Repair nonfunctional dispenser for water bottles on drinking fountain by girls bathroom #1229. Repair water fountain on the exterior of the visitor field house. The fountain runs nonstop and will not cut off.
Repair urinal that has poor water flow in boys locker room bathroom #1404. Repair urinal that has poor water flow in boys bathroom #1109. Repair toilet that is leaking along flush valve pipe in staff bathroom #1211B. Repair urinal in first stall of boys bathroom #1201. This urinal has poor water flow. Repair toilet that has poor water flow in the 5th stall of girls bathroom #1229. Repair toilet that has poor water flow in the third stall from the end of row in girls bathroom #4203. Repair three urinals that have poor water flow in boys bathroom #4231. Repair toilet that has poor water flow in the third stall from the end of row in girls bathroom #3231. Repair toilet that has poor water flow in the 5th stall of girls bathroom #2203. Repair toilet that is completely nonfunctional in the third stall from the end of row in girls bathroom #2229.
Repair nonfunctional garbage disposal on sink in home economics class #1228. (Maximo #RPC3-58). Repair clogged sink drains and drain traps for all sinks in art classrooms #1206, #1208, and #1210. Repair six science lab sinks with clogged drains in science lab classroom #4218. (Priority repair). Repair hand wash sink with loose faucet fixture in boys bathroom #4231. Repair hand wash sink that has a damaged coating in girls bathroom #2203. Repair nonfunctional activation sensor for hand wash sink in fieldhouse boys bathroom #1610. Replace missing hand wash sink in boys bathroom #1201. (Damaged sink had been removed from this bathroom but was never replaced.)
Repair ceiling leak in girls locker room #1412 in the showers area. Repair water damaged ceiling materials after this leak is fixed. Repair ceiling leak in band room #1532. Clean cobwebs from the ceiling and wall of band room #1532. Repair ceiling leak in chorus room #1530. Repair the source of the roof/ceiling leak in the auditorium #1501A over the upper seating section in the left side of the theater. Repair ceiling leak in Art Class room #1206. Repair ceiling leaks in stairwell #1 on the fourth floor landing, in stairwell #3 on the fourth floor landing, and in stairwell #4 on the fourth floor landing. Repair the source of the roof leak in the main lobby hall between the gym entrance and the trophy cases. Repair water damaged ceiling and wall column materials after this leak has been repaired. Replace water damaged ceiling tiles in identified leak locations after the sources of the leaks have been repaired.
Reattach loose ceiling light fixtures above hand wash sinks in boys locker room #1408A. Repair torn vent exhaust hose for kiln in art room #1208A. Reattach two loose ceiling light shields in art classroom #1206. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in boys bathroom #4231. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in corridor adjacent to classroom #3225A. Repair nonfunctional stair landing light in stairwell #2 on the third floor. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in boys bathroom #2227. Repair nonfunctional ceiling light in main lobby hall at the entrance to the performing arts theater lobby.
Wasp nest is present on shelter over concession stand window for visitor field house. Professional pest control treatments are needed.
General Comments
Sewer gas odors are present from floor drain in mechanical room #1322 and from lab sink in science classroom #4218. Recommend pouring warm soapy water frequently down these drains to address the odors. Ice machines in sports medicine room have mold growth in the ice bins and require draining and cleaning. The athletic program laundry room requires cleaning and better organization. Diapers in special needs class bathroom #1235A were stored on the floor. Storage of bathroom supplies must be kept above the floor to prevent product contamination. Class supplies including a cooler was stored in the special need class bathroom #1235B. Bathrooms are not clean storage locations. Only items directly related to bathroom use and diapering should be kept in the special needs class bathrooms. Please remove these materials from these bathrooms and bathroom floors. Aerosol spray cans and cleaning chemical products were left out in accessible areas in special needs class bathroom #1235B and in special needs classroom #1237. Aerosol spray cans and cleaning chemicals should be stored in areas only accessible to staff in the special needs classrooms and bathrooms. (Example: Store cleaning chemicals in locked or closed cabinets.) School facility sanitation inspection completed.
The water pressure is weak at the water fountain near 1201 boys rest room and it is not shutting off fully. The water fountain near 1404 sprays all over the place. Several water fountains are stopped up and will run over near rooms 1229, 2201 boys, 3231 girls and 4201 boys.
One of the lavatory faucets does not shut off in the boys rest room 1109.
There is a leak above the hall near 1507A and the ceiling tiles have fallen in. .... The caulk has been cut out of the wall expansion joints near 1401 in the hall. ....There are signs of water leaking down the windows on the inside of the media center. .... The door closers are loose on the inner and outer hall doors that open to the outside near rooms 1307 & 1309. .... There are metal strips that keep the glass from falling out of the metal doors at the end of all the first floor halls to the outside. The strips are falling out easily and need to be secured so they do not come out so easily. ... Water is coming in at the door closest to the corner on the gym side of the glass wall. There is no drip edge on the little shed above the door, so rain water runs back to the door and leaks in, maybe.