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Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill

1428 Garner Station BLVD

Facility Type: Restaurant

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Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 09/03/2024
Score: 93.5

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; There was no one present today that has passed an approved food safety managers' course. A person in charge that has passed an approved food protection manager course that is accredited program must be present during all hours of operation. This is a repeat item. 1.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Salmon is 43F, chicken is 46F, refried beans are 50F and ground beef is 45F in the walk-in cooler. Beef is 43F and chicken is 44F in the grill refrigeration unit. Keep all TCS food at or below 41F when held cold. The TCS in the walk-in cooler was moved to the walk-in freezer. The beef and chicken in the grill refrigeration unit was iced down. This is a repeat item. 3.0
40. 2-303.11; Core; Employees are wearing bracelets and watches. Except for plain ring such as a wedding band, while preparing food, food employees may not wear jewelry including medical information jewelry on their arms and hands. Employees were removed the above items once REHS spoke to PIC. 0.5
43. 3-304.12; Core; Ice scoop is stored in a container with debris. An utensil shall be stored with the handles above the ice or in a clean and dry location. The ice scoop holder was cleaned during the inspection. 0.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Thongs stored on side of the hand sink. Utensils shall be stored in a clean and dry location where they are not exposed to splash, dust or other contamination. Thongs were removed from hand sink once REHS spoke to PIC. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; The walk-in cooler is not reaching 41F or below. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. This is a repeat item. 1.0
General Comments
Follow-Up: 09/13/2024
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 05/02/2024
Score: 91

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; There was no one present today that has passed an approved food safety managers' course. A person in charge that has passed an approved course must be present during all hours of operation. This is a repeat item. 1.0
14. 3-402.11; Priority; Tilapia that is served as ceviche raw does not have a parasite destruction letter from the supplier. Raw or raw marinated fish shall be frozen and stored at temperature of 4F or below for a minimum of 7 days(168 hours) in a freezer, frozen at 31F or below until solid and stored at 31F or below for a minimum of 15 hours or frozen at 31F or below until solid and stored at 4F or below for a minimum of 24 hours. Or the raw fish can be pellet fed. Supply a parasite free destruction letter or cook fish to 145F or greater. Supply parasite destruction letter by May 5th. 1.0
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Numerous food items in the walk-in cooler is 48F-49F. Diced tomatoes are 47F and shredded lettuce is 50F in the prep refrigeration unit. Chicken is 50F and beef is 45F in the grill drawer refrigeration unit. Keep all TCS food at or below 41F when held cold. TCS food in the prep refrigerator and grill drawer refrigeration unit were placed on ice. A technician was called to repair the walk-in cooler, prep refrigeration unit and grill refrigerator. A follow-up will be conducted by REHS by May 5th. 3.0
35. 3-501.13 ; Priority Foundation; Thawing octopus in standing water. Thaw octopus under cool running water to agitate loose particles. Thaw in refrigeration unit or thaw in microwave and cook immediately. Cool running water was added. 0.5
39. 3-305.11; Core; Dried rice and beans have bowls inside the containers. Use scoop with handles in dry food to protect the food from contamination. 1.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Observed wet wiping cloths laying across prep tables surfaces. Keep wet wiping cloths submerged in sanitizer solution in between us. Wiping cloths were placed in dirty linen container. This is a repeat item. 0.5
44. 4-901.11; Core; Noted serving containers stacked while still wet. Cross stack or separate the dishes and serving containers to allow the air drying process to take place. This is a repeat item. 1.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; The walk-in cooler, grill drawer refrigeration and prep refrigeration units are not working properly. Equipment shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. 1.0
General Comments
Follow-Up: 05/05/2024
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 01/25/2024
Score: 90.5

