Repair two nonfunctional urinals in the boys bathroom on the 500 hallway. Repair one nonfunctional toilet in the girls bathroom on the 500 hallway. Repair one nonfunctional urinal in boys bathroom #213 and also one toilet that has low water flow in the first stall of boys bathroom #213. Repair loose toilet seat in the main office staff bathroom # 100J.
Repair hand wash sink faucet that has a broken water flow control valve in boys bathroom #2211. Repair clogged dish sink drain in the FACS classroom #2203.
Replace missing and broken floor tiles in girls bathroom #2213. Repair loose and torn wall paper in the following school building locations: in the entrance to the girls bathroom on the 500 hallway, at the drinking fountain by the entrance to the boys bathroom #412, and on the upper entry wall on the 400 hall at room #406. Replace missing door sweeps on the entry/exit doors to the bus loop. Cracks are present beneath these doors providing an entry for pests into the building. Repair broken fasteners for door separation dividing bars on the loading dock entrance and on the cafeteria entrance #408. Replace floor tiles that are permanently stained in staff bathroom #214.
Athletic program and physical education class supplies were stored in the showers of the boys and girls gym locker room bathrooms. The locker room showers are not clean storage locations. Items in the girls locker room showers were on the floor. The storage of these items in the locker room bathroom showers can become a means of transfer for communicable disease including norovirus and stomach flu. The storage of the athletic program supplies in the locker rooms showers is also an impediment to the cleaning and repair of these facilities. The storage of these items should be removed from the locker room showers and bathroom areas A.S.A.P.
Repair nonfunctional air conditioning systems in the following school locations: in office #2100C, in office #2100D, in office #2100E, in office #2100G, in office #2100H, and in staff lounge #2101. Repair multiple nonfunctional ceiling lights in the media center, in the special needs classroom # 205 and in classroom #2100A.
Repair nonfunctional drinking fountain by girls bathroom #2213. Repair drinking fountain by the 500 hall boys bathroom. This fountain has low water pressure. Repair or replace damaged drinking fountains in the hall by the boys bathroom #412,(Damaged covering on this fountain) by the girls bathroom #215, (Two fountains in this location including one that is missing a hand paddle covering), and by the girls bathroom #2213, (Rusted exterior on this fountain).
Replace damaged and missing wall tiles in the boys bathroom #213. Replace two permanently stained toilet seats in the girls 500 hallway bathroom. Repair nonfunctional urinals in the boys hallway bathrooms #213 and #2211 and in the boys locker bathroom #404. Repair nonfunctional toilets in the girls 500 hallway bathroom, (one clogged toilet in the handicap stall), in the boys 500 hallway bathroom, (one nonfunctional toilet), in the girls bus loop entry hall bathroom #414, (one nonfunctional toilet), and in the girl hallway bathroom #215, (two nonfunctional toilets). Repair leaking toilet in the girls locker room bathroom #409.
Repair nonfunctional hand wash sink faucet in the girls hallway bathroom #215. Reattach loose and broken countertop sink basin in science classroom #509.
Repair damaged wall base tile at the 2000 hall entrance to the seventh grade back stairwell. Repair the hole in the half wall partition on the 2000 hallway. Repair leaks around window framework in classroom #523. Reattach loose door base sweeps on the bus loop entry/exit doors.
Reattach loose ceiling light shield in the cafeteria dining room. Repair three nonfunctional ceiling light fixtures in the boys locker room #404. Repair one nonfunctional ceiling light fixture in the girls locker room #409.
Repair and seal two major holes in the walls of the boys locker room #404. Replace damaged and missing wall base tile in boys locker room #404.
One of the water fountains, near the rest rooms, in the 500 hall has too much pressure.
There are 2 boys toilets that are not working one on the 500 hall and the other in boys toilet room 2211. There is one girls toilet not working in toilet room 2213.
The school is fairly clean except high ledges, shelves and tops of cabinets etc. I didn't go in every room but there was a lot of dust on tops of cabinets etc. in rooms 503, 505, 525, 527, 201, 216, and room 230. .....There was storage on the floor in several storage rooms such as the art room storage spaces and other rooms.
Numerous water fountains in poor repair (rusting and loose decorative coverings).. Repair or replace
Repair toilet in girls room #215.
Repair sink in boys room #2211. Repair mopsink in custodial closet #2211 (both rooms have same # on door).
Rooms that need repainting on walls:2238, 2234, 2236, 2210, 2205, 220, 521, 527, 2222, 2218, 512, 205, 216, and girls room #215. Repair wall in hall outside 2210. Repair peeling wallpaper in room 220. Repair baseboard molding in custodial closet #514. Repair chipping paint on handrails in back staircase and on fire escape. Repair broken floor tiles in doorway at the top of the back staircase. Repair leak in the ceiling in office 100E. Repair floor tiles (appears to be staining from water damage) along the front lobby windows.
Ventilation system has a mildew/moldy smell. This smell is pervasive in rooms 501, 503, 505, 507, 509, and 2102. These rooms were also noticeably humid. Other areas, including the guidance area, EHS was able to smell this odor when passing under the vents. Ventilation system needs cleaning. Also, cleaning needed on ceiling tiles around vents. Room 2100K did not appear to have any A/C, there is a ceiling vent, but it wasn't blowing when other rooms were. Ventilation is required in classrooms to meet NC Building Code. Repair if needed.
a.) Cleaning needed of walls throughout facility including inside dining area and hallways; Repairs needed to torn wallpaper throughout facility including in dining room, hallways, Weight room, and Music storage room; Replace all damaged and missing ceiling tiles in Gym. Readjust dislodged ceiling tiles in Gym.
b.) Storage observed on floors of Boy`s locker room shower stall, Gym storage rooms, Weight room, Health room, Music storage areas, Media center, and 2212. Storage is to be at least 15 inches off of floor to facilitate cleaning.
a.) Replacement needed of lights in rooms 503, Girl`s and Boy`s locker rooms, and 2204; Cleaning needed of ceiling vents throughout facility-very dusty.
a.) Cleaning needed of walls in both Girl`s and Boy`s locker rooms-very soiled; Replacement needed of missing wall paper and repairs needed of holes in Boy`s locker room walls; Replacement needed of missing base coving in Boy`s locker room; Strip and rewax flooring in Boy`s locker room.
