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Adams Elementary School

CARY, NC 27511-4255

Facility Type: Schools

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Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/17/2024
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
3. Repair two out of order drinking fountains. One nonfunctional fountain is in classroom #200 and the other broken fountain is at the entrances to classroom bathrooms #305A and #301A. 20.0
4. Repair one urinal that is nonfunctional in boy`s bathroom #607B. Repair toilet in the first stall of girl`s bathroom #607A. This toilet has very poor water flow and drainage for proper flushing. Repair ceiling leak in classroom bathroom #307A by ceiling vent. Replace water stained ceiling tile in this bathroom after the ceiling leak has been fixed. Repair and repaint chipping and peeling wall surfaces in the toilet stalls of girl`s bathroom #405A. 35.0
5. Repair two nonfunctional hand wash sinks in boy`s bathroom #607B. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink due to a clogged and backed up drain in the special needs classroom #505. 15.0
6. Repair major roof and ceiling leaks in the student service office rooms #101 and #103. Replace missing and water damaged ceiling tiles in these offices after the sources of the roof leaks have been identified and repaired. Carpets in both offices have become water logged from the leaks and require proper drying out and deep extraction cleaning or removal and replacement. These carpet repairs or replacements are needed to prevent mold growth. Repair the source of ceiling and roof leaks also present in office #106A and in the cafeteria dining room by the emergency fire exit door. Replace water stained ceiling tiles in these location after leak repairs. Replace rusted ceiling vent covers in classroom #202. Repair or replace broken wooden bottom step edge on the steps from the gym floor to the stage. Priority repairs for safety are necessary on this step to prevent trip and fall hazards. Replace deteriorated and loose entry ramp side rails and hand railings for trailer #7. Replace deteriorated ramp entry deck hand rail and floorboards on trailer #4. Repairs for safety are needed on these two trailer ramps. 15.0
11. Pre-k and kindergarten playground equipment is covered in residue, build up, and grime and is in need of pressure wash cleaning. Main playground equipment surfaces are chipping and peeling and require repainting to prevent rust and deterioration. 15.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/22/2023
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
4. Replace missing ceiling tiles in the boy`s bathroom #607B. Repair nonfunctional urinal in the boy`s bathroom #104B. Repair toilet that is leaking on the flush valve in the last stall in the girl`s bathroom #104A. Repair nonfunctional toilet in class bathroom #204A. Two toilets are frequently clogging and backing up in the shared student bathrooms between classrooms #301 and #305. The sewage drain line for these toilets should be cleared out. 35.0
5. Repair nonfunctional handwash sink in classroom #200A. Repair boy`s bathroom #607B handwash sink faucet that is leaking on the control valve when water flow is on. The faucet requiring repair is the second in row. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling and roof leaks in the following school locations: in the media center main room adjacent to the rear wall, in classroom #306, at the entry doorway into the kindergarten/300 hallway, and in classroom #505. Replace water-stained ceiling tiles in these locations after the sources of the leaks have been fixed. Repair loose handrail support post on the ramp at the steps by the exit doorway from the 5th grade hallway. Replace deteriorated wooden floorboards on the entry ramp for trailer #7 and on the rear exit deck and steps for trailer #4. Priority repairs for safety are needed on the listed ramps and deck. 15.0
General Comments
School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/15/2022
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains in the hallway at room #106A, at the entry to class bathrooms #301A and #305A, and in classroom #205. 20.0
4. Repair two nonfunctional/clogged urinals in boys bathroom #104B. Repair two toilets that have poor water flow for flushing in the first stalls of girls bathrooms #104A and #607A. Repair leaking toilets in class bathrooms #200A and #205A. Repair first in row urinal that has poor water flow for flushing and that is leaking in the boys bathroom #405B. Repair toilet that is leaking on the flush valve in staff bathroom #400. Repair nonfunctional urinal in boys bathroom #607B.Reattach loose pipe fitting on toilet in the third stall of girls bathroom #405. 20.0