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; There was no one present today that has passed an approved food safety managers' course. A person in charge that has passed an approved course must be present during all hours of operation. CDI- EHS provided resources for additional classes via email. Also discussed reviewing the website for further in-class and virtual classes. 1.0
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority Containers of Queso and Spanish rice were temping between 109-128 F in the hot hold cabinet. All TCS items must be held at 135F or above for hot holding. CDI- Noted food items discarded. 1.5
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Multiple Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food (TCS) items were reading above 41 F in the walk-in cooler unit (see temp chart above). Further investigation determined that the walk in cooler was no longer functioning. Noted ambient air for walk-in unit was 55F during time of inspection. Person in charge attempted to adjust temperature for unit but they were unable to adjust it properly. Also found a containers of raw beef and raw chicken temping between 48-50 F in the Cook Station cooler drawers. Further investigation determined the cooler drawer gaskets were significantly torn and allowing cold air to escape from unit. All TCS must be held at 41 F or below for cold storage. Noted TCS items were discarded, placed in ice baths or relocated to walk-in freezer to cool down. EHS shall return by January 29th to verify walk-in cooler and cooler drawer repaired. 3.0
28. 7-204.11 ; Priority; The chlorine sanitizing solution reading above 200ppm. Required strength must be between 50 to 200ppm. High concentrations can be unsafe and leave an odor or bad taste on surfaces. Follow manufacturer's label instructions. CDI- Chlorine sanitizer remixed to 200 ppm during inspection. 0.0
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation; Label missing on one of the chemical spray bottles. Working containers used for storing POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS such as cleaners and SANITIZERS taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. CDI- Spray bottle relabeled. 0.0
35. 3-501.13 ; Priority Foundation; Noted multiple packages of vacuum sealed tuna being thawed in package. Remove or cut open vacuum package fish to minimize the risk of bacterial growth on food during the thawing process. CDI: Education provided, tuna removed from packaging. 1.0
35. 3-501.13 ; Priority Foundation; Upon arrival, found a few zip block bags of raw octopus thawing, at room temperature, on a bottom prep shelf. Thawing shall take place under running water of not more than 70F, under refrigeration, or during a continuous cooking process. Product temperature shall not exceed 41F when thawing. CDI-noted items relocated to the walk in cooler to thaw; 0.0
39. 3-305.11; Core; Bulk container of cooked octopus stored on the floor in the walk-in cooler unit. Also noted a bulk containers of flour and panko stored on the floor in the dry storage area. Please do not store food on the floor. Food must be protected from contamination by storing the food at least 6 inches above the floor and in a clean dry location. This is a repeat from the last three inspection. 2.0
39. 3-303.12; Core; Octopus, shrimp and tilapia in walk-in are stored in direct contact with undrained ice. Unpackaged food may not come in direct contact with undrained ice. Storage or Display of Food in Contact with Water or Ice 0.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Observed wet wiping cloths laying across prep tables surfaces. Keep wet wiping cloths submerged in sanitizer solution in between use. 0.0
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Noted serving containers stacked while still wet. Cross stack or seperate the dishes and serving containers to allow the air drying process to take place. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; The Walk-In Cooler unit is no longer working properly. Noted ambient air for walk-in cooler initially reading at 55 F. EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. EHS will return by January 29th to verify Walk-in unit repaired. 0.5
47. 4-501.12; Core; The cutting boards, attached to the prep cooler units, are deeply scratched and discolored. Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and SANITIZED, or discarded if they are not capable of being resurfaced. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Condensation build-up observed on the walk-in freezer condensor line. Have condenser line serviced for repairs. Also noted gaskets significant torn for Cook station cooler drawers. Have gasket replaced. 0.0
54. 5-501.114; Core; Noted drain plug missing for outdoor dumpster. Contact Vendor to have drain plug replaced. 0.0
54. 5-501.113; Core; The sliding doors on both the outdoor recyclable and garbage dumpster were left opened during the inspection. Keep sliding doors to outside recyclable and dumpster unit closed in between use. 0.0
General Comments
Follow-Up: 01/29/2024
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 08/21/2023
Score: 92

