Location: 12800 Spruce Tree WAY RALEIGH, NC 27614 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 12/22/2023
Score: 98.5
3-302.11; Priority; Pans of raw fish found stored over ready to eat foods such as Jell-O in the walk in cooler. Arrange each type of FOOD in EQUIPMENT so that cross contamination of one type with another is prevented. CDI: PIC moved fish.
Location: 12800 Spruce Tree WAY RALEIGH, NC 27614 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 09/22/2023
Score: 98
4-501.112; Priority Foundation; High temperature dish machine found only reaching 146F. High temperature sanitizing machines shall reach 160F. CDI: PIC agreed to sanitize dishes in the three compartment sink until ecolab can get out to repair machine.
4-302.13; Priority Foundation; PIC did not have a device to measure hot water sanitizing temperature. In hot water mechanical WAREWASHING operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the UTENSIL surface temperature. EHS will return by 10/2 to ensure temperature measuring device has been received
Location: 12800 Spruce Tree WAY RALEIGH, NC 27614 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 06/21/2023
Score: 96.5
3-302.11; Priority; Raw chicken in ziplock bag stored in white freezer above bread. Food shall be stored according to final cook temperature. Chicken relocated. CDI
7-201.11; Priority; Chemical spray bottles stored in cabinet in waitstaff area next to single service items, plates, and above single service items. POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS shall be stored so they can not contaminate FOOD, EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, LINENS, and SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES. Chemicals relocated to bottom cabinet. CDI
3-501.15; Core; Recently made crab salad in bottom of prep table at 56F and covered with plastic wrap tightly. Food shall be cooled rapidly, in small portions and uncovered. PIC relocated food to walkin on a tray to cool faster. CDI
3-307.11; Core; Fingernail brush on drain board of prep sink while employee is portioning dressing into cups. Food shall be protected from sources of contamination. Brush relocated to hand sink.
4-903.11(A), (B) and (D); Core; Containers stacked together wet on clean dish rack and papers sitting on top in direct contact with clean dishes on clean dish rack. Clean parts that come in contact with food for the stand mixer stored in condiment boxes and in contact with the cardboard in the dry storage room. Clean equipment and dishes shall be stored in a clean, dry location and protected from contamination. Only clean dishes on rack and allow to air dry prior to stacking. Protect clean dishes.
4-205.10; Core; Domestic refrigerators in use. FOOD EQUIPMENT shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s intended use and certified or classified for sanitation by an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited certification program. PIC states that the on black domestic fridge is being removed tomorrow.
6-501.12; Core; Black residue on wall/caulk behind pre rinse sink for dish machine. PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. Clean more frequently and replace caulk as necessary.
6-202.11; Core; Light bulbs above clean dish rack not shielded or shatterproof. Light fixtures shall have shielded or shatterproof bulbs. Install shield.
General Comments
Lauren Harden 919-500-0943
NOE issued Remaining:4,10 (hole above prep table to R of walkin door),11,13.Make smooth and easily cleanable where the wall meets the ceiling: above clean dish rack closest to HVAC vent and above pre rinse sink,15, 16 (caulk gap at wall), 18,19,22,23,24
All items must be complete by 7/4/23 when the transitional permit expires. If items are not complete the facility would have to close and go through the plan review process submitting plans and spec sheets for equipment, and obtain a new permit before reopening. This can be a long a challenging process. Let me know if you have any questions about the remaining items to avoid not meeting the deadline.
Notes/email sent to kitchen manager, Richard. richard.neumeyer@atriaseniorliving.com Reinstall light fixture by tea area to meet lighting requirements.
Location: 12800 Spruce Tree WAY RALEIGH, NC 27614 Facility Type: Restaurant Inspection Date: 01/19/2023
Score: 94
2-102.12 (A); Core; No one present during inspection with an approved certification. The PERSON IN CHARGE shall be a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM. Obtain certification.
