Location: 518 E WILLIAMS ST APEX, NC 27502-2151 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 05/21/2024
Score: 97.5
4-703.11; Priority; The hot water sanitizing warewashing machine, in-use during inspection, was not achieving a high enough temperature. Equipment and utensils shall be sanitized by achieving a utensil surface temperature of 71C (160F) as measured by an irreversible registering temperature indicator. Dish plate thermometer only reached 126 - 156F after running several times. Facility to repair machine and use three comp sink to sanitize in the meantime. Quat sanitizer was made to sanitize dishes and equipment. PIC to text a photo of temp stickers or thermometer showing the machine is working within 10 days.
4-302.13; Priority Foundation; No dish plate thermometer or temp stickers were available to measure the dish plate surface temperature in the warewashing machine. In hot water mechanical warewashing operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the utensil surface temperature. Obtain proper temperature indicator within 10 days and text a photo to EHS.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Cleaning needed under flip top portion of reach-in cooler and shelving above prep line where dust is present. Please clean the nonfood-contact portions of food thermometers as well. The nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Cleaning has improved since previous inspection. Full point not taken.
5-501.111; Core; Green garbage receptacle is missing a lid. Storage areas, enclosures, and receptacles for refuse, recyclables, and returnables shall be maintained in good repair. Repair or replace this receptacle. No point taken
General Comments
Text a photo of irreversible temperature indicator for warewashing machine to 919-500-6269. Follow-Up: 05/31/2024
Location: 518 E WILLIAMS ST APEX, NC 27502-2151 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 11/30/2023
Score: 98
6-301.14; Core; Back prep area handwashing sink has no sign. A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees. Signage provided. No point taken.
6-501.111; Core; A single fly was observed hovering around the prep area. The premises shall be kept free of insects, rodents and other pests. Utilize approved methods of pest control to eliminate flies. Try using fly paper near back door. No point taken today.
2-402.11; Core; Line cook observed with a long beard and without proper beard guard. Food employees shall wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food or equipment. PIC to provide necessary hair restraints for employee use. Full point may be taken for repeat violation.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Cleaning needed on outside of reach-in units, shelving next to fryer where sauces are stored is heavily soiled with residue. Area under grill has old food residue/debris. The nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Increase cleaning frequency.
6-501.11; Core; The rubber shoe moulding along the wall near back door is in poor repair and collecting dirt/residue behind it. Physical facilities shall be kept in good repair. Repair this moulding so that it is flush with the wall.
6-501.12; Core; Extensive cleaning needed under and behind equipment like flip top unit, ice machine and corner near back door where floors are soiled. Floor drain under ice machine is soiled with black residue. Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Increase cleaning frequency.
Location: 518 E WILLIAMS ST APEX, NC 27502-2151 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 06/15/2023
Score: 99
2-402.11; Core; Line cook observed with a long beard and without proper beard guard. Food employees shall wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food or equipment. PIC to provide necessary hair restraints for employee use. No points taken today.
4-501.11; Core; Metal shelving in the walk-in is rusting. This is a cleanability issue. The small reach-in unit at the end of the cookline has a sagging gasket causing an opening at the top of the door. This can allow entry of pests and allows cold air to escape. Equipment shall be kept in good repair. Repair or replace this equipment.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; The shelving and fan covers in the walk-in cooler have dust and residue accumulation. The inside of the small reach-in unit is heavily soiled. Metal shelving above prep cooler has dust accumulation. The nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Increase cleaning frequency.
5-501.15; Core; The garbage receptacle outside is missing a cover and door. Receptacles and waste handling units for refuse, recyclables, and returnables used with materials containing food residue and used outside the food establishment shall be designed and constructed to have tight-fitting lids, doors, or covers. Contact garbage contractor for replacement. No point taken today.
General Comments
Much improved facility cleaning since last inspection.
Location: 518 E WILLIAMS ST APEX, NC 27502-2151 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 11/23/2022
Score: 94
4-501.112; Priority; The maximum temperature reached on the dish surface as measured with Dishtemp thermometer was 140F. The surface of dishes and equipment shall reach 160F in hot water mechanical warewashing machines to effectively sanitize. Ensure machine is supplying water hot enough to reach this threshold. CDI- use three comp sink to sanitize in the meantime and until facility obtains thermolabels or Dishtemp thermometer.
3-403.11; Priority; Marinara sauce and chili was observed reheating for hot hold in the hot hold unit. PIC stated it was almost 2 hours since reheating was initiated and foods were still well under 165F. TCS foods shall be reheated so that all parts of the food reach a temperature of at least 165F within 2 hours. CDI- Chili stirred to disperse heat evenly and marinara was moved to the stove to rapidly reheat.
3-501.17; Priority Foundation; An open package of hot dogs in the reach-in unit did not bear a date. Package was opened two days ago according to the PIC. TCS foods shall be date marked if they remain in the establishment for more than 24 hours and discarded after 7 days. CDI- date added. No points taken today.