#  Comments Points
14. 3-203.12; Priority Foundation; Facility is keeping the shellstock tags, but they are not keeping them with the product.- Shellstock tags or labels shall remain attached to the container in which they are received until container is empty. The date when the last shellstock from the container is sold or served shall be recorded on the tag or label. They must be kept for a minimum of 90s days in chronological order.- CDI, Educated PIC on the proper identification of tags and had tags placed with the product. 2.0
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Containers of Queso and Spanish rice were temping between 90-97 F in the hot hold cabinet. Noted hot hold cabinet temperature gauge already set to the highest temperature. Discussed repairing hot hold cabinet and ensuring all TCS are held at 135 F for hot holding. CDI- Noted food items discarded. 1.5
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Multiple Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food (TCS) items were reading above 41 F in the walk-in cooler unit (see temp chart above). Noted ambient air for walk-in unit was 46 F during time of inspection. Also found a container of ceviche (prepared with cooked tilapia) temping at 48 F in the tall reach in cooler. Further discussion determined the ceviche was held out a room temperature prior to inspection. All TCS must be held at 41 F or below for cold storage. Noted TCS items were discarded, placed in ice baths or relocated to walk-in freezer to cool down. EHS shall return by August 23rd to verify walk-in cooler repaired. 1.5
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation; Noted working spray bottles of chemicals were either improperly labeled (ex., concentrated bleach was labeled as a multi-purpose cleaner) or not labeled at all. Working containers used for storing POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS such as cleaners and SANITIZERS taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. CDI- Employee relabels containers during inspection. 1.0
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; EHS observed a container of grilled peppers cooling in the work top cooler. According to PIC noted peppers were prepped and cooked approximately an hour and half prior to inspection. Noted grilled peppers were temping at 70 F. Work top cooler do not have the capacity to rapidly cool TCS food items down. Discussed cooling food using an ice bath or the walk-in cooler/freezer prior to placing food out on the work top cooler. CDI- Grilled peppers placed in ice bath. 0.0
35. 3-501.13 ; Priority Foundation;Noted multiple packages of vacuum sealed tuna being thawed in package. Remove or cut open vacuum package fish to minimize the risk of bacterial growth on food during the thawing process. CDI: Education provided, tuna removed from packaging. 0.5
39. 3-305.11; Core; Noted a bulk container of cut broccoli stored in the floor in the walk-in cooler unit. Also noted a bulk container of flour stored on the floor in the dry storage area. Please do not store food on the floor. Food must be protected from contamination by storing the food at least 6 inches above the floor and in a clean dry location. 1.0
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Noted serving containers stacked while still wet. Cross stack or seperate the dishes and serving containers to allow the air drying process to take place. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; The Walk-In Cooler unit is no longer working properly. Noted ambient air for walk-in cooler reading at 46 F. EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under Parts 4 1 and 4-2. EHS will return by August 23rd to verify Walk-in unit repaired. 0.0
General Comments
Follow-Up: 08/23/23
* Recipient signature next to Inspector Signature.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 04/13/2023
Score: 92.5