5. Repair leak on drain pipe in cabinet beneath hand wash sink for teachers lounge #111. Repair clogged sink drain in art classroom #113. Repair hand wash sink faucet that has poor water flow in class bathroom #307A. Repair clogged hand wash sink drain in staff bathroom #400. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in the following school locations: in the cafeteria dining room #112A near the windows, in the media center main room #402 adjacent to the rear wall, and in class bathroom #307A. Replace water stained ceiling tiles in these locations after the sources of the leaks are fixed. Reattach loose wall base tiles in class bathroom #305A. Repair or replace loose hand railings, loose hand railing support posts, and loose and deteriorated floor boards on the exterior handicap ramp at the entry/exit doors to the 500 hallway. Reattach loose middle hand rail on entry ramp into trailer #6. Replace splintered, chipped, deteriorated, and rotting floor boards on the entry ramps for trailer #7 and trailer #1 and on the rear entry/exit deck for trailer #4. Priority repair of these hand rails, deck, and ramp floorboards are needed to prevent potential trips, falls, and other related injury hazards. The floor boards on the ramp to trailer # 1 have rotted to a point where there is also a risk that the boards could collapse under foot. Priority repairs for safety are needed especially on the handicap ramp handrails and trailer one entry ramp floorboards. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in the hallway at classroom #200. 20.0
General Comments
Conduit and wiring between the kiln and breaker box/shutoff is broken and disconnected in art room #113B. This broken connection should be repaired by a licensed electrician to verify that the kiln is in compliance with building safety, fire, and electrical codes. Priority repair item. Classrooms #200, #202, and #204 are flooding frequently during heavy rains. The current storm drain pipe capacity is not capable of diverting heavy rainfall away from the building foundation in this location and requires renovation to prevent building flooding in these rooms. Replace missing mulch around playground equipment on the kindergarten playground. There is the potential of trip hazards on this playground due to depressions caused by the lack of ground covering next to raised play areas with ground padding. Reattach loose lower step hand railing on play structure on the kindergarten playground. Reattach loose end support bar for hand swings on the fourth grade playground. This support bar is missing a fastener pin to fix it into a locked position. Secure and refasten loose climbing rails and support posts on climbing play structure on the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades playground.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/11/2021
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain at entry to student class bathrooms #305A and #301A. 20.0
4. Repair toilet in the first stall of the girls hall bathroom #607A. This toilet has poor water flow. 20.0
5. Repair the first hand wash sink in boys hall bathroom #607B. This sink has a clogged drain. Repair hand wash sink in class bathroom #307A. This hand sink has poor water flow. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in classroom #306, in classroom #509, in the hall across from girls bathroom #104A, in the hall at girls bathroom #405B, in the media center room #402 at the cinder block wall, and in the cafeteria dining room #112A by the windows and emergency exit. Water stained ceiling tiles should be replaced after the sources of these leaks have been fixed. Modular class buildings #2, #3, #6, and #8 have entry/exit ramps and decks with deteriorated, chipped, and warped floor boards. The deck steps on these modular buildings are also deteriorated. The deck and steps on Modular Building #5 is also in disrepair. These damaged ramps, decks, and steps should be repaired A.S.A.P due to potential safety hazards. 15.0
8. Dead bugs were present in the ceiling lights in class bathroom #503A and in the entry area to class bathrooms #300A and #304A. Please clean out these ceiling light fixtures. 20.0
General Comments
Ants were present on sink counter top in classroom #200. Recommend pest control treatments for this class room. Classrooms #306 and #307 flood frequently during storms. A drainage ditch is needed outside of the building in this area to channel runoff away from the building and into an existing storm drain on the adjacent playground. The repeated flooding of these classrooms increases the potential of floor damage and interior mold growth. Repeat repair request from prior years school sanitation inspections. Custodial closets should be kept closed and locked when staff are not present.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/25/2020
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains by class bathrooms #305A and #307A and also by girls restroom #405A. 20.0
4. Repair leaking toilets in girls hall bathroom #104A (Third Stall) and in classroom bathrooms #205A and #304A. Repair nonfunctional toilets in class bathroom #202A (low water flow) and in girls bathroom #607A. Repair nonfunctional urinal in boys hall bathroom #104B. 20.0
6. Repair chipping wall paint in boys bathroom #607B and in classroom #307 by the rear exit door. Repair ceiling and roof leaks in classroom #306, in the media center, in the cafeteria dining room, and in room #101. The ceiling leaks in room #101 are severe with possible mold growth on the water damaged ceiling tiles. This leak is in need of immediate repair. Replace rotted and damaged floor boards on ramp entry to modular building # 5. Repair of this ramp is needed A.S.A.P. due to trip and fall hazards. 15.0
8. Repair loose ceiling light shield in class bathroom #307A. 20.0
11. Repair torn ground covering on kindergarten playground. (Trip Hazard) 15.0
General Comments
Classroom #306 floods during heavy rainstorms. Renovations are necessary to carry the rainfall runoff from the school roof away from the rear exit door of classroom #306 and also away from the building foundation.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/09/2019
Score: 88

