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Knightdale Elementary School

KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996

Facility Type: Schools

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Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 12/08/2022
Score: 88.5

#  Comments Points
4. Replace missing and fallen wall tiles in bathroom for classroom #134. Reattach loose bathroom floor covering in the entrance into the modular building girl`s bathroom #807-03A. Priority repair for safety is necessary due to the potential of a trip and fall hazard. Seal holes on the walls beneath the hand wash sinks at the plumbing access lines at the entrances to boy`s bathroom #13 and girl`s bathroom #14. Repair toilet that has poor water flow for flushing in the bathroom for classroom #133. Repair leaking toilets in class bathroom #137, and in the 2nd and next to last stalls in girl`s bathroom #T-200C at the gym. Repair two nonfunctional toilets in girl`s bathroom #14 and one nonfunctional toilet in the end stall of modular building girl`s bathroom #807-03A. Repair urinal that is nonfunctional and leaking in the modular building boy`s bathroom #807-02A. Reattach loose toilet seats in the end stall of boy`s bathroom #T-200D and in the first stall of girl`s bathroom #T-200C. Repair toilet that does not flush in the next to last stall of girl`s bathroom #T-200C. 50.0
5. Repair nonfunctional handwash sink in the main office and adjacent to the health room bathroom. Repair clogged handwash sink drain in the bathroom area for classroom #126. Repair broken and loose cabinet door on handwash sink in classroom #128. Repair or replace loose and broken faucet control valve handle on handwash sink in bathroom area for classroom #132. Repair nonfunctional handwash sink in the modular building girl`s bathroom #807-03A. 15.0
6. Replace missing and loose floor tiles in the hall entrance to the modular building girl`s bathroom #807-03A. Priority repair is needed due to the potential of trip and fall hazards. Repair and replace water damaged ceiling covering in the cafeteria dining room at the central support column. Verify that the roof leak in this building location that has caused this cafeteria ceiling damage has been repaired. Replace loose and torn carpeting in media center on the steps to the stage. Priority repairs for safety are needed to prevent trip and fall hazards. Clean ceiling ledges beneath upper wall windows of dust build up in classrooms #128 and #124. Clean upper window ledges of dust build up in the media center. Replace missing cover on the badge entry mechanism on the interior side of the building entrance doors for the #400 hallway. There are sharp metal edges on the exposed door mechanism that should be covered for safety. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional lighting along the entire length of the 1st and 2nd grade hallway. Priority repairs for safety are needed A.S.A.P. The visibility is very poor in this hallway due to the poor lighting. Proper repairs to fully address and correct this lack of hall lighting is a necessity. Repair nonfunctional air conditioning system in modular building classroom #807-07. Priority repairs are needed for student and staff comfort and health. Clean dust buildup and residue from the tops of ceiling ventilation ductwork in the gym and over the gym stage. Replace missing air conditioning system control covering on the wall of the modular building girl`s bathroom #807-3A 20.0
11. Repair broken entry gate on the pre-k playground on the front side of the school building. Priority repairs for safety are needed on this gate entrance for ease of entry and exit. Replace bent placement rod on fence gate adjacent to the sidewalk leading to the front pre-k playground. Repairs are needed to fully close this gate. The pre-k playground equipment is covered in dirt build up and is in need of pressure washing. Replace missing foothold and broken handholds on climbing walls on the main playground structure. Secure the loose anchor post on blue climbing wall panel with circle holds on the main playground structure. This entire climbing wall panel is very loose. Repairs for safety are needed on all of the listed climbing walls Repair and replace loose and torn ground covering at the slide and on the perimeter of the main playground structure. Repairs are necessary to prevent trip and fall hazards. 15.0
General Comments
Chemical products including Clorox wipes, Lysol aerosol spray cans and insecticides should not be left out in classrooms. Chemical products should be stored in areas only accessible to staff. These items should be stored in closed or locked cabinets, closets, stockrooms, and drawers.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/04/2021
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
3. Repair drinking fountain that has poor water pressure in classroom #139. 20.0
4. Repair leaking urinal in the main entry hall boys bathroom #65. The leak is behind the urinal fixture. Repair leaking toilet in the main entry hall girls bathroom #64. Repair nonfunctional toilet that has poor water flow in Kindergarten classroom #124 boys bathroom. Repair loose toilet seat in the girls bathroom in classroom #136. Repair leaking toilet in the girls bathroom between classrooms #140 and #141. The leak is along the water supply line and is spraying water whenever the toilet is flushed. Repair nonfunctional toilet that has poor water flow in the boys bathroom #T200D at the gym. Repair nonfunctional urinal in boys bathroom #R807-02A in trailer #9. 20.0
5. Repair clogged hand wash sink drain for bathrooms located in classroom #131. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink station for girls bathroom #14 by the cafeteria. (Priority repair. None of the three hand wash sink faucets at this station are functional for girls bathroom #14.) Repair two clogged sinks in the art classroom #411. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling/roof leak in the cafeteria dining room #404. Replace water damaged ceiling tiles after this leak is fixed. Repair ceiling leak in the boys bathroom #13 by the cafeteria. Repair the water stained ceiling materials in this bathroom after the leak is fixed. Repair peeling wall paint in classroom #135 and in the 1st-5th hallway. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light fixture in the cafeteria dining room #404. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light over toilet stalls in the trailer # 9 girls bathroom #R807-03A. There is also a ceiling light fixture missing a light shield cover over the toilet stalls in the trailer #9 girls bathroom #R807-03A. Please repair. 20.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 03/12/2019
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
4. Repair damaged class bathroom # 124 wall covering. Repair peeling wall paint in class bathrooms #137 and # 142. Repair chipped paint on boys 5th grade bathroom T-200D toilet stall wall. Replace missing toilet stall door on 3rd and 4th boys bathroom # 13. (Safety concern due to exposed sharp metal hinge edges.) Repair nonfunctional urinal in boys 3rd and 4th hall bathroom # 13. 35.0
5. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink faucet in 3rd and 4th girls hall bathroom # 14. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in classrooms #409, # 426, and #435. Repair ceiling leak in cafeteria dining room by column. Repair permanently stained floor tile in cafeteria dining room. 15.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/18/2016
Score: 88.5