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; There was no one present today that could provide approved food safety managers' certification. A person in charge that has passed an approved course must be present during all hours of operation. 1.0
10. 6-301.14; Core; Noted handwashing signage missing for Womens' and Men's bathroom. A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees. CDI- EHS provided signage during inspection. 0.0
14. 3-203.12; Priority Foundation; Facility is keeping the shellstock tags, but they are not keeping them with the product.- Shellstock tags or labels shall remain attached to the container in which they are received until container is empty. The date when the last shellstock from the container is sold or served shall be recorded on the tag or label. They must be kept for a minimum of 90s days in chronological order.- CDI, Educated PIC on the proper identification of tags and had tags placed with the product. 2.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority Foundation; Upon arrival, EHS observed a food employee prepping bell peppers near raw chicken on the back prep table. Also noted ready-to-eat imitation crab meat stored below raw shrimp in the Walk-in cooler. Ensure ready-to-eat items are stored separately and above raw animal protein food items to minimize the risk of cross-contamination. CDI- noted items rearranged. 0.0
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Observed a container of queso temping between 87-91 F in the hot hold cabinet. Keep TCS items 135 F or above for hot holding. CDI- Queso reheated and placed back into hot holding. 1.5
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Noted containers of sliced tomato, sour cream, and mozzarella cheese were temping between 44-45 F in one of the make line prep coolers. Noted ambient air for prep cooler was 41 F. Noted a large container of pasta noodles temping at 63F in the Walk-in Cooler. Further investigation determined improper cooling methods slowed the rate of cooling for pasta. Also found bowls of salsa Rojo temping at 45 F in the chill cabinet near the front of the prep kitchen. Keep TCS items at 41 F or below for cold holding/ refrigeration. CDI- Ambient air adjusted to 37 F for the noted prep cooler during the inspection. The person in charge voluntarily discarded Pasta noodles. 1.5
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; EHS observed a deep, plastic container of cooked peppers cooling in the make-line prep cooler. Further discussion determined food employee cooked peppers an hour before the inspection. Noted cooked peppers temped at 72 F. In the walk-in cooler, EHS noted a deep bus tub of noodles temping at 63 F in the Walk-in Cooler. According to the Person in charge, food employees cooked noodles the night prior and directly transferred noodles into the deep bus tub during the cooling process. EHS discussed spreading noodles in a shallow stainless steel pan for rapid cooling. CDI- Noodles discarded and cooked peppers placed in the walk-in. 0.0
35. 3-501.13 ; Priority Foundation;Noted multiple packages of vacuum sealed tuna being thawed in package with warning on packaging stating to remove from package prior to thawing. Follow manufacturers' instructions when thawing to prevent botulism growth. Also noted pork shoulder thawing out at room temperture in the meat prep sink. CDI: Education provided, tuna removed from packaging. Thaw frozen food items under running water cold running water temperature at 70F or below or thaw foods in the Walk in cooler. 0.0
39. 3-305.11; Core; Upon arrival, noted large pots of cooked octopus and bell peppers being stored on the prep kitchen floor. Also noted cases of frozen food items stored on the Walk-in freezer floor. Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food at least 6 inches above the floor and in a clean dry location. 1.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Noted chlorine sanitizer buckets reading at 0ppm. Ensure chlorine sanitizer maintained between 50-200 ppm. Wet wiping cloths must be submerged in sanitizer solution in between use. 0.0
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Noted serving containers stacked while still wet. Cross stack or seperate the dishes and serving containers to allow the air drying process to take place. 0.5
General Comments
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/28/2022
Score: 95