#  Comments Points
3. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains in classroom # 204 and for classrooms #301 and #305. (Fountain is at these class bathrooms). Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain by girls hall bathroom #405A. Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain by student services room # 106B. 20.0
4. Repair two leaking toilets in girls hall bathroom #204 (Leaks are on toilet handle valves). Repair broken toilet seat in class bathroom #307A. Repair nonfunctional toilet in class bathroom #301A. (Toilet has low water flow). Repair chipped wall paint in boys hall bathroom #607B. Replace damaged toilet seat in girls hall bathroom #405A. Repair loose base stripping on bottom of toilet stall divider wall in boys hall bathroom #405B. 35.0
5. Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink for boys hall bathroom #104B. 15.0
6. Repair ceiling leaks in main hallway at specialist hall intersection. Repair ceiling leak at entrance to the 300 kindergarten hallway. Repair ceiling leak in classroom #306. Repair chipped wall paint by rear exit door in classroom #307. Repair loose phone jack outlet covering in media center room #402. Repair holes in entry ramp floor boards for modular buildings # 8 and #4. (Trip and safety hazards. Repair A.S.A.P.) Repair rotted and loose floor boards on rear exit ramp and steps for modular building #6. 15.0
8. Repair nonfunctional ceiling lights in classroom bathroom #202A and 305A. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light ballast in classroom # 203. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light ballast in boys hall bathroom #405B. Repair three nonfunctional ceiling light ballasts in cafeteria dining room. 20.0
11. Repair loose ground cover pads on pre-k playground.(Trip Hazard) Repair hole in ground covering for map playground. (Trip/Fall Hazard). Repair damaged section of chain length fence on orange playground. 15.0
General Comments
Classrooms #306 and #304 are flooding during heavy rains. A drainage diversion ditch is needed outside of both classrooms to carry rainfall surface runoff to a nearby existing storm water drain. A gutter downspout pipe is also needed by room #304 to carry rain water runoff from the roof away from the building foundation and the exit door for room #304. Repair clogged storm drain pipe on patio for first grade classes on 200 hallway. Heavy storm rainfall is frequently flooding the patio and entering these adjacent classes.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/17/2018
Score: 90

