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Marco's Pizza #8521

4203 Fayetteville Rd, Ste 110

Facility Type: Restaurant

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Marco's Pizza #8521
Location: 4203 Fayetteville Rd, Ste 110 RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/08/2024
Score: 97

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; No vomiting and diarrhea clean up procedures provided. A food establishment shall have written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrhea clean up events. REHS emailed a copy of the procedures to the PIC. 0.5
24. 3-501.19; Priority Foundation; The pizza sauce can in the prep area for up to 24 hours but is not time stamped. Time stamp the pizza sauce after it is prepped. The sauce was time stamped once REHS spoke to PIC. 1.5
29. 8-103.12; A variance has been granted by the state for holding pizza sauce at ambient room temperature for 24 hours before discarding. The sauce was not identified with date or time put into service. f the REGULATORY AUTHORITY grants a VARIANCE as specified in sec. 8 103.10, or a HACCP PLAN is otherwise required as specified under sec. 8 201.13, the PERMIT HOLDER shall: (A) Comply with the HACCP PLANs and procedures that are submitted as specified under sec. 8 201.14 and APPROVED as a basis for the modification or waiver; P and (B) Maintain and provide to the REGULATORY AUTHORITY, upon request, records specified under par.8 201.14(D) and (E) that demonstrate that the following are routinely employed; (1) Procedures for monitoring the CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS, Pf (2) Monitoring of the CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS, Pf (3) Verification of the effectiveness of the operation or process, Pf and (4) Necessary corrective actions if there is failure at a CRITICAL CONTROL POINT. Once REHS spoke to PIC the pizza sauce was labeled for this morning. This was a repeat item. 1.0
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Marco's Pizza #8521
Location: 4203 Fayetteville Rd, Ste 110 RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/26/2024
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
1. Observation: Priority items were marked on the inspection today including sanitizing, food temperature requirements.2-102.11 (A), (B) and (C) (1), (4) - (16); Priority Foundation; Based on the RISKS inherent to the FOOD operation, during inspections and upon request the PERSON IN CHARGE shall demonstrate to the REGULATORY AUTHORITY knowledge of foodborne disease prevention, application of the HAZARD Analysis and CRITICAL CONTROL POINT principles, and the requirements of this Code. The PERSON IN CHARGE shall demonstrate this knowledge by: A) Complying with this Code by having no violations of PRIORITY ITEMS during the current inspection; Pf or (B) Being a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM; Pf or (C) Responding correctly to the inspector's questions as they relate to the specific FOOD operation. The areas of knowledge include: (1) Describing the relationship between the prevention of foodborne disease and the personal hygiene of a FOOD EMPLOYEE; Pf (4) Explaining the significance of the relationship between maintaining the time and temperature of TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD and the prevention of foodborne illness; Pf (5) Explaining the HAZARDS involved in the consumption of raw or undercooked MEAT, POULTRY, EGGS, and FISH; Pf (6) Stating the required FOOD temperatures and times for safe cooking of TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD including MEAT, POULTRY, EGGS, and FISH; Pf (7) Stating the required temperatures and times for the safe refrigerated storage, hot holding, cooling, and reheating of TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD; Pf (8) Describing the relationship between the prevention of foodborne illness and the management and control of the following: (a) Cross contamination, Pf (b) Hand contact with READY-TO-EAT FOODS, Pf (c) Handwashing, Pf and (d) Maintaining the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT in a clean condition and in good repair; Pf (9) Describing FOODS identified as MAJOR FOOD ALLERGENS and the symptoms that a MAJOR FOOD ALLERGEN could cause in a sensitive individual who has an allergic reaction. Pf (10) Explaining the relationship between FOOD safety and providing EQUIPMENT that is: (a) Sufficient in number and capacity, Pf and (b) Properly designed, constructed, located, installed, operated, maintained, and cleaned; Pf (11) Explaining correct procedures for cleaning and SANITIZING UTENSILS and FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT; Pf (12) Identifying the source of water used and measures taken to ensure that it remains protected from contamination such as providing protection from backflow and precluding the creation of cross connections; Pf (13) Identifying POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT and the procedures necessary to ensure that they are safely stored, dispensed, used, and disposed of according to LAW; Pf (14) Identifying CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS in the operation from purchasing through sale or service that when not controlled may contribute to the transmission of foodborne illness and explaining steps taken to ensure that the points are controlled in accordance with the requirements of this Code; Pf (15) Explaining the details of how the PERSON IN CHARGE and FOOD EMPLOYEES comply with the HACCP PLAN if a plan is required by the LAW, this Code, or an agreement between the REGULATORY AUTHORITY and the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT; Pf (16) Explaining the responsibilities, rights, and authorities assigned by this Code to the: (a) FOOD EMPLOYEE, Pf (b) CONDITIONAL EMPLOYEE, Pf (c) PERSON IN CHARGE, Pf (d) REGULATORY AUTHORITY; Pf CDI: Education was provided during inspection. Worked with staffing to correct critical items observed. 1.0
2. Observation: The person in charge is not a certified food manager. A certified food manager must be on site during all hours of operation. 2-102.12 (A); Core; (A) The PERSON IN CHARGE shall be a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM 1.0
3. Observation: The person in charge is not aware of requirements for exclusion and restriction. When staff can return to work after illness and when certain diseases must be reportable to the health department. 2-102.11 (C) (2), (3) and (17); Priority Foundation; Based on the RISKS inherent to the FOOD operation, during inspections and upon request the PERSON IN CHARGE shall demonstrate to the REGULATORY AUTHORITY knowledge of foodborne disease prevention, application of the HAZARD Analysis and CRITICAL CONTROL POINT principles, and the requirements of this Code. The PERSON IN CHARGE shall demonstrate this knowledge by: (C) Responding correctly to the inspector's questions as they relate to the specific FOOD operation. The areas of knowledge include: (2) Explaining the responsibility of the PERSON IN CHARGE for preventing the transmission of foodborne disease by a FOOD EMPLOYEE who has a disease or medical condition that may cause foodborne disease; Pf CDI: Education provided to operator during inspection. 0.0
9. Observation: The pizza bowls that are being prepared with ready to eat food items by bare hands and without gloves are not reaching a final cook/heat temperature of 145F. The pizza bowl was observed at 121F. 3-301.11; B) Except when washing fruits and vegetables unless being cooked/heated, food employees may not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and shall use suitable utensils such as deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, SINGLE-USE gloves, or dispensing equipment. P (D) Paragraph (B) of this section does not apply to a FOOD EMPLOYEE that contacts exposed, READY-TO-EAT FOOD with bare hands at the time the READY-TO-EAT FOOD is being added as an ingredient to a FOOD that: (2) does not contain a raw animal FOOD but is to be cooked in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT to heat all parts of the FOOD to a temperature of at least 63°C (145°F). CDI: This was corrected by running the bowl product back through the oven for second pass to reach 164F as final heat/cook temperature. 2.0
16. Observation: Due to the sanitizing dispensing system not working, sanitizer in the dish sink was 0ppm when measured during wash, rinse and sanitizing. 4-702.11; Priority; UTENSILS and FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be SANITIZED before use after cleaning. P CDI: Operator rewashed all utensils and equipment not sanitized. Removed old sanitizer system container which i snot in working condition and not dispensing chemical. Quat sanitizer was manually added to sink basin which measured at 400ppm. 1.5
22. Observation: The refrigeration units in the food production area were unable to hold temperature of 41F or below unable to hold TCS foods 41F or below. Slice tomatoes 46F, Cheese 52F, deli ham 43F 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority;(A) Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control as specified under §3-501.19, and except as specified under (B) and in (C ) of this section, TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD shall be maintained: (2) At 5 C (41 F) or less. P CDI: Products were removed from service - Cheese to be discarded. Bagged ice used to keep foods cold until refrigerators can be repaired. 1.5
