Repair toilet that is leaking on the plumbing pipework in the bathroom for classroom #103.
Repair ceiling leak in the entrance to the boy's and girl's bathrooms on the 3rd and 4th grade hall. Replace water stained ceiling tiles in this location after the source of this ceiling leak has been fixed.
General Comments
Cleaning chemicals including Clorox surface wipes and aerosol cans of Lysol and air freshener must be stored in areas not accessible to students. Approved storage areas for these chemical products would include closed or locked closets, stock rooms, and cabinets.
The loose support posts on the slides on the outside playground equipment that was an issue noted on prior sanitation inspection reports has been repaired. Since the prior sanitation inspection these slide support posts have been firmly anchored into the ground to provide for improved bracing and support.
Repair clogged center toilet in the top floor boy`s bathroom at the entrance to the middle stairway. Replace broken toilet tissue dispenser in the end stall of the ground floor boy`s bathroom adjacent to the media center. Reattach loose toilet seat in bathroom stall in the boy`s restroom adjacent to the media center. Repair ceiling leak in staff bathroom adjacent to the gym entrance. Replace water-stained ceiling tile in this bathroom after the source of the ceiling leak is fixed.
Repair loose hand wash sink faucets in the following school locations: in the boy`s bathroom adjacent to the media center, (one loose faucet), and in the top floor middle school boy`s bathroom, (two loose faucets). These faucets should be secured into a fixed position over the hand wash sinks. Replace the missing sink cabinet door in the science lab classroom #216.
Repair or replace broken and splintered fire door on the top floor stair landing on the pond side of the building.
The twin end slides on the outside playground structure are very loose in their anchoring. These slides are also extremely shaky and do not appear to be properly braced. Priority repairs for safety are needed to ensure that these slides are fixed and anchored into a secure and stable position with the playground structure. School administration may want to consider limiting the student use of these slides until repairs are properly completed. Repairs for these slides have been noted on prior school facility sanitation inspection reports. Reattach loose step platform on playground structure. Priority repairs for safety are required.
General Comments
Cleaning chemicals including aerosol spray cans and chemical surface wipes must be stored in areas only accessible to staff and out of reach for students. These cleaning chemical products should be stored in closed or locked cabinets, closets, and stockrooms. Keep doors to custodial closets locked when staff are not immediately present.
Repair nonfunctional urinal in the 2nd-3rd grade boys hall bathroom.
Repair hand wash sink that has poor water flow in the 6th-8th grade girls hall bathroom.
Repair ceiling leak in the media center room #109.
General Comments
Repair slide that is loose on outside playground structure. The slide support post anchors appear loose and need to be properly secured. (Priority safety repair item.) The loose slide was also noted on the school sanitation inspection for 2021 and has not been repaired since the date of the prior inspection. Clorox wipes and aerosol spray cans of Lysol were present in areas accessible to students in classrooms and in class bathrooms. Cleaning chemicals and aerosol spray cans must be stored in areas only accessible by staff. Examples: These chemical products should be stored in closed or locked cabinets, closets, stock rooms, and desk drawers. Repair or replace nonfunctional paper towel dispenser at hand wash sink in the gym prep. kitchen.
Repair ceiling leak in the first floor boys bathroom. Replace water stained ceiling tile after the source of this leak is fixed.
Repair loose dual slides on the outside playground structure. The base support posts on these slides need to be braced and secured. Reattach loose rock climbing wall on this same play structure. The climbing wall is missing a fastener bolt that requires replacement. Reattach loose barricade wall on the top platform of the playground structure. This barricade wall is also missing a fastener bolt to secure it and requires replacement. Reattach loose lower step platform on the playground structure. Recommend that the school administration close off all student use of this playground structure since multiple repairs for the overall safety and stability of the structure are required. The repair areas on this playground structure pose possible safety hazards and require repair A.S.A.P.
General Comments
Staff should not leave aerosol spray cans in classroom areas accessible to students. Aerosol spray products should be stored in areas only accessible to staff. Examples: Closed or locked cabinets, closets, or desk drawers. School facility sanitation inspection completed.
Repair loose water supply line on the top floor boys hall bathroom.
General Comments
New Permit Issued/ Approval Inspection Initial Sanitation inspection For New School Facility Maintenance director has already contacted plumber to repair urinal.