#  Comments Points
4. Repair nonfunctional urinals in boys hall bathrooms #104B and #405B. Repair nonfunctional toilet in girls hall bathroom # 405A. Replace missing tile floor cover in class bathroom # 204A. Repair damaged boys hall bathroom stall cinderblock wall in restroom # 607B. Replace missing base tile in boys hall bathroom # 607B. Wall paint is chipping in boys and girls bathrooms #607B and # 607A. Repaint these bathroom walls. 50.0
6. Repair ceiling /roof leaks in office lobby and in hall at gym entrance. Replace water damaged ceiling tiles after leaks are repaired. Some mold growth is present on kindergarten classroom floors at exit doors to playgrounds. (This is due to periodic flooding of these classes during strong rain events.) Clean mold from these class floor tiles. (Classroom # 306) 30.0
8. Repair nonfunctional light ballast in entrance to boys hall bathroom # 607 B. Replace burned out light bulbs in ceiling ballast for classroom Bathroom # 306B. Repair flickering gym hall ceiling light ballast. 20.0
General Comments
Recommend installation of drainage ditch at base of hill above kindergarten classrooms wing and kindergarten classes playground. A drainage ditch is needed to channel storm water runoff on the hillside away from the building wing for the kindergarten and into existing storm water sewage drains. The kindergarten classes are periodically flooding as a result of storm water runoff. This has caused mold growth on the floors of some kindergarten classrooms.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/21/2017
Score: 89.5

#  Comments Points
3. Repair loose water fountain in room 611. 0.0
4. Repair damaged walls and paint in 305A, 301A, 607A, and 607B. Repair toilet in 607A. Repair rusting ceiling grid in 607B. Recaulk toilet bases in 405A. Repair urinal in 405B. 35.0
5. Repair damaged cabinet doors below sink in rooms 610 and 603. Repair damaged shelf below sink in room 611. 0.0
6. Repair water damage/damaged paint on walls in 306, 502, Check for leaks at water stained ceiling tiles in hall across from kindergarten hall, outside room 405 and in room 613. Clean the ceiling tiles around the vents in room 515 and elsewhere as needed. Repair ill-fitting ceiling tiles in trailer 5. Repair floors in rooms 306, 608, 603, 604, and 606. Carpeting needs cleaning in room 515. Replace missing ceiling tile in gym. 15.0
7. All storage must be at least 15 inches above the floor. Numerous storage closets had storage directly on the floor. 10.0
8. Ceiling vents need cleaning in hallways, room 515 and trailers 1 and 5. Repair drip from ceiling vent in trailer 5 (second vent from doorway). Replace shattered window in room 601. Repair light outside of room 500. Repair flickering light outside of media center. 20.0
11. Repair railings to trailers, several exposed nails and damaged wood. Bottom rail on outside rail to trailer 1 needs to be replaced. Room 608 has a rodent odor, one dead mouse in trap below sink. Droppings below sink in room in 603. Increase pest control measures as needed. Remind teachers that all chemicals, cleaners, disinfectant wipes are to be stored out of reach of children (at least five feet up or behind the teacher`s desk). 25.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/19/2014
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
1. Observed a few janitorial mop sink/can washes did not have hot water. Hot and cold running water under pressure shall be provided to food preparation areas, and any other areas in which water is required for operations and maintenance cleaning...At several mop sinks, observed that water was turned on at faucet knobs but water was not being used OR water had been shut off at splitter on end of faucet. When water is not being used at mop sinks, always turn water off at the faucet knobs...not at the splitter. 0.0
3. Clean the few soiled water fountain nozzles...Clean the soiled exteriors and side vent slats on most water fountains throughout school. 20.0
4. Seal the small holes in walls in bathrooms...Clean the soiled walls in some bathrooms...Clean the soiled sides and edges of toilet stall partition doors, door latches and partition walls. Clean the soiled sides and edges of doors leading into bathrooms in classrooms and in hallways. Also recommend disinfecting these surfaces...Repair the damaged wooden partition doors in bathroom #607A. Also repair the bathroom door sides in classroom #301 that have damaged laminate. Repair doors so they are smooth and easy to clean. 35.0
5. Clean the soiled undersides/exteriors of bathroom paper towel dispensers. 0.0
6. Clean the soiled flooring and walls in storage rooms, janitorial rooms, etc. Remove cob webs and any dead insects in these areas...Clean the soiled walls in some school hallways...Maintain covers over mop sink drains...Clean the soiled sides and edges of doors throughout school, such as doors to classrooms, media center, etc...On door levers to special education kitchen, replace the damaged/peeling black tape (so surfaces are smooth and easy to clean) OR remove tape completely if it is not needed (including grab bars in special ed bathrooms). These taped surfaces should be easy to clean and disinfect as needed. 15.0
7. In many storage rooms, observed many items stored directly on floor, preventing proper cleaning of floor and adjacent areas. All storage shall be at least 15 inches above floor or arranged to permit thorough cleaning, such as storing items on shelving, in cabinets, on mobile push carts, etc. 10.0
8. Clean the few dusty ceiling and wall vent grates/covers in cafeteria dining area, storage rooms, bathrooms, and janitorial areas...Replace/repair (if possible) a few bent/damaged window blinds found in classrooms. 0.0
10. Behind the cafeteria kitchen, replace the dumpster that is leaking because it has rusted through. Clean the soiled ground under and around this dumpster where leachate from leaking dumpster has accumulated. 10.0
11. In many classrooms where students have access, observed hand sanitizer bottles, disinfecting wipes, liquid paper (correction fluid), white board cleaner, and other cleaners that were out in the open. These items are marked "keep out of reach of children" and many have other health warnings...Keep these items near or inside teachers` desks and under teachers` direct supervision and control OR in locked cabinets. They shall always be used as directed on their labels and stored to avoid health hazards. 0.0
General Comments
NOTE: In janitorial closets and other rooms, observed many unlabeled spray bottles with different colored liquids in them. Always properly label these bottles with their contents once these liquids have been taken out of their original containers.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 09/14/2012
Score: 98