#  Comments Points
4. Staff bathroom in 400 hall way contained holes that were boarded. Bathroom floors, walls and ceilings shall be in good repair and easily cleanable(Repair walls). Several bathrooms throughout entire facility were not in good repair. Girls restroom in the 200s,400s and boys bathroom in room 128 were not properly flushing. Hand sink in the girls restroom on hall 400 was not working. Remove rust from girls bathroom wall and public water fountain wall area on the 400 hall. Plumbing fixtures shall be in good repair. Replace leaking backflow preventer and slow draining can wash sink in maintenance room. 50.0
6. Carpets throughout school were stained, molded, ripped and damped. Cov Based baseboard and several wall areas checked throughout 100-300 hall way classrooms were damaged and not in good repair. Floors, walls and ceilings shall be in good repair and easily cleanable. Remove dead bugs from floor areas throughout facility. 30.0
8. Light shield in main hall way of the modular classrooms contained dead bugs. Lights throughout various rooms checked were not working. Ventilation in several classrooms checked contained dust( mainly the kindergarten hall way). Adjust ventilation in kindergarten hall way so that there is adequate air flow. 20.0
11. The amphitheater contained water buildup. This is in large part due to the weather conditions prior to the inspection. Water shall be drained out of this area so that it is not a breeding ground for harborage and other insects. 15.0
General Comments
Inspection Conducted with : Ginger
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/07/2014
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
3. (A). Repair all the water fountains that are not working on the second grade hall way. All water fountains must be in good repair. (B) There were some water fountains on the second grade, third grade, and fifth grade hall, and near the cafeteria, and the water fountain between the girl's and boys restroom near the main office that had low water pressure. There were some water fountains on the second grade, third grade and fifth grade hall where the water pressure was to high. Fountains must be provided with adequate water pressure, properly regulated, kept in good repair. 40.0
4. (A) Clean the walls in fifth grade restrooms to remove the ink and other marks that were on the walls. (C) In the girl's fifth grade restroom in the last stall several floor titles were missing. Floors must be impervious and kept clean. 30.0
6. The carpet was stained in the following classrooms: 126,127,130,138. There was a leak by the front entrance of room 137. Clean the walls in the fifth grade pod. All floors, walls, and ceilings must be in good repair. 15.0
11. On the playground near the cafeteria the plastic side was cracked in several areas. The metal spikes were exposed on the playground area. The concrete was showing where the plastic side of the playground area was worn. The rubber floor on the playground was coming up in several areas. The rubber floor on the same playground had gaps in several areas and the concrete was showing. The grass was also coming up through the cracks in the rubber pads. The playground equipment needs to be repaired in several areas. The grass needs to be cut on the playground area. 15.0
General Comments
5. The water was not working at all in the boys restroom on the second grade area. School is not in that why no points were deducted. The water needs to be repaired before school starts.
7. Storage in closets must be kept clean and arranged so to make cleaning of the floors easy. Storage must be at least 15 inches above the floor or otherwise arranged to permit through cleaning.
8. There were a few window blinds on the second grade hall that needs to be replaced.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/15/2013
Score: 91.5