General Comments
3.) Increase water pressure to 2 water fountains on 6th grade hallway.
4.) Repairs needed to 1 toilet in room 215 and 1 toilet in 213.
11.)Keep hand sanitizer at least 5 feet up off of floor at teacher's desk. Any other chemical such as Clorox Cleanup wipes with warnings other than or in addition to "Keep out of reach of children" must be kept locked in cabinetry or inside a closet.
a.) Cleaning needed of water fountain spigots throughout facility
Hallway and dining room walls need cleaning; Repair torn wallpaper in hallways and in dining room; Replace or readjust missing and dislodged ceiling tiles in Gym; Cleaning needed of floors in storage rooms and in Gym.
b.) Boys locker room shower stalls are not a clean location for storage of sport uniforms like football helmets and shoulder pads Sports clothing and personal contact equipment should be stored in a clean dry location above the floor. Storage of these items in this location also prevents use of showers by students. Storage on floor in numerous storage rooms throughout facility. Observed in rooms 501,529,406, 212, Technology storage room, Weight room, and Art Storage room. Storage is to be at least 15 inches off of floor to facilitate cleaning.
Cleaning needed of air returns throughout facility. Very dusty; Cleaning neded of ceiling vents in rooms 210, 505, and Weight Room; Cleaning needed of Dining room drapes-very soiled.
a.) Cleaning needed of Boy's and Girl's locker room walls-very soiled. Repair torn wallpaper where message board once hung in Boy's locker room; Replace missing base coving throughout Boy's locker room.
c.) Cleaning needed of Boy's locker room lockers-soiled.
Improper chemical storage observed in the following areas: 500 hallway ( sanitizer between classrooms on desk in hallway), 523, 302, 232, 2206, and 2209. Keep all chemicals in cabinets or at teacher`s desks under their direct control. Do not allow to sit on tables or whiteboards throughout classrooms.
General Comments
Replace 3 blown lights in 2203 ( homeeconomics) classroom. Increase water pressure to 2 water fountains in 500 hall.
Numerous toilet seats throughout facility very loose. Tighten. Recaulk behind handsinks in boy`s restroom # 2211.
Tile floors throughout facility need cleaning. Cleaning needed of Gym floor. Replace all cracked floor tiles in 200 Hall; Cleaning needed of walls throughout hallways. Cleaning needed of walls in Art room. Numerous classrooms such as rooms 222,228, and 400 need to have walls repaired. Holes and exposed patching do not allow for easy cleaning; Missing ceiling tiles in gym. Replace. Repair gym door. Handle broken.
( Repeat )
Boys locker room shower stalls is not a clean location for storage of sport uniforms like football helmets and shoulder pads Sports clothing and personal contact equipment should be stored in a clean dry location above the floor. Storage of these items in this location also prevents use of showers by students. Storage on floor in numerous storage rooms throughout facility. Storage is to be at least 15 inches off of floor to facilitate cleaning.
Blinds in numerous classrooms need better cleaning. Some were dusty and some simply needed to be cleaned; Drapes in dining area at stage very dirty. Cleaning needed.
Cleaning needed of boy`s dressing room walls and floors. Large hole in wall adjacent to shower. Repair.
Glass Cleaner and whiteboard cleaner stored on tables in Health Room. Room 205 had a cleaner and disinfectant solution sitting on counter behind lavatory. Label indicated that it was corrosive with other warnings. Room 302 had Elmers glue and glass cleaner sitting out on tables. Keep all chemicals in cabinets or at teacher`s desks under their direct control. Do not allow to sit on tables or whiteboards throughout classrooms.
General Comments
Hot water throughout facility in excess of 130F. Lower water temperature so that water does not exceed 110F at lavatories.
2 water fountains on 500 Hall needed to have water pressure increase. Very low.
Water fountain nozzles throughout building need cleaning. Some mold growth present. Adjust water fountains with low water pressure. Ex: Fountains by sixth grade bathrooms. Repair nonfunctional water fountain in band room.
Clean interior of toilet bowls and urinals in student restrooms throughout facility. Some mold growth and residue was present. Repair partially clogged toilets in student restrooms for sixth grade hall.
Boys locker room shower stalls is not a clean location for storage of sport uniforms like football helmets and shoulder pads Sports clothing and personal contact equipment should be stored in a clean dry location above the floor. Storage of these items in this location also prevents use of showers by students.
Clean ceiling vents in classes in eighth grade halls.
General Comments
Cleaning chemicals, chemical surface wipes, aerosol spray cans, paint thinner, white board cleaner, and any flammable or toxic chemical product should be stored in areas not accessible by students. Ex: Locked closets, cabinets, drawers, or stockrooms. Keep chemical storage rooms for art room, science classes, and industrial arts classes locked when teacher is not present. All chemicals used in these classes should be kept in stockroom or cabinet areas only accessible by instructors or staff. Keep janitor closets closed and locked when staff is not present. Clean sink cabinets in eighth grade science classes. Clean whirlpool tub in atheletic training room. Clean interior of water coolers used by atheletic department.