Repair water fountain spray nozzle that is loose on the drinking fountains adjacent to girl`s bathroom #2211.
Replace broken and missing seats on two student bathroom toilets. One toilet seat is missing in girl`s bathroom #3112 and the other toilet seat is missing in girl`s bathroom #1215. Repair toilets with broken/loose seats in girl`s bathroom #1419, (two toilets) and in girl`s bathroom #2211, (one toilet). Repair toilets that are leaking on the pipework in the following school bathrooms: in the health room bathroom #1307, in the last stall of girl`s bathroom #1419, (one toilet), and one leaking toilet in the end stall of boy`s bathroom #3211. Repair urinal that is leaking on pipework in boy`s bathroom #1213. Repair toilet that has poor water flow for flushing in the boy`s locker room bathroom in the first stall. Repair backed up and clogged toilets in the girl`s locker room bathroom, (one toilet), and in boy`s bathroom # 1004, (two toilets). Repair nonfunctional toilets in the following school locations: girl`s bathroom #3213, (one toilet), in girl`s bathroom #3112, (one toilet), in girl`s bathroom #1005, (one toilet), and in girl`s bathroom #1215, (one toilet). Replace broken toilet tissue dispenser in toilet stall in boy`s bathroom #1417. Repair broken door Lock latch on entry for staff bathroom # 2108.
Repair clogged hand wash sink drain in special need`s classroom #1426. Repair hand wash sink press valves that do not shut water flow off after being activated in the following student bathrooms: special need`s kitchen class bathroom #1431, (one faucet), girl`s bathroom #1419, (one faucet), boy`s bathroom #1417, (two faucets), girl`s bathroom #1114, (two faucets), in the boy`s locker room bathroom, (two faucets), and in the girl`s locker room bathroom, (one faucet).
Replace broken shower spray nozzle in handicap accessible shower stall in the girl's locker room.
General Comments
Annual school facility sanitation inspection completed.
Repair leaking toilets in the main office staff bathroom #1313 and in staff bathroom #3108. Repair clogged toilet in girls bathroom #1215.
Repair leak around sink faucet in the athletic program training room #1509.
Repair leaking water line above the cafeteria dining room ceiling and adjacent to room #1205. Reattach loose and missing auditorium stage edge fascia board. Reattach loose wall base tile in the main gym room #1501 and in the annex gym #1511. The loose wall base tiles in both gyms are adjacent to the exit doors leading to the track. Repair ceiling leak in science lab classroom #3221.
An upholstered car chair and play items including hula hoops were stored in the special needs class kitchen bathroom #1431. Bathrooms are unclean storage locations for classroom supplies and toys. The storage of these items in the class bathroom can be a means of transfer of disease pathogens including norovirus/stomach flu. Only items related to bathroom use should be kept in class restrooms. The storage of these class items in the student bathroom is also an impediment to the cleaning and repair of this facility. Please remove.