Repair toilet that is leaking on plumbing pipework in bathroom for classroom #114. Repair cracked base of urinal located in the modular class building boy`s bathroom with Maximo #M622. Repair nonfunctional toilet in the modular class building girl`s bathroom with Maximo #M622. Repair major ceiling leak in the bathroom trailer boy`s restroom. Replace water damaged ceiling tiles after the source of the leak is fixed. Reattach loose wall base tile in the bathroom trailer boy`s bathroom. Replace broken wall base tiles at toilet stalls in the gym hall boy`s bathroom #144. Sewer gas odor is present at floor drain in the gym hall boy`s bathroom #144. Clean out this floor drain by pouring warm soapy water into it. Pour fresh water down this drain weekly to keep the drainpipe from drying out and allowing sewer gas to enter the building. Replace broken and missing floor tiles in toilet stall of the gym hall girl`s bathroom #145.
Drain flies were present in the classroom #118-bathroom hand sink. This sink drain line requires cleaning out and pest control treatments.
Repair roof and ceiling leaks observed in the following school locations: in classroom trailer #4 at the entrance, in the rear hallway exit to the modular class buildings near electrical room #001, in the media center ceiling adjacent to the skylight, in classroom #114, in classroom #115, in classroom #121, in classroom #128, in classroom #138, in classroom #139, in classroom #143, and in the second-grade hallway at classroom #142. Replace water stained and water damaged ceiling tiles after the sources of these roof leaks have been fixed. Carpeting in classrooms throughout the school building have become permanently stained. This carpeting is in need of replacement. Floor tiles have become stained with possible mold growth from prior flooding in the rear exit hallway to the modular class buildings at electrical room #001 and in the 100-hall entrance by room #125. The floor tiles and the adhesive beneath the tiles should be replaced to prevent reoccurring mold growth in these locations. Repair clogged floor drain in custodial closet #137. Replace rotted exterior wall siding by entry door on trailer #5. Reattach loose hand railing on rear exit ramp of the modular class building with Maximo #M402. Priority repairs for safety are needed due to exposed nails. Replace rotted, deteriorated, and loose floorboards on the rear exit decks and steps of Trailer #2, Trailer #6, and Trailer #7. Priority repairs for safety are needed due to the potential of trip and fall hazards. The support framework and support posts of the rear exit deck of Trailer #2 have deteriorated and require priority repairs for structural safety. Please repair A.S.A.P.
Class supplies, electrical equipment, sound equipment, and stage lighting were stored in the shower and staff bathroom #148 of the gym office. Excessive storage of class supplies and toys were present in the pre-k class #115 bathroom and bathtub. Notebook pads for students were stored in the staff bathroom of the modular class building with Maximo #M622. Bathrooms are not clean storage spaces. The class items stored in these restrooms can become a means of transfer for communicable disease pathogens including stomach flu. The storage of class items, school supplies and electrical equipment in bathrooms is also an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these facilities. The electrical equipment and lighting stored in the gym office staff bathroom is a potential safety hazard. The storage located in these restrooms should be removed A.S.A.P. Repeat inspection item.
Repair nonfunctional air conditioning system in the boy`s and girl`s restroom of the bathroom trailer. Repair nonfunctional air conditioning system in classroom trailer #6. Priority repair of air conditioning systems in these trailers are required for the comfort and health of students and staff. All the ceiling lighting is nonfunctional in the boy`s restroom in the bathroom trailer. Priority repairs for safety are necessary. Dead bugs were present in the ceiling vents of classroom bathrooms #119, #114, #132, #140 and #142. Dead bugs were also present in ceiling vents in the boy`s hall bathroom #109 and in the girl`s hall bathroom #107. The ceiling vents in all of the bathrooms listed should have the coverings removed and be cleaned out. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in the pre-k class kitchen #115C. Repair broken light switch in the bathroom of classroom #116. Repair nonfunctional wall light above the handwash sink in the bathroom of pre-k classroom #115.
Live cockroach was spotted in the custodial closet #117. Professional pest control treatments are needed in the school building. Replace missing skirt on the exterior of the bathroom trailer beneath the deck to prevent pest harborage issues. Reattach loose section of exterior trellis skirt on trailer #2 for the same reason.
Repair toilet that has poor water flow in the boys bathroom of modular building/pod #313. Repair leaking toilet in the bathroom for classroom #134. The toilet is leaking on the flush valve. Repair or replace broken toilet stall door in the girls bathroom #152.
