Repair broken toilet seat in the gym boys locker room bathroom. Repair toilet bowl that has a cracked rim in the 1300 hall girls bathroom.
Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink in the 1200 Hall Boys Bathroom. Repair partially clogged sink in science lab classroom #3107
Repair ceiling leaks in the media center office #2125A. Repair ceiling leak in the 1200 hall at the sixth grade entrance and side exit door. Repair ceiling leak at the entrance to the 2100 corridor. Repair ceiling leak in the 2200 hall at air conditioning vent by room 2202. Water damaged ceiling tiles at the locations of the leaks should be replaced after the sources of these leaks are fixed. Repair chipping ceiling paint in the gym and in the skylights of the boys and girls locker room. Repaint chipped wall vent in auditorium stage bathroom. (Restroom is on the left side of the stage.)
Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in the hallway by staff bathroom #2301. Repair loose ceiling light shield in the boys hall bathroom #3312.
Repair drinking fountains that are missing hand paddle covers by boys bathroom #3101 and dance class room # 3604.
Repair nonfunctional toilets in boys bathrooms # 3312, on the 1200 hall, and in #2101. Repair nonfunctional urinal in the boys bathroom on the 1300 hall. Replace the broken toilet seat in the girls bathroom on the 1300 hall.
Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink faucets in the girls bathrooms #2111 and #3302.
Repair ceiling leaks throughout the 1200 hall, 1300 hall, and the 2100 hall. Repair ceiling leaks at air conditioning units by rooms #1217 and boys bathroom #2314. Repair ceiling leak at air conditioning unit at entrance to the 2200 hall corridor. Repair peeling ceiling paint in gymnasium.
Repair nonfunctional shower in handicap stall of the girls gym locker room.
Repair the fountain next to room 3302 and room 3312.
The window sills in both the boys and the girls bathroom in 1300 hall are flaking. The ceiling in the 1300 hall boys bathroom was painted within the last few days, and the paint is flaking again. The ceiling in the boys bathroom in modular 701 needs repair. Several tiles are missing, and things like electrical ducts are hanging down into the bathroom. The metal door frame at the entrance to this bathroom is badly cracked, and the door closure mechanism broke off the door.
GREEN MOLD ON THE CARPET in 1314. There is a crack in the wall in the far corner in room 1316. Stained ceiling tiles in 1307. Several ceiling tiles in the 1300 hallway are missing, and trash cans are placed under the openings to catch runoff coming from leaks in the ceiling. There is another trash can outside room 1216 to catch water form a ceiling leak in the hallway. The ceiling tiles here are missing, and there is a black area ( possible mold ) visible on the ductwork in the ceiling. The ceiling paint in the gym is starting to flake. The paint on the wall under the windows in room 2311 is flaking badly indicating moisture coming through the wall. The ceiling tiles in 2305 are bent ( high humidity ) and stained. Stained ceiling tile outside room 2206, and missing ceiling tiles in 2212 A. Rooms 2125 C and 2125 A have ceiling tile stains around the HVAC unit and across the ceiling.
The black paint on the window sills is flaking in 1307, 1313, 1311, 1316, 1211. The bathroom fan in the 700 modular staff bathroom is hanging from the ceiling, and the ceiling tile around it is stained.
A leak in the 1300 hall has left a rust trail running down the wall and down a set of lockers. According to the custodian, the lockers will occasionally flood. Repair the broken locker panel in the locker set next to room 3308.
There is a hole in floor in one corner of room 701. A mouse trap and some mouse droppings are next to the hole.
At one mop sink, observed that water was on at faucet but no water was being dispensed. To prevent water from putting pressure on faucet vacuum breaker, keep water turned off at faucet knobs when water or cleaning chemicals are not being dispensed...No hot water was available at a few custodial closet mop sinks. Hot and cold running water under pressure shall be provided to mop sinks where water is required for operations and maintenance cleaning.
Throughout school, repair/replace the missing front push bars on several water fountains...Clean the soiled water fountain nozzles and dusty/soiled side vent grate openings on fountains...Observed several fountains (Room #1210 and in modular unit hallway) with very low water pressure. Increase water pressure at fountains to maintain a high arc of water.