5-204.11; Priority Foundation; Observed employee in dry storage room pouring ingredients into floor mixer on rolling cart. A handwashing sink shall be located:
(A) To allow convenient use by employees in food preparation, food dispensing, and warewashing area. Manager states that the mixer will be rolled into the main kitchen where hand sink is located to use mixer. If a hand sink installation in this room is desired reach out to Lauren Harden prior to installation - during planning phase. CDI
4-601.11 (A); Priority Foundation; Dishes stored as clean stored in drawer with food debris on them. EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES and UTENSILS shall be clean to sight and touch. Items returned to dish area to be cleaned again. CDI
3-401.14; Priority Foundation; Chicken with grill lines and raw in the center at 50F in walkin fridge. PIC states that it was heated 45 minutes prior and will be cooked for lunch. Prior approval from department not obtained and no written procedures provided. Raw animal FOODS that are cooked using a NON-CONTINUOUS COOKING process shall be:
(A) Subject to an initial heating process that is no longer than sixty minutes in duration; P
(B) Immediately after initial heating, cooled according to the time and temperature parameters specified for cooked TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD under ¶ 3-501.14(A); P
(C) After cooling, held frozen or cold, as specified for TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD under ¶ 3-501.16(A)(2); P
(D) Prior to sale or service, cooked using a process that heats all parts of the FOOD to a temperature and for a time as specified under ¶¶3-401.11 (A)-(C); P
(E) Cooled according to the time and temperature parameters specified for cooked TIME /TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD under ¶ 3-501.14(A) if not either hot held as specified under ¶3-501.16(A), served immediately, or held using time as a public health control as specified under §3-501.19 after complete cooking; P and
(F) Prepared and stored according to written procedures that:
(1) Have obtained prior APPROVAL from the REGULATORY AUTHORITY; Pf
(2) Are maintained in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT and are 89 available to the REGULATORY AUTHORITY upon request; Pf
(3) Describe how the requirements specified under ¶ (A)-(E) of this Section are to be monitored and documented by the PERMIT HOLDER and the corrective actions to be taken if the requirements are not met; Pf
(4) Describe how the FOODS, after initial heating, but prior to complete cooking, are to be marked or otherwise identified as FOODS that must be cooked as specified under ¶ (D) of this section prior to being offered for sale or service; Pf and
(5) Describe how the FOODS, after initial heating but prior to cooking as specified under ¶(D) of this section, are to be separated from READY-TO-EAT FOODS as specified under. Food cooked to completion. Application sent to facility on parcooking if continuing this process is to be continued. Submit to Lauren.harden@wakegov.com for review and approval. CDI
3-501.16 (A)(2) and (B); Priority; Unopened carton of eggs and shell eggs sitting on counter near steam well in main kitchen and grill area both 74-75F. Food shall be 41F or less. Both items discarded. CDI
4-904.11; Core; Plates stored with food contact portion facing up on table in dining room and not under a sneeze guard. SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES and cleaned and SANITIZED UTENSILS shall be handled, displayed, and dispensed so that contamination of FOOD- and lip-contact surfaces is prevented. Invert tables or protect by other effective means.
4-903.11(A) and (C); Core; Togo boxes in kitchen stored with food contact portion facing up and plastic spoons stored in cup with mouth contact portion facing up. Single service articles shall be stored to protect from contamination and in clean, dry location. Store inverted and mouth portion down.
4-302.13; Priority Foundation; Facility lacking a temperature measuring device for the high temperature dish machine. In hot water mechanical WAREWASHING operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the UTENSIL surface temperature.
Obtain a water proof thermometer or irreversible test strips. At the end of the inspection, the kitchen manager had arrived and located the test strips for the dish machine temperature. CDI
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Reachin fridge gasket dirty. NonFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, FOOD residue, and other debris. Clean equipment.
6-305.11; Core; Employee jacket stored hanging on dry storage rack in storage room. Employee drinks with lids stored in beverage area in dining room with pitchers of drinks for residents. Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be provided for the orderly storage of EMPLOYEES' clothing and other possessions. Store employee items in designated area where not a source of contamination/on bottom shelf.
General Comments
Effective October 1, 2021, the North Carolina Food Code Manual was updated based on adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code, in accordance with the 15A NCAC 18A .2600 Rules. Please find the current North Carolina Food Code Manual at the following URL: https://www.wakegov.com/departments-government/environmental-health-safety/rules-and-resources Lauren Harden 919-500-0943