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; PIC does not have certification, but is signed up to take the class in mid January with documentation provided.- The PERSON IN CHARGE shall be a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM.- Please obtain certification before next inspection. 0.0
9. 3-301.11; Priority; Observed employee grab round corn shell tacos with bare hands to serve.- food employees may not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and shall use suitable utensils such as deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, SINGLE-USE gloves, or dispensing equipment.- CDI, PIC spoke to employee about the proper procedures and had employee discard items. PIC spoke to employee before EHS had an opportunity so PIC is correctly handling required duties for barehand contact. 0.0
14. 3-203.12; Priority Foundation; Facility is keeping the shellstock tags, but they are not keeping them with the product.- Shellstock tags or labels shall remain attached to the container in which they are received until container is empty. The date when the last shellstock from the container is sold or served shall be recorded on the tag or label. They must be kept for a minimum of 90s days in chronological order.- CDI, Educated PIC on the proper identification of tags and had tags placed with the product. Please read the tags and there is a paragraph that tells you exactly what is needed. EHS also provided documentation explaining in detail the requirement and why it is important in spanish. 2.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Observed one container of raw chicken being stored overtop of raw beef.- To prevent cross contamination, raw animal foods shall be stored by order of final cooking temperatures with the highest required temperature item on the bottom.- CDI, items were arranged. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Observed only a few metal pans that were deemed clean with food debris still on them.- Equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch.- CDI, items were moved to wash area for cleaning. THIS IS A REPEAT ITEM, IF ON NEXT INSPECTION A FULL (3) POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED. 1.5
39. 3-305.11; Core; Multiple boxes/containers of food was being stored on the floor of the walk in freezer.- Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food at least 6 inches above the floor.- Please do not store food on floors. 1.0
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Observed multiple metal pans being stacked wet.- Clean equipment and utensils shall be stored in a self draining position that allows air drying.- Please do not wet stack dishes, separate them to dry completely before stacking. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Nicole Millard/ 919-500-6205/
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 09/23/2022
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
14. 3-203.12; Priority Foundation; Facility is keeping the shellstock tags, but they are not keeping them with the product and are not consistent on dating.- Shellstock tags or labels shall remain attached to the container in which they are received until container is empty. The date when the last shellstock from the container is sold or served shall be recorded on the tag or label. They must be kept for a minimum of 90s days in chronological order.- CDI, Educated PIC on the proper identification of tags and had tags placed with the product. Please read the tags and there is a paragraph that tells you exactly what is needed. EHS also provided documentation explaining in detail the requirement and why it is important in spanish. 2.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Observed many white plates and some cooking pans that were deemed clean with food debris still on them.- Equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch.- CDI, items were moved to wash area for cleaning. 1.5
20. 3-501.14; Priority; Observed 2 large metal pans filled with beans at 44 degrees F that were prepared yesterday and placed into walk in for cooling.- Cooked time/temperature control for food safety shall be cooled within 2 hours from 135F to 70F and within 4 hours from 70F to 41F.- CDI, items were voluntarily discarded. 1.5
33. 3-501.15; Priority Foundation; Observed large metal pans filled with refried beans and stored for cooling.- Cooling shall be accomplished by placing food in shallow pans for more air flow.- CDI, educated the PIC about some good cooling methods and informed them putting the beans into smaller containers would be ideal. 0.5
38. 6-202.13; Core; Observed an electric bug zapper being hung directly over a prep top cold holding unit.- Insect control devices that are used to stun flying insects shall be installed where they are not located of a food preparation area.- CDI, the device was removed and thrown away because it did not work. Informed PIC if they replace it to not have it near food prep areas. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; The gasket on the first reach in refrigerator is torn. The turn dial plating/paint is chipping off. The walk in freezer heat plate frame is not working and is frozen solid.- Equipment shall be maintained in a good state of repair and condition.- Please replace/repair items listed. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 06/02/2022
Score: 95.5

#  Comments Points
14. 3-203.12; Priority Foundation; Facility is keeping the shellstock tags, but they are not keeping them with the product and are not consistent on dating.- Shellstock tags or labels shall remain attached to the container in which they are received until container is empty. The date when the last shellstock from the container is sold or served shall be recorded on the tag or label. They must be kept for a minimum of 90s days in chronological order.- CDI, Educated PIC on the proper identification of tags. Please read the tags and there is a paragraph that tells you exactly what is needed. 1.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Observed a stack of white plates that were deemed clean with food debris still on them.- Equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch.- CDI, items were moved to wash area for cleaning. 1.5
22. 3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Observed multiple items (see chart above) that were above 41 degrees F.- TCS foods being stored for cold holding shall maintain a temperature of 41 degrees F or less.- CDI, units turned down and some moved to freezer. 1.5
39. 3-305.11; Core; Multiple boxes/containers of food was being stored on the floor of the walk in freezer.- Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food at least 6 inches above the floor.- Please do not store food on floors. 0.0
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Observed multiple metal pans being stacked wet.- Clean equipment and utensils shall be stored in a self draining position that allows air drying.- Please do not wet stack dishes, separate them to dry completely before stacking. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 03/14/2022
Score: 94