#  Comments Points
3. Pink build-up found on around the spout of some water fountains in the front hallway(by office), 2nd grade hallway, and inside kindergarden classrooms. 20.0
6. Peeling wall in rooms 124(bttm part), 432(by window), and 434 (by window). Worn carpet found inside of the media center, at the steps. The carpet is presenting a trip hazard for anybody walking that area. Hole, in the wall, found in the boys restroom in the trailers. Stained flooring found in a number of classrooms in the 100's hallway. Torn carpet in room 139. Must be in good repair. 15.0
8. There were a lot of classrooms, in the kindergarden area, with dead flies in the light shields. Light shields need to also be cleaned in rooms 423 and 430. Clean the ventilation units in classrooms 807-04 and 204A. Blind damage in classrooms 430 and 142. Cracked light shield found in room 138. Replace the blown light bulbs or address electrical issue in rooms 807-04, 432, 142, and 132. 20.0
11. Aerosol sprayers and cleaning chemicals were found on tables of some classrooms. There as a sprayer, in the bathroom, located in the media center. Suggestion was made to keep chemicals from being in open sight for the students. Keep in the cabinets or keep 5 feet above floor. Rms media room closet, 807-05, pre-K 30.0
General Comments
4. Loose toilet seat in 4th grade hallway bathroom.
7. Work on storage being off of the floor in the custodial closets.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/07/2011
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
5. The boys handwashing station, in the 3rd grade hallway, was not working. Must be in good repair. 15.0
6. The carpet floors, in the 100's building is worn and stained in alot of places. Inspected rms 125, 129, 131, and 132. Suggest replacing the worn floors in the 100's building. Two stained ceiling tiles in rm 139. The walls are peeling in the 400's building. Inspected rms 430, 433, and 424. 30.0
8. There were a lot of classrooms in the 100's building that had dead flies in the light shields. Must be cleaned. Replace the blown light bulbs room 134. 20.0
11. The custodial closet, closest to the cafeteria, was open and accessible to kids. Keep the chemicals under locken key or at least 5 feet off of the ground. Chemical, in a spray bottle, was stored under a sink in room 139. Must be out of reach of children. 30.0
General Comments
3. Clean the build-up in/around the water fountain spout located closest to the cafeteria.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/14/2009
Score: 94.5

#  Comments Points
6. the carpet in building 100 is worn and has a few torn spots; vacuum behind computer desks in 424; replace stained ceiling tiles in music room; repair the overhang right outside of room 130 15.0
7. the larger storage rooms need dunnage racks to keep supplies off the ground; keep all storage off the ground and sweep the storage rooms ; the wooden shelves in the custodian closets need to be cleaned ( different types of stains and spills ) 10.0
11. chemicals cannot be stored in cabinets under sinks; keep chemiclas in the classrooms out of reach of children ( at least 5 feet off the ground ) 30.0
General Comments
GC # 3 : adjust the fountains in 124, 138;
GC # 4 : the ceilings in all bathrooms need to be washable ( 100 building has acoustic tile ceilings in the bathrooms ); almost all the commode bolt covers are missing;
GC # 8 : windows that are used for ventilation need to have screens;
Note : hand sink/fountain combination sinks are in use ( the fountain part may become contaminated every time hands are washed ); Note : the modular pod is not in use
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 07/25/2007
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
4. the ceilings in all bathrooms need to be washable ( 100 building has acoustic tile ceilings in the bathrooms ); repair hand sinks in 140/141 and 137/138; several hand sinks in 100 building have hardly any water pressure 35.0
6. ceiling and walls in trailer 2 need repair; ceiling support beams in trailer 6 are falling; walls and window frames in gym trailer are damaged; exposed wiring in the bathroom trailer; the steps to one modular have one heavily bent piece of wood ( trip hazard ); many area rugs are fraying; the carpet in building 100 is worn and has a few torn spots; replace stained ceiling tiles in 139 and clean around vents in 135 15.0
11. chemicals cannot be stored in cabinets under sinks; keep chemiclas in the classrooms out of reach of children ( at least 5 feet off the ground ) 30.0
General Comments
GC # 3 : adjust water pressure at fountain in 140/141 ;
GC # 7 : keep all storage off the floor
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 05/18/2006
Score: 88

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Inpection and complaint visit.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 06/16/2004
Score: 86

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Knightdale Elementary School
Location: 109 RIDGE ST KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545-8996
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 11/01/2001
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
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Red Denotes Critical Violation
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