storage closet 1203, closet 1205, 1302, art room closet and in the music room closet. Keep all storage off the floor on shelving to facilitate cleaninig.
C. Several aerosol cans,cleaners, and chemical wipes are acessible to children in the classrooms. Store at least 5 foot high in cabinents or in closets or store in a locked cabinent or closet. Sanitizer is stored acessible to the children in the classrooms. Store sanitizer 5 feet or higher.
General Comments
3A. One drinking fountain is broken in the 3rd grade hall. Repair. One of the ceiling vents is dirty in the library.
Drinking fountains must be regulated with adequate water pressure so kids mouth`s do not come in contact with the spout. Adjust drinking fountains in the Kindergarten,1st, 2nd and 3rd grade hallss, the gym hallway and special needs classrooms.
Repair worn floor tile and wall that is buckling around the boys urinal in the modular unit restroom. Repair worn floor tiles around the floor drains in the girls and boys restroom in the modular unit. Repair worn sink in the boys restroom next to the gym. Clean the urinals and floor in the boys restroom in the modular unit and in the boys bathroom toilet in the restroom next to the gym.
Floor is dirty in the custodian closets by the art room and in the modular unit.Repair the walls around the mop sink in the custodian closet by the art room and in the modular unit. Repair the large hall in the wall in the custodian closet by the art room.
General Comments
Points taken 7. Repair the lock to the custodian closet by the art room. Door was swollen. Keep all storage off the floor in the storage rooms outside(15 inches), in the closet in the art room,classrooms and in some of the custodian closets to facilitate cleaning. Storage sheds are dirty, the large storage room smells like mold. Remove the ivy off the storage shed to prevent mold from entering the storage shed. 11. Cockroaches in the custodian closet next to the art room. Remove the plastic sheeting around the storage sheds. General comment-10. Foam trays are stored in bags on the ground. Store in a container with a tight fitting lid. Remind all teachers to keep all chemicals(whiteout, areosols, board cleaner) out of reach of children. One vent is dirty in the library.