#  Comments Points
2. 2-102.12 (A); Core; PIC's certification as a Food Protection Manager has expired. The PERSON IN CHARGE shall be a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM. Renew certification, and have additional staff with managerial control certified to provide better coverage. 0.0
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; PIC does not currently have written procedures available to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the food establishment. CDI- Written procedures and educational material provided to PIC. 0.0
10. 6-301.14; Core; Handwashing sink by large ice machine lacking handwashing sign. A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees. CDI- Variety of handwashing signs provided to PIC for posting. 0.0
10. 5-205.11; Priority Foundation; Handwashing sink by large ice machine had wiping cloth in the basin. Handwashing sink in the bar area had chemical bottle hanging off of it. A handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use. A handwashing sink may not be used for purposes other than handwashing. CDI- Chemical bottle and wiping cloth removed during inspection. 1.0
14. 3-203.12; Priority Foundation; Shellstock tags lacking date of when last oyster used for each tag. SHELLSTOCK tags or labels shall remain attached to the container in which the SHELLSTOCK are received until the container is empty. The date when the last SHELLSTOCK from the container is sold or served shall be recorded on the tag or label. The identity of the source of SHELLSTOCK that are sold or served shall be maintained by retaining SHELLSTOCK tags or labels for 90 calendar days from the date that is recorded on the tag or label, Using an APPROVED record keeping system that keeps the tags or labels in chronological order correlated to the date that is recorded on the tag or label. CDI- Requirement explained. PIC to start recording required use dates on the tags. 0.0
15. 3-302.11; Priority; Raw beef stored over cooked potatoes in drawer units at grill. FOOD shall be protected from cross contamination by Arranging each type of FOOD in EQUIPMENT so that cross contamination of one type with another is prevented, in order of final cook temperature. CDI- Foods rearranged during inspection. 0.0
21. 3-501.16(A)(1) ; Priority; Rice in tall unit hot-holding at 85F. Maintain hot Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods at 135F and above. CDI- Rice reheated to at least 165F corrective. Make sure when reheating TCS foods, that 165F is reached before placing in the hot-hold units. 1.5
23. 3-501.17; Priority Foundation; Date-Marking: Rice cooked on previous day lacking date-marking. Refrigerated, READY-TO-EAT, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) prepared and held in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT for more than 24 hours shall be date-marked. The day of preparation shall be counted as Day 1 (ex.-date the milk opened, date the meat/vegetable cooked). When freezing cooked TCS foods, include the Date Cooked/Date Frozen/Date Thawed. CDI- Known date-marking added during inspection. 0.0
28. 7-102.11; Priority Foundation; Labeling missing on three bottles of chemicals at the dish machine area. Labeling missing on large bucket of sanitizer at the cook line. Labeling missing on bin of powdered dish detergent. Working containers used for storing POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS such as cleaners and SANITIZERS taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. CDI- Labeling added during inspection. 1.0
37. 3-302.12; Core; Labeling missing on several squeeze bottles of food ingredients and bins of spices. Working containers holding FOOD or FOOD ingredients that are removed from their original packages for use in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, such as cooking oils, flour, herbs, potato flakes, salt, spices, and sugar shall be identified with the common name of the FOOD. Add labeling to these items. 0.0
41. 3-304.14; Core; Large sanitizer bucket stored on the floor. Small sanitizer bucket with too many wiping cloths, not fully submerged in sanitizer. Cloths in-use for wiping counters and other EQUIPMENT surfaces shall be Held between uses in a chemical sanitizer solution at the required concentration (50-200ppm chlorine). Containers of chemical sanitizing solutions in which wet wiping cloths are held between uses shall be stored off the floor and used in a manner that prevents contamination of FOOD, EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, LINENS, SINGLE-SERVICE, or SINGLE-USE ARTICLES. Do not overload sanitizer buckets with wiping cloths. Get a stand to store the large sanitizer bucket on (ex.- low plant stand with wheels). 0.5