#  Comments Points
7. Overall most of the school is very clean. I did find dust on some high shelves and high ledges. All storage shall be at least 15 inches (38.1 centimeters) above the floor or otherwise arranged so as to permit thorough cleaning. 20.0
General Comments
There is a corroded union in Mechanical Room M9 that has a slow drip.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 10/28/2010
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
5. Rims of sinks in 3rd grade classrooms had pink mold. 15.0
6. Carpet in 4th & 5th grade classrooms in bad repair & several stains. Rugs in 2nd & 3rd grade classrooms becoming worn & tattered. Cobwebs noticed throughout facility in corners of floors and ceilings and around windows. 15.0
7. Storage closets in classrooms not as organized with items off floor as shared storage rooms in hallway. PTA storage room needs items off floor so it can be cleaned. 10.0
8. Broken and dusty wall vent/grill to AC in media center. Modular building (#165) had water coming in AC vent causing wall & floor to be wet. 20.0
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 02/06/2007
Score: 93

#  Comments Points
7. Boxes of paper towels and toilet tissue should be stored above the floor in custodial closets. Do not stack these items on top of mopsinks. Do not store items like toys, class supplies, or class activity items in class bathrooms. Ex: In kindergarten special needs bathroom a bin of class supply items was on the changing table and a mattress with a cloth cover was on changing table in 8/9 year olds special needs restroom. Diapering items are the only items that should be present in class bathrooms 10.0
8. Clean ceiling vents in cafeteria dining room. 20.0
11. Roach droppings were present in kitchen area for special needs children. Clean kitchen cabinets equipment thoroughly. Keep all snack foods for children in sealed containers or plastic bags. Contact pest control specialist to treat area when children are away from premises. Cleaning chemicals, aerosol cans, chemical wipes, and spray paint cannisters should be stored out of reach of students in classrooms and bathrooms. Ex: Kindergarten wing, bathroom for special needs children, classrooms for all grades, and art room. 40.0
General Comments
Repair loose support rails by slides on blue playground equipment. Thermometer is needed in refrigerator for special needs class. This will allow staff to verify that items like milk are being stored at a temp. below 45 degrees F.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 08/24/2004
Score: 96

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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Adams Elementary School
Location: 805 CARY TOWNE BLVD CARY, NC 27511-4255
Facility Type: Schools
Inspection Date: 11/26/2001
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
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