29. Observation: A variance has been granted by the state for holding pizza sauce at ambient room temperature for 24 hours before discarding. The sauce was not identified with date or time put into service. A copy of the variance was not available on site.8-103.12; f the REGULATORY AUTHORITY grants a VARIANCE as specified in sec. 8 103.10, or a HACCP PLAN is otherwise required as specified under sec. 8 201.13, the PERMIT HOLDER shall: (A) Comply with the HACCP PLANs and procedures that are submitted as specified under sec. 8 201.14 and APPROVED as a basis for the modification or waiver; P and (B) Maintain and provide to the REGULATORY AUTHORITY, upon request, records specified under par.par. 8 201.14(D) and (E) that demonstrate that the following are routinely employed; (1) Procedures for monitoring the CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS, Pf (2) Monitoring of the CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS, Pf (3) Verification of the effectiveness of the operation or process, Pf and (4) Necessary corrective actions if there is failure at a CRITICAL CONTROL POINT. Pf CDI: The PIC was able to obtain a copy of the variance from another store. The sauce was prepared today (am) and was labeled accordingly. 0.0
33. Observation: The prep refrigerators utilized for prepping and holding TCS (temperature control safety) food products cannot maintain 41F or below as required. Repair or replace refrigeration equipment to support production at the front service line. 4-301.11; Priority Foundation; EQUIPMENT for cooling and heating FOOD, and holding cold and hot FOOD, shall be sufficient in number and capacity to provide FOOD temperatures as specified under Chapter 3. Pf Verification follow up for corrective action by February 5, 2024. 0.5
35. Observation: Cooked ready to steak was sitting on pizza oven to thaw Product temperature had not exceeded 41F when checked. 3-501.13 ;-501.13 Thawing. Except as specified in (D) of this section, TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD shall be thawed: (A) Under refrigeration that maintains the FOOD temperature at 5oC (41oF) or less; Pf or (B) Completely submerged under running water: (1) At a water temperature of 21oC (70oF) or below, Pf (2) With sufficient water velocity to agitate and float off loose particles in an overflow, Pf and (3) For a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of READY-TO-EAT FOOD to rise above 5oC (41oF), Pf CDI: Person in charge placed product under running water temped at 60F to thaw. Educated corrective action with staff and requirements with staff for proper thawing. 0.0
48. Observation: The PIC is not using test strips to determine proper sanitizer level. During inspection the sanitizer levels were observed at 0ppm when checked. Thsi was corrected during inspection. 4-501.116; Priority Foundation; Concentration of the SANITIZING solution shall be accurately determined by using a test kit or other device. Pf CDI: PIC demonstrated the ability to use test strips. 0.5
51. Observation: The hot water handle on the dish sink faucet no longer cuts off hot water due to disrepair. Repair handle to working condition. 5-205.15; A PLUMBING SYSTEM shall be: (A) Repaired according to LAW; and (B) Maintained in good repair. Core; 0.0
55. Observation: Mops are not being hung up to air dry between and after use. Mops sitting in mop bucket. No way to hang mops at utility sink. 6-501.16; Core; After use, mops shall be placed in a position that allows them to air-dry without soiling walls, EQUIPMENT, or supplies 0.0
General Comments
Follow-Up: 02/05/2024
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Marco's Pizza #8521
Location: 4203 Fayetteville Rd, Ste 110 RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/21/2023
Score: 98.5

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; No one at time of inspection was a certified food protection manager.- The PERSON IN CHARGE shall be a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM.- PIC states they are signed up for a class, but they were unable to provide documentation. Please ensure you are certified by next inspection. 1.0
47. 4-501.12; Core; The cutting boards and cutting table have heavy scratches in them.- Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and SANITIZED, or discarded if they are not capable of being resurfaced.- Please resurface/replace cutting boards and table. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:

Nicole Millard/ 919-500-6205/
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