6-501.111; Core; Numerous drain flies observed by warewashing area and under sink. The premises shall be maintained free of insects, rodents, and other pests. The presence of insects, rodents, and other pests shall be controlled by routinely inspecting, eliminating harborage conditions and using effective means of pest control. Clean up area under sink to help control flies breeding there.
4-501.14; Core; A pink build-up was observed in the warewashing machine. Machine also has a distinct odor. This machine shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to prevent recontamination of equipment and utensils and to ensure that the equipment performs its intended function or if used, at least every 24 hours. Clean the inside of warewashing machine.
4-302.13; Priority Foundation; Facility has an EcoLab hot water mechanical dishwasher. In hot water mechanical warewashing operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the utensil surface temperature. Highest temperature observed using inspector's DishTemp thermometer was 140F. A surface temperature of 160F or higher is needed. Obtain dish thermometer or thermolabels for future use and have EcoLab service this machine. Full point assessed for repeat violation. CDI- Facility to use quat sanitizer in three comp sink to sanitize in the meantime.
5-205.15; Core; Pipe under three comp sink was observed leaking onto the floor. This may be contributing to the unclean conditions under the sink. A plumbing system shall be maintained in good repair. Have sink repaired. No points taken today.
6-501.12; Core; The floor under the sink is wet and soiled. Floors shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to keep them clean. Clean floors
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources
Location: 518 E WILLIAMS ST APEX, NC 27502-2151 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 07/05/2022
Score: 98.5
4-302.13; Priority Foundation; Facility has an EcoLab hot water mechanical dishwasher. In hot water mechanical warewashing operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the utensil surface temperature. Highest temperature observed using inspector's DishTemp thermometer was 153F. A surface temperature of 160F or higher is needed. Obtain dish thermometer or thermolabels for future use and have EcoLab service this machine. CDI- Facility to use quat sanitizer in three comp sink to sanitize in the meantime. No points taken today
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Grease and food residue build-up on sides of frying equipment and heavy grease build-up on vents over frying station. Dusty fan cover in the walk-in. Sprayer nozzle at three comp sink is soiled. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Increase cleaning frequency. Full point taken for repeat violation on same items.
6-501.12; Core; The floors underneath and behind equipment are heavily soiled. FRP wall behind the three comp sink has black residue. Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Clean these areas.
Location: 518 E WILLIAMS ST APEX, NC 27502-2151 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 01/06/2022
Score: 97
2-501.11; Priority Foundation; Facility does not have a clean up procedure for vomiting and diarrheal events as required. PIC was given written information at the end of the inspection.
6-301.14; Core; Both hand wash sinks lacked proper signage. A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees. Signs were provided.
5-205.11; Priority Foundation; Bar area hand wash sink was being used to dump drinks and hang bottles of chemicals off the side. A handwashing sink may not be used for purposes other than handwashing. CDI- Chemicals were removed and employee was reminded of the use of hand wash sinks.
3-501.14; Priority; Cooked potatoes in a metal dish in the walk-in were not cooling fast enough to meet the requirements under this section. Cooked TCS (Time and Temperature Control for Safety Food) shall be cooled:
(1) Within 2 hours 135F to 70F; and
(2) Within a total of 6 hours from 135F to 41F or less.
CDI- Potatoes were moved to a shallower pan for faster cooling.
3-501.15; Cooked potatoes in the walk-in were stacked too deep for proper cooling. Cooling shall be accomplished in accordance with the time and temperature criteria specified under sec. 3 501.14 by using one or more of the following methods based on the type of food being cooled:
(1) Placing the food in shallow pans;
(2) Separating the FOOD into smaller or thinner portions;
(3) Using rapid cooling EQUIPMENT;
(4) Stirring the food in a container placed in an ice water bath;
(5) Using containers that facilitate heat transfer;
(6) Adding ice as an ingredient; or
(7) Other effective methods. Priority Foundation;
CDI- Advised PIC to change cooling practices
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Grease and food residue build-up under frying equipment and heavy grease build-up on vents over frying station. Nonfood contact surfaces of equipment shall be maintained clean. Increase cleaning frequency.
6-501.12; Core; Dust accumulation on fans of walk-in cooler. Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Increase cleaning frequency.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources
Location: 518 E WILLIAMS ST APEX, NC 27502-2151 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 02/08/2019
Score: 96.5
General Comments
Location: 518 E WILLIAMS ST APEX, NC 27502-2151 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 10/23/2018
Score: 96
General Comments
Educational note: Different persons in charge gave conflicting answers to how often bowls used to sauce wings are pulled to be washed, rinsed, sanitized. To clarify, these should be switched out to be washed, rinsed, sanitized at least every 4 hours. PIC indicated that walk in cooler will be replaced in the near future. Please ensure that this replacement is approved and inspected by Wake County Plan Review. If not already in contact with them, please contact Rebecca Robbins at 919-856-7419. Questions about regular inspections or this inspection may be directed to James Smith at 919-868-9246.