Clean the soiled sides and edges of toilet stall doors and partitions. Also recommend disinfecting these surfaces...Seal the small holes in children`s and staff bathroom walls throughout school. Replace missing or damaged caulk between handsinks and walls and around toilet bases. Ensure caulk is smooth and easy to clean...After properly repairing any ceiling or equipment leaks, clean or repaint water stained ceiling surfaces in 1300 hall bathrooms...Seal the crack in wall in 1300 hallway girls` bathroom...Sand and repaint peeling paint on walls and window sill surfaces in bathrooms.
Seal the holes in walls in classrooms and storage room #1230...Repair the damaged column base in room #1306. Repair the rusty metal sections near windows in this room...Repaint the peeling walls and window sill areas in various classrooms...After properly repairing any ceiling or equipment leaks, replace water stained ceiling tiles/surfaces in hallways and classrooms (1300 hallway area)...Clean the soiled flooring in storage rooms, classrooms and gymnasium...Replace the missing mop sink drain covers in custodial closets...Repair the frayed carpeting in room #1211.
Throughout school, remove insect remains and other debris from tops of ceiling light covers. Also clean the dusty ceiling and HVAC wall vent grates/covers...Clean the soiled light fixture covers in cafeteria dining area...Replace the torn window screen in room #702...Replace the bent/damaged window blinds in room #1218.
Remove the peeling paint in girls` locker room and repaint as needed.
Replace the missing drain plugs on dumpsters...Doors on a few dumpsters were open. Keep them closed.
Found one large live cockroach in facility. Ensure proper pest control is used for elimination of pests...Remove the old wood, pallets, etc. from ground by outside dumpsters and properly dispose of this material.
General Comments
REMINDER ABOUT STORAGE OF CHEMICALS, CLEANERS, AEROSOLS, ETC. WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT: In classrooms and areas where students would have access, cleaners, disinfectants, aerosol sprays, and other chemicals are to be stored to avoid health hazards. Since these items have various health warnings, they should be used under teachers' direct supervision and control OR stored in closed or locked cabinets.
The floor and walls in most of the bathrooms need better cleaning, especially on the floors at the base boards. The girls bathroom near the gym has paper all over the ceilings, clean ceilings. The floors and walls in the bathrooms by the gym and on the front hall need better cleaning and some repair to the worn paint.
The sinks in the room 2312 need cleaning. Some of the sinks in 3301 are dripping, repair sinks.
There is a lot of storage in the staff bathroom in the satellite building, some on the floor; there should not be any storage in the bathrooms.
The exhaust vents in the module classroom bathrooms and the gym locker rooms need cleaning. The light is out in one of the showers in the boys' locker room.
In the custodial closets on multiple hallways and in the satellite building have unlabeled chemical bottles and/or open, unlabeled buckets of liquid chemicals. Chemicals must be labeled, used as labeled, and stored to prevent health hazards. It is unsanitary and unsafe to have open buckets of cleaning solutions stored in the custodial closets. The custodial closets are used by a private contractor, not the regular janitorial staff of the school, the chemicals are brought in and handled by the private contractor.
In a couple of classrooms, observed aerosol cleaners and art supplies there were stored in areas easily accessible to the students, recommend storing aerosol containers in locked cabinets or storage rooms to prevent unsupervised use by students.
General Comments
GC #3A- The front button on the left water fountain near the gym laundry/storage room is not working, repair fountain. GC #4B- The right urinal in the front hall boys bathroom is cracked, replace cracked urinal. GC #6A- Replace the missing ceiling tile in the girls' locker room custodial closet. GC #11A- In custodial closet 2208, the mops were down in the sink and were wet, the mops need to be stored so that they will properly air dry.
Comments: In the custodial closet (2121) the mop sink needs to be recaulked or sealed where it meets the floor. Repair the dripping mop sink in the satellite building custodial closet, also, this sink needs cleaning. Better cleaning is needed on the tops of the lockers in the gym locker rooms, both boys' and girls', the tops of the lockers are very dusty.
A. Drinking fountain is not working in the hallway by room 1308, repair. B. Drinking fountain in classroom 1212 has low water pressure.
A. The wall is worn in the staff restroom in the media center. Water damage ceiling tile in the girl's restroom by classsroom 1303. C. The floor tiles in the boy`s restroom in the module classroom are worn. The coving is coming off the wall in the boy`s module restroom.