Repair roof and ceiling leaks in the following school building locations: on the first grade hallway at the entrance to the media center room #141, on the fifth grade hall at the rear entrance to the media center room #141 and at classroom #158, in the hallway outside of art room #154, in the pre-k hall at the rear building exit to the modular class buildings, in the hall at the entrance to the gym #146, in the gym room #146, in classroom #116, in classroom #126, in classroom #128, in classroom #132, in classroom #140, in classroom #157, and in the hallway at the boys bathroom #109. Repeat inspection repair items. Many of the leak locations noted in this inspection were also documented on the prior school sanitation inspection report. Replace water stained and water damaged ceiling tiles after the sources of the roof and ceiling leaks noted have been repaired. The roof/ceiling leak in the pre-k hallway at the rear entrance by the modular buildings is major and has caused the collapse of multiple ceiling tiles. Urgent repair is needed to prevent possible ceiling structural damage and possible interior mold growth. Other ceiling leak locations, noted in this inspection, where the ceiling tiles have collapsed from water damage also require priority repair. Repair hole in the ceiling of the pre-k classroom kitchen #115 C. Replace damaged floor board on entrance ramp for modular building/pod 313. Damaged ramp floor board is at the entrance door to this modular building. Replace torn and damaged wall paper in the hall by the cafeteria dining room.
Class supplies, school equipment, and toys were stored in the shower of the staff bathroom #148 of the gym office. Bathrooms and showers are not clean storage locations. The storage of school program supplies in this staff bathroom is an impediment to the cleaning and repair of this facility and should be removed.
Replace rusted ceiling vent covers in boys and girls hall bathrooms #144 and #145. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light fixtures in classrooms #138 and #139. Dead bugs were present in the ceiling vent in the bathroom of classroom #127 and in a light fixture in classroom #120. Clean this class bathroom ceiling vent and the classroom light fixture.
Repair nonfunctional drinking fountains in 3rd grade modular building hallway and in classrooms # 118, #120, #122, #129, #131, #132, and #139. Repair loose drinking fountain nozzle in classroom # 142.
Repair broken toilet stall door in boys hall gym bathroom #144. Replace missing floor tiles around drain in girls hallway bathroom # 107. Replace missing floor tiles in class bathroom #131. Replace missing cove/base tiles in class bathroom #136 and in modular restroom building boys bathroom. Repair loose base/cove tiles in boys hall bathroom in the 3rd grade pod /modular building. Repair chipped wall paint in boys hall bathroom # 151. Repair loose wall panels in boys bathroom in modular restroom building.
Repair hand wash sink faucet leak in girls bathroom in modular restroom building.
Repair ceiling leaks in classrooms # 121, # 126, # 140, and # 143. Repair ceiling /roof leaks in hallway outside of media center at classroom # 140, in the hallway outside of the gym entrance, and in the hallway at entry/exit to the campus modular buildings.
General Comments
Repair torn ground cover on Pre-K playground to prevent trip and fall hazards.
Walls in restrooms across establishment need cleaning. Floors need cleaning in restrooms by gym and Cracked ceiling in restroom of room 121.
Caulking needed around boys sink in restroom modular trailer, paper towel dispenser needs repair in small special ed modular trainer and Door needs repair in girls restroom by music room.
Cleaning needed of classroom walls, carpet and hallway walls throughout establishment. Floors need cleaning in art room
Storage on floor in Room 116 bathroom and Art room. Keep storage off floor at least 18 inches in closets and storage rooms. Do not use restrooms as storage areas.
Vents in restrooms across establishment need cleaning. Keep ventilation clean and in good repair.
Improper chemical storage observed in almost every classroom EHS visited today. Rooms are as follows: 108,111,119,121,124,128,132,142,155,159,313,318,Modular trailer #6, art room and unlocked teachers restrooms. Hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes are to be stored at least 5 feet off of the floor. Cleaning chemicals such as drain cleaner and aerosolized spray containers are to be kept locked. If labels state `keep out of reach of children` chemicals must be in locked cabinet or otherwise out of physical reach (higher than tallest child can reach). This violation has been mentioned on the last 5 inspections.
A.) Replacement needed of damaged floor tiles in modular building 310 restrooms; Cleaning needed of boy`s restroom walls on Fifth grade hallway; Cleaning needed of red stall doors in girl`s restroom across from Music room.
B.) Replacement needed of badly cracked toilet bases in Girl`s restroom across from Music room as well as room 143`s toilet base; Replace badly cracked toilet paper holder in girl`s restroom across from Music room.
Cleaning needed of classroom carpet throughout facility; Replacement needed of water damaged ceiling tiles in numerous areas especially hallways. Baker roofing onsite today to fix roof; Repairs needed to damaged ceiling around light fixture on Second Grade hall in janitor's closet.
B.) Storage on floor in Art Classroom kiln room, Book storage room and in restroom of room 115B. Keep storage off floor at least 18 inches in closets and storage rooms. Do not use restrooms as storage areas
Improper chemical storage observed in almost every classroom REHS visited today. Rooms are as follows: 160, 158, Music Classroom, Art classroom, 142, 115B, 119, Main Hall staff restroom, 138, 133, 114, 120, and 113. Hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes are to be stored at least 5 feet off of the floor. Cleaning chemicals such as drain cleaner and aerosolized spray containers are to be kept locked. If labels state `keep out of reach of children` chemicals must be in locked cabinet or otherwise out of physical reach (higher than tallest child can reach). This violation has been mentioned on the last 4 inspections.