43. 3-304.12; Core; Several spoons at prep line stored in pan of water, measured at 54F. No-handle plate observed being used as a scoop. In bar area, scoop in ice with handle down in the ice. During pauses in FOOD preparation or dispensing, FOOD preparation and dispensing UTENSILS shall be stored in the FOOD with their handles above the top of the FOOD, or In a clean, protected location. CDI- Spoons/plate/scoop moved during inspection. 0.5
44. 4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Several pans stored as clean observed stacked wet. Clean EQUIPMENT and UTENSILS shall be stored In a self-draining position that allows air drying; and Covered or inverted. Arrange the pans to allow for air drying. 0.5
47. 4-501.11; Core; Walk-in cooler door is not self-closing/self-sealing. Walk-in freezer door has exterior frost accumulation along lower right side, and observed door when closed sticks out further from the frame in this section of the door than at the top half. EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of good repair and condition. EQUIPMENT components such as doors, seals, hinges, fasteners, and kick plates shall be kept intact, tight, and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. Have the doors adjusted so freezer door seals properly and cooler door self-closes/self-seals per manufacturer specifications. 0.0
55. 6-501.16; Core; Mops sitting in empty bucket in kitchen. After use, mops shall be placed in a position that allows them to air-dry without soiling walls, EQUIPMENT, or supplies. Hang mops to dry after use, floppy mop head side down, so draining into service sink drain. 0.0
55. 6-501.11; Core; Floor tile damage at cook line and at entrance to walk-in cooler. PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be maintained in good repair. Repair/replace the tiles so flooring is smooth and cleanable. 0.5
56. 6-202.11; Core; Long tube lights in walk-in cooler missing cover. light bulbs shall be shielded, coated, or otherwise shatter-resistant in areas where there is exposed FOOD; clean EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, and LINENS; or unwrapped SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES. Add cover to the lights. 0.5
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
No PIC signature today due to COVID-19 precautions. Inspection report is emailed to PIC.
Food Allergens Awareness educational reference provided to PIC.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 12/21/2021
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
5. 2-501.11; Priority Foundation; Facility does not yet have written vomit and diarrhea event cleanup procedure | A food establishment shall have written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrhea events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the food establishment. The procedures shall address the specific actions employees must take to minimize the spread of contamination and the exposure of employees, consumers, food, and surfaces to vomitus or fecal matter | CDI: No points deducted. Information sent to PIC during inspection. 0.0
16. 4-501.114; Priority; Dishwasher chemical sanitizer output was reading at 0ppml | Chlorine chemical sanitizer used in a sanitizing solution shall be at a concentration of 50-200ppml | CDI: PIC called Auto-Chlor and a technician repaired unit during inspection. 0.0
16. 4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Observed food residue on a few utensils, knives, and pans throughout kitchen storage areas | Food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to the sight and touch | CDI: Dishes were taken to be washed 3.0
35. 3-501.13 ; Priority Foundation; Observed a container of frozen tuna steaks thawing on top of a prep table | Time/Temperature control for safety foods shall be thawed under refrigeration or completely submerged under running water at 70F or below | CDI: Tuna was moved to walk-in cooler to thaw under refrigeration. EHS provided education on thawing methods. 0.5
37. 3-602.11; Priority Foundation; Observed several containers of spices and foods throughout the kitchen that were not labeled with the common name of the food | Food items shall be labeled with the common name of the food | CDI: Food labels were added to missing food items. 0.0
47. 4-501.11; Core; Observed significant grease/rust build-up inside back cooking equipment, and rust on a few shelving units inside walk-in cooler | Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair | PIC to thoroughly clean and replace rusty shelving units 0.0
General Comments
Inspection lead by Peri Sellew.

Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL:
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

Que Pashoo/ Mariscos - Bar - Grill
Location: 1428 Garner Station BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27603
Facility Type: Restaurant
Inspection Date: 09/09/2021
Score: 96.5

#  Comments Points
General Comments
No signature due to Covid-19 pandemic.
Red Denotes Critical Violation
View Last 3 Inspections for this Establishment

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