The following floor tiles are cracked/worn: in the hallway by room 2109, in the hallway between boy`s restroom by room 1213 and room 1212, in the media center audio visual room and in all of the classrooms in the modular unit. Repair or replace the tiles and coving. Glue is on the floor in the audio visual room, clean it. The carpet is stained in classroom 1106, carpret is frayed/worn in work room 1211. The following walls have holes: wall in room 2310 and in Room 3401, repair. The following walls are worn: hall wall by room 2311, blue wall in classroom 3306, by the door in room 2110 and in the work room in the media center by the light switch. The wallpaper is dirty in the classroom kitchen in room 1105. Clean it. Water damaged ceiling tiles in the auditorium and in the hallway by the stage.
Storage on the floor in the kiln room, music instrument storage room. Keep all storage 15" off the floor to facilitated cleaning.
A.The window sills are dirty in classroom 1306, classroom 1217. Windowsills are broken on the corners in the media room.
B. Live cockroaches in the girl`s restrooms on the 6th grade hall(by rooms 1303 and 1311)
Water fountains are not working by room 110 and room 1308. Repair.
Replace the water damage ceiling tile in the staff restroom on the 2nd floor pelican group,and in the staff bathroom in the 700 trailer. Small holes in the wall in the staff restoom 2210 and 3407 Repair. The boy` restroom 3312, 1303 and the boy`s trailer restroom`s floor is dirty and smells like urine. The girl`s restroom floors are dirty in the trailers. Clean more throughly and frequently.
Water damaged ceiling tiles in room 0104, 0102, in the woodshop,repair. Missing floor tile in the wood shop closet. Replace. Paint is peeling off the wall in the wood shop closet. The 600 and 704 trailers floors are worn. Closet 0102 is missing floor tile-replace. Repair the hole in the wall outside of closet 0102. Stair well railing between the 2nd and 3rd floor is dusty. Clean more frequently. Basketball dressing room floor and football dressing room floor is dirty.
Many of the storage closets floors were dirty including: the woodshop,0110, 700 trailer janitor`s closet. Clean more frequently. Keep all storage 15" off the floor in these storage rooms: the woodshop,janitor closet 1209, 0102,0110,1308, 700 trailer janitor`s closet, the equipment room for the gymnasium, the football equipment room and in the home ecoomic`s closet.
Provide soap and a clean bath towels in the girl`s and boy`s locker rooms for each person using the shower.
Water fountains are not working by room 110 and room 1308. Repair.
Replace the water damage ceiling tile in the staff restroom on the 2nd floor pelican group,and in the staff bathroom in the 700 trailer. Small holes in the wall in the staff restoom 2210 and 3407 Repair. The boy` restroom 3312, 1303 and the boy`s trailer restroom`s floor is dirty and smells like urine. The girl`s restroom floors are dirty in the trailers. Clean more throughly and frequently.
Water damaged ceiling tiles in room 0104, 0102, in the woodshop,repair. Missing floor tile in the wood shop closet. Replace. Paint is peeling off the wall in the wood shop closet. The 600 and 704 trailers floors are worn. Closet 0102 is missing floor tile-replace. Repair the hole in the wall outside of closet 0102. Stair well railing between the 2nd and 3rd floor is dusty. Clean more frequently. Basketball dressing room floor and football dressing room floor is dirty.
Many of the storage closets floors were dirty including: the woodshop,0110, 700 trailer janitor`s closet. Clean more frequently. Keep all storage 15" off the floor in these storage rooms: the woodshop,janitor closet 1209, 0102,0110,1308, 700 trailer janitor`s closet, the equipment room for the gymnasium, the football equipment room and in the home ecoomic`s closet.
Provide soap and a clean bath towels in the girl`s and boy`s locker rooms for each person using the shower.
General Comments
4.Points taken, Replace the water damage ceiling tile in the staff restroom on the 2nd floor pelican group,and in the staff bathroom in the 700 trailer. Small holes in the wall in the staff restoom 2210 and 3407 Repair. The boy` restroom 3312, 1303 and the boy`s trailer restroom`s floor is dirty and smells like urine. The girl`s restroom floors are dirty in the trailers. Clean more throughly and frequently. General comments-Water fountain does not have adequate pressure by room 3304,adjust.The boy`s restroom sink faucets are leaking on one handsink in the 700 trailer. The water pressure is low to the handsink in the girl''''''''''''''''s restroom on the 2nd floor(pelican group)8. Vents are dirty in the boy''''''''s locker room , in the staff bathroom in the 700 trailer. Water is in the light fixture in the woodshop. Repair. I recommend keeping all chemicals including aersols, white out, white board cleaner locked in a cabinent, in cabinents or out of reach of children.