Location: 1025 Blue Ridge RD RALEIGH, NC 27607 Facility Type: Food Stand Inspection Date: 07/14/2023
Score: 99.5
3-306.11; Priority; Washed whole lemons, cups and lids are stored exposed to customers on the front counter. Sneeze-guard, shield should protect the line from the customer's mouth to the washed lemons. Discussed adding a shield.
4-601.11(B) and (C); Core; Walk-in cooler door has unclean build-up and fan covers inside the walk-in cooler are dusty. Maintain walk-in cooler clean.
General Comments
Cooling must be rapid. When pork is cooled, cool from 135F to 70F in 2 hours or less -and- from 70F to 41F in 4 more hours or less. If food takes longer than 6 hours to cool, discard it.