B.) Increase water pressure to the following classroom water fountains; room 143, 126, and 125.
Repairs needed to leaking roof. REHS observed numerous water damaged ceiling tiles especially on left side of building nearest dining area; Repaint blue door in Boy's restroom nearest GYM; Cleaning needed of ceiling tiles nearest ceiling vents in Gym and Dining room; Sand, smooth and repaint ceiling vents in Gym and Dining room.
B.) Keep storage off floor at least 18 inches in closets and storage rooms. Today improper storage observed in the following rooms: Art, Gym, Modular building 4 and 112; Do not use Health room or restrooms as storage areas. Today storage observed in restroom in Modular building 2.
C.) Improper chemical storage observed in the following rooms: Costodial Closets, Health room, Art classroom and closet, Media Center, Music room and closet, 143,140,136,115,Modular building 2, Third Grade Modular classrooms, 125, 126, 112 and 106. Hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes are to be stored at least 5 feet off of the floor. Cleaning chemicals such as drain cleaner and aerosolized spray containers are to be kept locked.
General Comments
Replace water fountain in room 126. Glaze is gone at fountain and is no longer easily cleanable. Install vacuum breaker on faucet with hose attached in custodial closet of Small Pod.
Cleaning needed of wall in room 135 beside handsink and Art classroom divider wall; Cleaning needed of carpet in room 122 and 155; Replace water damaged and missing ceiling tiles in Gym.
C.) Incorrect chemical storage observed in the following rooms: 105A ( staff restroom ), 135, 116, 120, 155, Art classroom, and 316. Handsanitizers and disinfecting wipes are to be stored at least 5 feet off of the floor. Cleaning chemicals such as drain cleaner and aerosolized spray containers are to be kept locked.
General Comments
Increase amount of time water runs at girl's restroom handsink nearest dining area. Once handle depressed the water is to run for at least 15 seconds. Increase water pressure in room 130 at water fountain.
Adjust pressure on classroom drinking fountains, several were too low. One classroom drinking fountain was not working, have repaired.
Adjust timers on classroom restroom handwash sinks. These sinks should run for twenty seconds (ideally) or at least long enough for students to rinse hands without having to restart the water and recontaminate hands. Several sinks stayed on for only 2-3 seconds and two would not stay on without constant pressure.
Repair leak in gym roof, replace missing ceiling tile. Monitor water damaged ceiling tile outside of cafeteria for current leaks.
All storage should be 15 inches above the floor and organized for easy cleaning (bookroom, outside storage, gym storage, classrooms).
Numerous classrooms had chemicals stored incorrectly (not according to label). If labels state `keep out of reach of children` chemicals must be in locked cabinet or otherwise out of physical reach (higher than tallest child can reach). Recommend only allowing chemicals approved for institutional use in classrooms.
Repair hole in the girls restroom in large outside unit. Walls need cleaning in boys room #151.
All storage should be 15 inches above the floor and organized for easy cleaning (bookroom, outside storage, gym storage, room 135). Floors need cleaning in storage areas.
More than half of the classrooms had chemicals stored incorrectly (not according to label). If labels state `keep out of reach of children` chemicals must be in locked cabinet or otherwise out of physical reach (higher than tallest child can reach). Recommend only allowing chemicals approved for institutional use in classrooms.
General Comments
EHS to follow up on vinyl blinds. Painted white bookshelf in room 155 is damaged and has an exposed nail.
The partitions in the boys outside trailer restrooms are rusty and need to be replaced. The urinals and the last toilet in the 3rd grade pod boys restroom need cleaning. There`s a strong urine odor in the outside trailer boys restroom, the boys restroom near the gym and the 5th grade boys restroom. Recommend a strong grout cleaner and instructing students not to urinate on the floor and/or floor drains.
Most of the classroom carpets need to be cleaned. Repair the ceiling leaks in Rm 115 and the classroom kitchen ceiling. Do not replace the ceiling tiles without repairing the leaks first.
There is storage in the 3rd grade pod staff restroom and in the Special Education staff restroom. No storage (except toiletry items) are allowed in the restrooms unless they are stored in closed cabinets or sealed plastic containers. The Bookroom needs to be organized and storage elevated off the floor.
There were numerous chemicals in each classroom (All-purpose cleaner, stainless steel cleaner, acrylic sealer, Rubber Cement, Clorox Clean-Up, Lysol aerosol spray, 409, Glade air freshener). The Custodial Storage M402-7 in the Special Ed Bldg. should be kept locked at all times. A key may need to be made.
General Comments
The water fountain near the gym doesn't stop running when the button is released; needs to be repaired. The storage in the corner of the gym (extra desks, floor stripping machine, etc.) should be stored in an appropriate storage room.