3-501.14; Priority; Sausage gravy holding at 103F after 2.5 hours of cooling. Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods shall be cooled from 135F to 70F in 2 hours and 70F to 41F in 4 hours, for a 6 hour total cooling window. CDI - sausage gravy voluntarily discarded by PIC.
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Various Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods holding above 41F for cold holding. TCS foods shall be 41F or below for cold holding. CDI - portions lowered to below fill lines and lids placed on prep coolers. Ensure portions are not above fill line. EHS recommends using lids to maintain cold holding temperatures in prep-top units and that containers are sitting correctly in the prep-top unit.
3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Sausage gravy cooling in a deep container in walk-in cooler. Cooling shall be accomplished by placing food in shallow pans and using thinner portions. CDI - sausage gravy voluntarily discarded by PIC.
3-304.12; Core; Ladle stored in water when not in use. When not in use, utensils shall be stored on a clean, dry portion of the food prep surface; in water of at least 135F; or water that is flowing to drain with adequate velocity to flush particulates. Ladle moved to a clean container for storage when not in use.
4-205.10; Core; Slow cooker labeled for household use only being used to store utensils in water at 135F and above. Food equipment shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's intended use. Remove this domestic slow cooker from the facility and ensure all equipment is used in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.